
Revolving Door

"Thank you for seeing me on such short notice, Hokage-san," Gombei said, returning the bow he was offered. "This mission that I wish to hire you for is of upmost importance."

"Important clients such as yourself are no inconvenience," Minato replied, sitting down at his chair. "We are eager to assist you in whatever matter you bring to us."

"To business, then," Gombei began, unlatching his suitcase and bringing out a photo. "This is a picture of a bridge, which connects the Land of Water to the Land of Fire. It was finished just last week. Were you aware of it?"

"I was aware of the bridge," Minato replied, taking the photo to examine it closely. "But I was under the impression that it was weeks if not months away from completion."

"Well, that's because it was," Gombei confirmed. "From what I was able to gather, a Shinobi by the name of Shimoda Daisuke was responsible for its completion. Do you know him?"

"Yes, I've heard of him," Minato nodded.

"He's become something of a…" Gombei stopped to find the right words. "Nuisance to Gato Company. However, from what information I've been able to glean, removing him would be an impossible task."

"That is putting it lightly," Minato agreed. "What is it you want to hire us for?"

"I am willing to pay six million ryo for the destruction of the bridge," Gombei offered, his glasses adopting a sheen in the sunlight. "If you can also find a way to deal with Shimoda, either by elimination, capture or some other means, I will triple the payment. But the bridge is the main priority."

"We will take this mission for you," Minato replied with a carefully schooled expression. "But I feel obligated to remind you that if Shimoda discovers that the bridge is destroyed, he will simply rebuild it."

Gombei grunted as he flipped open his briefcase, withdrawing a checkbook from inside and signing his name. "I am aware. The bridge's destruction is simply to buy time until our latest round of shipping is taken care of. After that, I intend on using the bridge to benefit the company."

The check was signed and handed to the Hokage.

"I have a pair of teams that I think would be perfect for this mission," Minato said, taking the check gently. "Now, if I may ask, what sort of nuisance has Shimoda become to Gato Company?"

Gombei simply leaned back, his face impassive. "Following his completion of the bridge, he took a scalpel to the company and began eliminating executives involved in less reputable trades. Entire arms of Gato Company have been severed and left to rot. As of two days ago, it has become my job to pick up the pieces."

"I had heard your father passed before your arrival," Minato said. "You have our condolences."

"Thank you, Hokage-san," Gombei said with a nod. "Now, if I may ask, who do you intend to send to take care of this matter?"

"One of my personal students, Hatake Kakashi," Minato said with just the barest hint of a smile. "He's grown quite infamous as Copy Ninja Kakashi. This mission will be in good hands."

"Alright, here's our stop," I said, letting the girl I had been carrying down from my shoulders.

She was the last victim of Gato's human trafficking that I was able to find, abducted from this village in the Land of Water by his thugs nearly six months ago.

"I-I'm home!" She shouted, bringing a smile to my face. "I'm really home! Thank you, Shinobi-sama, thankyouthankyouthankyou-"

"Don't mention it," I said kindly. "Before you head off to see if your parents are still here, you mind answering me a question?"

"Okay, sure," She said, snapping to attention. "What did you want to know?"

"How old are you?" I asked.

"Oh!" She looked surprised. "I'm twelve. I think. I might've turned thirteen, but I don't know if I've had my birthday yet."

Hm. "Okay, thank you, Sata-chan. Head on home."

She nodded rapidly and sprinted for the house ahead of us. "Mom! Dad!"

The door opened and her…yeah, those are her parents. It was a teary reunion, they were happy, it's all good.

With that, I just offered a wave and teleported back to the vault.

Getting people back home, or at least reuniting them with loved ones who would take care of them was the only truly fulfilling part of this entire exercise. I mean, sure the smugglers and traffickers had to die but, that was it. It had to be done, there wasn't any rush of excitement as I put them to impromptu firing squad.

Danjuro had a point.

I shouldn't try to become an executioner.

Jashin had a point, too.

I should learn Ninshū to inspire people to take responsibility for their situation.

That's a tick in the box for later.

…going back to fighting and being an executioner, the only person that could possibly make me take fighting seriously is the Kaiju. I miss the Kaiju. I want him to teleport down here to the valley of the end, rip the roof right off the vault and attack me.

But seriously, even he's a paper tiger. I can make a jutsu that'll make the atmosphere eject him from the planet at super sonic speeds, then he'd just be impotently bouncing off the top of the sky trying to get back down here.

Quest Updated: The Kaiju

The Kaiju's Health has been doubled (3).

The Kaiju is now immune to Ninjutsu.

The Kaiju is now immune to Genjutsu.

Oh, breaking out of the scroll must've knocked him down to almost dead again…wait.

That explains why he can't die.

In the RPG's that my game is inspired off of, you can't kill NPC's needed for quests. You just knock them down to one HP, they fall down, then get back up a few seconds later. The Kaiju's got that too, but he also gets more powerful every time he gets knocked down.

This whole quest is incompletable because the Kaiju is an Essential NPC.

…well, that's actually awesome. And he's not a paper tiger anymore! He can make me mortal, I can't jutsu him and his HP just gets higher and higher every time I take him down. He's perfect!

But really, I'm not letting him out of his space cage and going up there to fight him would be like poking a caged animal with a stick. Just…seems wrong.

So, then what do I do?

This whole 'change the world thing'…needs a plan. Sure, learn Ninshū, spread it everywhere. That's a plan, but it's the single most inefficient thing I could do. There's other, more efficient ways to do it, but I don't know what they are.

I need a new strategy.

There might be a way to use the Ninja Villages. Yeah, huge shocker coming from me. I admit, my refusal to work with them stemmed entirely from how angry I was about the whole system. Because I blamed them for my mistakes; mistakes that they wouldn't have been able to 'enable' if I wasn't making them in the first place.

Obviously, they won't go for my vision whole-sale, but the whole point of being a Ninja was looking underneath the underneath, as my old Sensei would say. There are ways to get them to agree to each individual step, pulling them further and further along until we've arrived where I want them – as centers for learning Jutsu instead of mercenary encampments. You know, slippery slope, shift the Overton Window, that sort of thing.

Besides, this whole revolution thing is going to take a while anyway, might as well use what resources I already have to make it faster and closer to painless.

The window of my office had a slight glare from the lights on the ceiling of my office. The atrium down below was bare, the only movement being the dust being kicked up from the ventilation blowing in fresh air from the outside.

I need to get out of this vault.

This place was good for a while, helping me out while I needed isolation, while I was trying to figure out who or what I was. But that's done now and…I want my friends. I want to see Naruto and Anko again. I want to see Kakashi, Ino, Hisako, Nichiren, all those guys.

Now that I've accepted what happened and who I've become, I want them back. Hopefully they'll take me back.

I mean, it's not out of the realm of possibility that Minato pardoned me because I resurrected him and his wife. There's a pretty good chance of that, actually. I can just pop over and ask and if it hasn't happened, then I can just leave. Not like they can do anything about it.

…man, what did I use to do?

When I hit max level and there wasn't any challenge left, what did I use to do? Besides start a new game and throw out all that hard work?

Well, I don't know. I guess that I just stopped trying with that character.

I still remember in Fallout 4, I had a level 106 character with maxxed out Endurance. He was a power armor, laser-rifle guy who, at the end of his career just started walking around in a red denim shirt and jeans because I just didn't care anymore.

The characters that got so high level that nothing challenged them anymore shifted focus from being about adrenaline-pumping gameplay to easy relaxation; building settlements and walking through raider camps as they impotently tried to kill me with their pathetic pipe-weapons.

My problem is that I keep try-harding on everything even when I don't need too.

I just gotta stop giving a crap.

That'll fix all of my problems!

Just live easy, do what I want. The worlds at my feet and I can change it how I like. I can do whatever I want, just taking everything so seriously not going to end well. So…relax.

At the opposite wall from my desk were armor stands. The first wore my ninja gear, my goggles, armored jacket, boots and gauntlets. The second wore the Edgelord Bleeding Razor 9000 armor, which was easily my best set of gear. The next wore nothing and its glass case showed only my reflection.

My blue jumpsuit and white lab coat. An outfit straight from Fallout. One I wore because it fit me; my defiance at what happened to me, my old-world blues coloring everything I saw and touched.

I needed something that would actually fit me. What's an outfit or style that I've always been fond of? I mean, I think I can get away with basically anything in the Elemental Nations, even Konoha.

…cowboy, space cowboy, pirate, MIB…nah. How about something more generically formal? I do like formal, after all.

White button-up shirt and tie, grey slacks stitched so I could still kick in them. The jacket matched the slacks, having more than enough give to still let me throw a punch. Get a belt, let the boots look like they match the outfit without compromising their integrity as combat-ready.

Okay, I'm dressed up again.

My blue jumpsuit and white coat took it's spot next to the Edgelord Bleedingrazor 9000.

Anything else?

Uh…well, my hair's a mess.

I really need to take better care of it, I've always loved my hair. Keep it short, trimmed and styled, there we go!

Last thing is my sidearm. My handgun.

This thing is an overdesigned mess.

Why does it have a healing beam? Why is it trying so hard to be the F2000 rifle in pistol form? Why is it still a revolver while trying to be an assault rifle in pistol form?

I never use the healing beam and the overcomplicated design actually hampers my draw-time. So, I'm going to mount this next to the Mark 1 design and just leave it here.

The first gun, which was a kunai that I had repurposed to turn into a hit-scan weapon, was mounted on a weapon rack next to the armors. I created a second one to fit beneath it and lifted my Mk2 weapon on it.

Third weapon iteration. What can I toss out from the first design?

The healing beam, the revolver design philosophy…and maybe the hilt? Nah, not the hilt. I really only need stun and kill as options, having any form of spinning cylinder is pointless when you can have a single, automatically reloading shot and a hilt, well, it could be streamlined.

It should be really comfortable to hold, fit to my grip perfectly. Then create the barrel, just a normal barrel stretching out front. On the back, where the hammer is supposed to be, I can have the switch for stun and kill. Firing mechanism, good. Just a really simple, streamlined weapon. Hilt, barrel, seals. That's it.

How to draw this?

Have a below-the-shoulder holster. I don't want this thing to be too easily drawn. It's just there if I absolutely want it.

Create the thing, write the seals, test it.

Point at the wall, start shooting. The wall itself erupted in what looked to be sparks with every shot until I was satisfied.


Fifteen shots a second isn't bad. How's the draw time?

Holstered the pistol beneath the shoulder, then pulled it out. I repeated the process and started nodding to myself. This feels good. I like this.

Is that all?

That is all.

I need to get out of this vault. Let it be just that – a vault. A time capsule, a memorial to my…emo phase. Yeah.

Because that's what it is.

Never thought a Vault would ever be described with the words 'Emo Phase' before. Horrific and Inhumane? Absolutely. Emo Phase? Nah, man.

Now, it's time to teleport to Konoha-no.

No, no, no.

We're taking it easy, remember? Going to enjoy life and all the sights and sounds that comes with this world.

So, I am going to walk there. It's going take roughly eight hours but that's okay. I don't get tired; I don't even need to eat or drink. I'm going to make myself enjoy the journey. It'll be like deciding to go without fast travel for a play session.

I walked out of my office, down the stairs into the atrium. Out the Atrium I went until I got to the elevator and it took me up. The doors opened and I found myself at the big one. The Vault door, the massive gear that would seal away this vault for time and eternity.

The button to open the big one was red, and all I had to do was press.

Am I sure I want to do this?

Yeah, I'm sure.

I pressed the button with my closed fist, and the hydraulics started to work. Steam hissed and the massive gear was pulled out of its spot and onto the track to the sound of screeching metal. It was spun out of the way and I walked out of the vault.

Pass through the solid stone wall and walk out from under the waterfall, perfectly dry thanks to the ghost jutsu.

Alrighty. Let's head back.

"This is going to be so cool!" Naruto gushed excitedly, smiling like the world just paved a road to his house in gold. "We're getting assigned a mission by Dad personally."

"Aren't you even a little nervous?" Sakura asked with a frown.

"Nope!" Naruto shook his head, his smile only getting bigger. "We can handle whatever this mission throws at us! Believe it!"

"Naruto, if you ever say that again, I'm ramming a fireball so far up your rectum that you'll be blowing smoke rings," Sasuke threatened with an irritated glare.

"Duck butt," Naruto sniffed.

"Idiot," Sasuke muttered.

"Look, we can't get cocky," Hisako cautioned. "If it's our two teams getting assigned a mission, it's because Daisuke's involved and if Daisuke's involved, we need to be ready for anything."

"Wait, you think so?" Naruto asked with wide eyes.

"I do," Hisako nodded.

"It's kind of obvious," Nichiren shrugged. "Why would the Hokage pick our two teams specifically for this mission if he wasn't involved? Cell 13's kind of above and beyond anything you guys have done yet."

"He's got a point," Sakura said.

"Yeah, well you're going to be dumb-struck when you see how much Cell 7 can do!" Naruto said, pointing his finger in Nichiren's face. "It'll wipe the glasses right off your face, Senpai!"

"I look forward to seeing it," Nichiren said diplomatically, gently pushing Naruto's finger down.

"Now kids," Kakashi said with an eye-smile. "Let's try to be on our best behavior for your grand-sensei, alright? I don't want him thinking I let my cute little Genin get unruly."

"Right, right," Naruto straightened up, let out a breath and calmed down.

Sakura looked at him like he had just came from a different planet. Well, when you want to look good for your Dad…

Kakashi put his erotica away in his flak jacket and knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The door was pushed open and sitting at his desk was Namikaze Minato, looking up from his paperwork with a smile. "Kakashi-san, I'm glad to see you doing well. How's Rin?"

"She's settling in, still," Kakashi replied, walking in and giving his Sensei a deep bow. "She's eager to get started on missions again so she can get her own place."

"Tomorrow, she'll be placed on light duty and training details," Minato assured. "She'll get the money she needs to move out, don't worry. How are the rest of you?"

Bows of respect and greetings were had. They were fine, and ready to get started.

"Good, good. So, as you have probably guessed," Minato started, gesturing for everyone to come to his desk, where a map had been spread out. "This mission has to do with Daisuke."

"Called it," Hisako muttered with a smirk.

"A week ago, Daisuke went to the Land of Water and finished constructing a large bridge connecting it to the Land of Fire," Minato explained, pointing to the bridge's location. "Our client is the current CEO of Gato Company, whose business has been nearly crippled by Daisuke's actions. This bridge stands as the final knife in their back and must be destroyed for them to survive."

"Why would Daisuke gut a company like that?" Sakura asked, looking at the map with interest.

"Probably doing bad things," Naruto replied with a nod.

"That's right," Minato nodded. "The CEO explained that these parts of the company were involved in less reputable trades. We don't judge, we just handle the work. Do you all understand?"

Everyone nodded.

"Now, your mission is to destroy the bridge, and it's an S-rank mission," Minato explained. "But if you can get Daisuke to return, the CEO has offered to triple our payment for the mission."

"He said to get Daisuke to return, Hokage-sama?" Hisako asked for clarification.

"Well, he doesn't actually care how we get rid of him, just so long as we do," Minato answered. "But if Daisuke doesn't show, or if he does and you can't convince him, remember that your job is the bridge's destruction only. The CEO understands that Daisuke will probably rebuild it, he just wants to buy time until they can get back on their feet following most of their management being sent to the Pure World."

"Got it," Naruto nodded.

"Any questions?" Minato asked.

"Why exactly does Gato Company need this bridge destroyed?" Nichiren asked.

"They have a stranglehold on naval imports," Minato replied. "This bridge renders their company irrelevant."

"I wonder how many people would be put out of work by this bridge," Nichiren mused with a raised eyebrow.

"None, if we have anything to say about it," Naruto said with self-assuredness.

"We'll take the mission," Kakashi nodded, accepting the mission brief he was offered. "Thank you, Sensei. We won't fail you."

"I know you won't," Minato said with a grin. "I trained you too well."

It was late afternoon by the time I actually reached the village gates. It wasn't sunset, but it was getting close to the golden hour. Ahead, I could see people milling around, getting ready to close for the day or head home.

Deep breath.

I walked forward and came to the checkpoint. "Hi."

"Hey," The guards were a pair of Chunin I hadn't met before. The first had thick, round glasses and a goatee, the second had his brown hair tied into a ponytail. "Identification."

I handed them my ID and Passport with a smile.

They looked at it, and I could see the moment when it clicked who I was when they both froze solid, like they had actually been subtly vibrating in their seats and now that they were still, it was a sharp contrast.

The first looked up at me and I gave him a smile. "Just checking back in. I'm still wanted, right?"

"N-no," The first said. "You were pardoned a couple days ago."

The second gulped.

"Neat," I replied. "By the way, did I get in the Bingo Book?"

"Y-yeah," The first answered.

"Do you still have an edition of the book?" I asked. "I've been curious."

"Here," The second handed me a book. "Page one-oh-one."

"Alright," I said, reading over my bingo book entry. No nickname, which is odd. I figured the moniker 'Second Professor' would get in there, but whatever. When I got to the part about not referring to my age, I started cracking up. "Do not call a child. Wow, that actually made it in the book! That's hilarious."

Guard one and Guard two looked at each other out the corner of their eyes then back at me.

"Have the new editions of the Bingo Book been issued yet?" I asked, pointing to the book. "Because I want to keep this one."

"No, they haven't yet," Guard two said. "But you can keep that one if you like."

"Nah," I said, placing the book on the counter in front of them. "I'll ask the Hokage when I see him. If you don't mind me asking, are Cells 7, 10 or 13 still in the village?"

"Seven and Thirteen both left on a mission earlier today," Guard One replied. "I don't know, did Ten come back from their mission yet?"

"Nope," Guard Two answered.

"Ah, well. I'll see them later, I guess," I replied with a disappointed shrug. "What about my old partner, Mitarashi Anko?"

"She hasn't left, I don't think," Guard Two answered, looking at Guard One, who nodded.

Anko's here, good. I'm going to go see her once I've got my living situation figured out. "By the way, could you guys do me a favor?"

"Sure?" Guard One seemed uneasy.

"Could you keep me being back on the down-low?" I asked. "I'd like to reintroduce myself slowly. Please."

"Uh, sure," Guard Two replied. "Just, you know, make sure the Hokage knows you're here."

"That's where I'm headed," I said with a wave. "Thanks guys, have a good shift."

I turned invisible as I walked off, leaving them staring at where I was in nervous fright.

Konoha looked different in a weird way. Was that sign always there? Those cables seem more, I don't know, present than before. I didn't realize how well the paint of the buildings all match together until now. Hey, there's squirrels running around on top of the buildings!

Turned to the side as a courier ran past me, move in a half-circle around an elderly couple holding hands and smiling at each other. Hurriedly skip past the kids playing Ninja with cardboard shuriken. Walk up to the Academy gates.

You know, the Academy itself is actually a really pretty building to look at. I like the way the trees seem to compliment the curves and corners of the building to almost make it look like it's a part of the forest.

…having a new perspective really changes everything. I'm surprised.

I hopped over the gates and headed for the door, slipping in as a Chunin Instructor and a student, who looked like a normal twelve-year old instead of those bizarrely under-developed - actually, wait a second.

Does chakra accelerate the growth of a person?

Starting to think it might.

I mean, Kakashi was fighting at age six, the civilian kids looked three to four years younger than they actually were, the marrying age in a hidden village is fourteen, twelve if you have a bloodline, as opposed to the rest of the Land of Fire's sixteen.


Hold on, at my current rate of growth, my current height of five foot two and my maximum height of five foot eleven, the muscle mass I've gained and…wait. That can't be right. Can it?

By my calculations, I'm going to have an adult body and mind when I'm fifteen. Not a fully mature one, like just past cusp of adulthood.

But if that's true, why did people keep calling me a child beside my apparent immaturity – I just answered my own question.

I am so dumb.

Well, okay then!

I'm almost an adult, so all that hand-wringing and stuff about age was significantly less important than I thought it was. Good to know! Just one more growth spurt that'll hit when I'm fourteen and I'll hit adulthood.

…that feels weird.

I mean, technically, Genin are adults already by law, so…it makes sense. Plus, it kind of explains a lot of the eccentricity as development wonks from the accelerated aging.

Oh, I'm almost to the Hokage's office. Time to decloak.

The Hokage's secretary was the same woman from all those months ago, likely trained ANBU, capable of killing almost anyone in the elemental nations. I walked up to her. "Hi, I'd like to see the Hokage."

"The Hokage is in a meeting right now with the Third, I'm afraid-" She froze, slowly looking up from her paperwork. Her skin started turning paler than a snowflake and her hands started trembling. "Sh-Shimoda-sama."

Again, with the Sama. That's never going to stop being weird.

Wait, she shouldn't be that scared, unless…oh, wait. I recognize her chakra signature. She's one of the Anbu I kicked around during my temper tantrum. That's a shame.

"Hi. I'm just here to see the Hokage and Third." I tried to calm her down with a smile. "Not going to do anything violent this time, promise."

"But the Hokage is in an important meeting," She said, trying to school her panic and failing, but just barely. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you to wait."

"He'll make time for the guy who brought him back," I answered, firmly but still smiling. "Besides, I need to speak to the Old Man anyway. So I'll head on up, you can tell them you tried to stop me."

"I can't let you through," The Secretary found her nerve and grabbed my arm to stop me.

My smile turned to a small frown and I slowly turned to look at her. "As much as I like fighting, I would rather we not do anything violent on my first day back. It would set a poor first impression. So, if you could let me go? Unless you are dead set on trying to stop me."

I looked into her eyes that entire sentence, and it worked. She let go and I was free to walk up the stairs.

The door to the Hokage's office was just sitting here at the top, and I knocked softly on the door.

"Come in!" Minato's voice was friendly.

I turned the knob.

There Minato was, sitting down at his desk. Directly across from him was Hiruzen, who looked odd in his black Ninja armor. Frailer, almost. His helmet was on the desk. Minato didn't recognize me in my new clothes, but he came around in a few moments. Hiruzen, however, recognized me immediately and his whole body got tense.

I walked forward. "Minato, good to see that you're settling in okay."

"Good to see you again, Shimoda-sama," Minato said.

The only reason them calling me Sama makes sense is because I brought them back.

I looked right into Hiruzen's eyes, and he was starting to panic. So, let's set him at ease. "I made some bad calls."

That stopped him short. "What?"

"I made some bad calls," I repeated, taking a breath. "I should have given you a chance to come clean in front of the village about Orochimaru and the Uchiha massacre. I should have tried to talk with you to find a compromise about when to tell Naruto about his parentage and his tenant. I should not have lost my temper when you pointed out how immature I was being about the whole thing. I made some bad calls. And I apologize."

Hiruzen was dumbstruck, which made me have to fight a smile from growing across my face.

Eventually, he found his voice. "I've made more than my share of mistakes as well, particularly with you. And I am sorry. But if we can, I'd like to put the past behind us."

"I can do that," I replied.

Normally, I'd be screaming at Minato for miscarriage of justice. But right now, I recognize that change has to happen slowly and that Hiruzen was at least partially senile. Besides, I am an advocate for due process, and due process let Hiruzen off with a warning. Besides, he did seek out and kill Danzo on his own, which earns more than a few redemption points in my book.

Now, I just got to work on fixing the damage of his mistakes.

"So, does this mean that you're coming back to Konoha?" Minato asked cautiously.

"Yeah, just as long as I don't have to do missions," I replied with a shrug. "However, I feel about them aside, they'd just be a boring chore now. I'll find other ways to pay my taxes."

"Well, the mission desk will always be here if you need a distraction from whatever you're doing with your daily life," Minato pointed out.

"Eh, we'll see," I said with a wishy-washy motion. "Right now, I just need to figure out my living situation, then I want to see Anko."

"Why Anko?" Hiruzen asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I miss my partner," I admitted with a look out the window. "Working with her was some of the best fun I've had in years, just didn't realize it until now."

"Well, we can give her some paid vacation days," Minato offered. "Give the two of you some time to catch up."

"You'd do that?" I asked with surprise.

"Absolutely," Minato nodded. "Naruto's on a mission or I'd have you got talk to him first."

He got sent to the Land of Water. I know it. I am not bringing up the bridge because if it's the bridge, that could make things complicated. Best to just leave it as ambiguous and they can tell me afterwards so I can go rebuild it quick.

…actually, if Gombei's CEO, and if he's not too cross with me killing his Dad, I might be able to work with the guy. I wonder what he'd think of being able to ship things by air?

"Just leave it as a surprise, if you don't mind," I told Minato. "Now I just need to fix my living situation."

"Well-" Minato began, but was cut off when the door flew open.

"Shimoda-sama!" I turned and there was Kushina looking desperate as she ran forward. Then she bowed straight into a kowtow at my feet. "Shimoda-sama, please. I need your help! I need you to bring back…"

"Well, first I need you to stand," I interrupted with a smirk. "I'm flattered, but I really prefer talking with people when they're standing."

"Oh," Kushina slowly stood up. "Listen, I need you to bring back my best friend. Please. Her name was Uchiha Mikoto and she had a husband; Fugaku."

"Wait, I can bring back the Uchiha, can't I?" I said with a glance upward and a smile. "I should've thought of that sooner. I don't think we should do it in the Hokage's office, though."

"Let's go to the Uchiha compound," Minato suggested, standing up with a folder in his hand. "I have a directory of the victims right here."

"I would like to see this as well," Hiruzen said, getting to his feet. "Please. The Massacre…one of my greatest regrets."

"I've got a Flying Thunder God seal over there," I said, connecting everyone via chakra-string. "So, we're teleporting. I'd like to keep my return on the down low for right now, if that's alright with everyone?"

Nods from everyone.

The next moment, we were standing in the Uchiha compound. Well, in the closest thing to a town square that it had. The fountain had water running through it, but the windows and homes were empty.

Kushina and Minato looked uncomfortable. Not too long ago, to them, was this compound filled with people. Filled with friends. Now there is no one left.

The place almost looked like a ghost town. Well maintained, I guess, just cobwebs and bare of all life.

"Alright, what was her name?" I asked.

"Uchiha Mikoto," Kushina repeated. "Please…if you can, and if she says yes."

"You got it," I said.

Resurrection Technique: A Simple Choice.


That's a yes.

"Here she comes," I said, the flash of white light signaling her soul returning to the land of the living and joining with a new body.

Uchiha Mikoto was a beautiful woman. Black hair, dark eyes, perfect skin, good body. Not going to lie, was impressed. She came back to us in the usual white kimono that I gave everyone and gasped her first breath of air.

"Wait, what happened? Where's Fugaku? Itachi? I…" Her eyes locked right onto Kushina and her eyes almost looked like they were going to pop out of their sockets. "Kushina?"

"Mikoto, it's me," Kushina said, a hand on her chest. She pulled Minato along with her. "And my husband. We're back…and so are you."

"Kai!" Mikoto called, the rush of chakra needed to dispel the Genjutsu coming out as her Sharingan activated. But she froze as it was revealed to her that no, this was not a Genjutsu and yes, Kushina was still alive. "…Kushina. Hokage-sama…how?"

"Shimoda-sama brought us back," Kushina said, gesturing to me.

"Shimoda Daisuke, nice to meet you," I greeted with a smile and a friendly wave.

"But, but," Mikoto shook her head in bewilderment. "Itachi was ordered to…"

"What Itachi was ordered to do was not sanctioned by me," Hiruzen said harshly. "The traitor who gave Itachi his illegal order has been dealt with."

"Oh," Mikoto seemed taken aback. "But there was a coup…"

"And those who were trying to put down Konoha's leadership have been dealt with," Hiruzen pointed out bluntly. "We have the opportunity to restore the innocent to life and we are using it."

"Consider the Uchiha pardoned overall," Minato said brightly. "After today, I'll be removing most of the sanctions that were placed on your clan following the Kyuubi attack."

"Th-thank you, Hokage-sama," Mikoto gave him a very respectful kowtow. "You have my gratitude."

…lots of kowtows going around, lately.

"Your husband's name was Fugaku?" I asked.

"Yes!" Mikoto sat up to nod vigorously. "Please, if you can."

"I only have one rule when it comes to this," I said, starting the technique. "If they say no, they aren't coming back."

Resurrection Technique: A Simple Choice.



"He said no," I said, releasing the technique. "Sorry."

"He said no," Mikoto repeated. Tears started to fall down her cheeks. "He said no. Try again."

I shrugged. "Okay."

"Still no."

"Fugaku!" Mikoto shouted in anger. "For the sake of our children, please come back!"

My third attempt had something unusual happen.

A purple hand reached through the portal and grabbed me and out came the head of the Shinigami. "Shimoda. What are you doing?"

"Pestering a soul to make absolutely sure he doesn't want to come back," I replied flatly.

"Why?" Shinigami asked with a glare, turning to look at the assorted congregation. Minato had turned white as a ghost. Kushina couldn't stop shaking. Hiruzen had stopped breathing and Mikoto had frozen to the spot. "Oh, I see. I'm sorry, Uchiha-chan, but your husband's word is final."

With that, he disappeared back into the portal.

"New rule, they only get one chance," I said with a finger up in the air. "I'm sorry, Uchiha-san."

With the Shinigami's departure, everyone else went back to normal. Mikoto was sobbing uncontrollably into Kushina's embrace. "P-please tell me that Itachi at least took care of Sasuke. Please tell me they're okay."

"They're alive," I said trying to be matter-of-fact, but sympathetic. "But…it's a story for later. Alright?"

"Do I even want to know?" Mikoto asked hollowly.

"No," I shook my head. "Now, let's go through the rest of the clan, shall we?"

Minato handed me the list of names and I got started.










Uchiha Izumi said yes.

Izumi gasped for breath, shaking the brown hair off from around her shoulders. She was breathing heavily, looking around. "Wait, where's…where's Itachi?"

"He's not here," Mikoto, who had calmed down but whose eyes were still red and puffy. "He…we have been dead, Izumi."

"We were," Izumi shook her head, grabbing it to hold onto herself. "I remember. Itachi…we had a life together…we…then it was a Genjutsu."

Yikes. Talk about sweeping the rug out from under someone.

"How did I come back?" Izumi asked.

"Shimoda-sama has been trying to bring back the clan," Mikoto sniffed, pointing to me. "So far, you are the first to say yes. Aside from me."

"Nice to meet you," I said with a smile.

"Thank you," Izumi went into a kowtow. "Thank you so much for bringing me back. Now Itachi and I…we can have our life together for real."

Would not bet on that, but I've seen weirder happen.

"Mind heading over there, now?" I asked, gesturing to the crowd. "I got a lot of names to go through still."

"Of course, Shimoda-sama," She said, standing and moving quickly.

"Alright. Uchiha…"








"Uchiha Shisui?"



Bam, here he was. Lord of Body-Flicker, the legend himself, stood in front of me in a white Kimono. He gasped for air and looked around.

"Wait, I can see?" He asked in confusion, his Sharingan activating…then it turning into the Mangekyo, something I had actually almost forgot existed. Huh. "Who, how…wait. Hokage-sama?"

He was looking directly at Minato.

"Hello, Uchiha-san," Minato said with a wave. "There is very little time to explain, but suffice it to say for now that we've gained the opportunity to reverse death, and so we're using it to correct some wrongs."

"But," Shisui shook his head. "Hokage-sama, there was a coup."

"But not everyone in the clan was involved in it," Minato replied kindly. "Besides, it appears that many of your clansmen do not wish to return. You may consider the Uchiha clan pardoned."

"Yes, Hokage-sama," Shisui said with a deep bow. "Now if I may ask, how are you bringing us back?"

"Shimoda-sama has graciously allowed to let us use his talents for this purpose," Minato replied, pointing to me.

"Shimoda Daisuke, nice to meet you," I said with a smile. "Now if you'd mind? I've still got a lot of people to go through."

"I understand," Shisui said, moving to get with the rest of the group.

"Alright," I rolled my shoulders out of habit to relief stiffness that wasn't there. "Uchiha…"











Man, this sucks.






By the time we had gone through all of the names of the Uchiha, the families that Itachi sent to the grave, the children whose lives he had unmercifully cut short, the men, women and children that were butchered, we only had ten takers.


I mean, the world had some Uchiha running around that weren't psychotic idiots. Like Tobi. Or Itachi.

"Well, everyone, allow me to formally welcome you back to the world of the living," Minato spread his arms wide. "Thank you, all of you, for leaving the paradise of the Pure World to return to us. Tomorrow, I will be lifting the sanctions placed on your clan. Tonight, I want you all to rest, try to relax and know that the village stands with you."

"Alright, if that's it," I said, looking up at the sky. The sunlight was dimming across the mountains in the distance. "I need to figure out my living situation."

"Shimoda-sama," Mikoto said, bowing low. "If you need a place to stay, allow me to speak for all Uchiha when we say that you are welcome to stay with us. We would be honored to have you."

"I appreciate the offer," I replied with a grateful smile. I was touched, really. "But I'm not sure that'll be necessary."

"Shimoda," Hiruzen began. "I recall provisioning some land to construct a clan-compound for you once you decided to settle down for a family. I believe it's still in your name, we just haven't built anything on it yet. If that's not a concern for you…"

"I can have something built in minutes," I said with a grin. "Just show me where the land is."

"Are you sure you aren't tired?" Mikoto asked. "You can start building tomorrow."

"Pfft." I scoffed, my grin just getting wider. "Sleep is for the weak."

"He doesn't need to sleep," Hiruzen told them matter-of-factly. "He just wants somewhere to live just because."

"I could go full-on transient and I'd be nothing short of completely fine," I added.

"A-are you sure?" Mikoto looked taken aback yet again.

"Completely," I said, turning to give her a reassuring look. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. But thank you for the offer."

"The grounds provisioned for you are fairly close by," Minato said, drawing out a map of Konoha. "Some old buildings recently knocked down and cleared because they weren't being used."

"Huh, I'm next door neighbors with the Uchiha," I said, looking at it with a curious expression. "I didn't take any space from them, did I?"

"We don't mind!" One of the Uchiha called.

"But I mind!" I argued back, more than a little concerned. Me bringing them back was a gift, I didn't need repayment.

"No, no," Minato reassured. "We didn't knock anything out of the Uchiha compound out of respect. You think you can find your way?"

I took the map. "Easy. See you all tomorrow!"

Then I turned invisible and flew upward. I saw the spot of Konoha that was cleared out, it being right where the map said it was, and it was pretty big. So, I flew over and with Solid Release, constructed my…hovel. Really, that's what it was. Just a small, single bedroom house to get built up and expanded on at a later date.

For now, I just needed a few things. A window, a fireplace, a chimney, a desk and a bed.

I jumped on the bed with a smile.

You know, I think it's good to be back. Be a lot easier to figure out how to get the Land of Fire to the future working with Konoha, not against her.

Tomorrow, though? I'm going to see Anko.

Quest Completed: The Voyage Home.

Completed: (Optional: Stay in the Elemental Nations.)

You know, you didn't really give me much choice, game.

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts