
Premature Endings


My Thursdays have officially turned into a circus.

Ichiraku's ramen stand was more crowded than it had ever been. With me, Hisako and Nichiren the entire rookie nine (including Naruto!) and various handlers that each of them had brought. The fact that not all of them could fit in the stand was actually pretty funny.

I think Hisako shared my amusement, because (and I could be wrong), but she looked ready to burst out into laughter at any second, in sharp contrast to Ino, who was rapidly drumming her fingers on the counter and looking around the stand with wide eyes and she had burst out into a cold sweat.

Wait, that's a sign she's frightened by something. Why would she be frightened? There's not a Genjutsu going on that I can see, so…curse you, 4 charisma.

Ayame was staring blankly at the crowd over the counter. Teuchi came out from the back and upon seeing the crowd, his eyes went wide. Then his eyes narrowed and he brought his hands together and popped his knuckles in a manner that even I understood: Challenge Accepted. "Attention! I will now be taking your orders!"

The various conversations that had been going on around me had mercifully stopped at the sound of Teuchi's booming voice. Thank goodness, the commotion was actually giving me a headache.

"Can I get a bowl of Miso-Pork Ramen?" Naruto called eagerly, actually looking happy for the first time since he had arrived.

"Certainly!" Teuchi replied with a smile, tapping Ayame on the shoulder to get her started. "Anything else?"

"Nope, that's it for right now!" Naruto was still smiling.

I wish I was next to him right now. I need that ten-charisma barrier between me and the social barbarians.

"May I get the Ahiru special?" Sasuke had risen his hand. Huh, I didn't think he'd be right after Naruto. Maybe he just wants to be served now instead of waiting for an hour for Teuchi to get through everyone? Actually, yeah. That's probably it.

Then deafening silence.

I looked to the left. Hisako motioned me to order.

"I've already eaten," I said, flicking the empty bowl in front of me. "Not hungry right now."

That started it off. Ino and Hisako turned this into a competition, trying to order at the same time, their orders 'duck' and 'pork' were almost incomprehensible due to them being given at the same time. But I think Teuchi understood them anyway, given by the note he wrote.

Then everyone started giving their orders then going back into their random, whispered conversations and I just wanted to port back to my vault and bang my head on the wall until Kakashi gave us a mission again.

…what is he waiting for? We've basically been sitting idle in the village for weeks after I've been brought back onto missions. But…nothing. Nope. Zero. I've been trying to make my life not about EXP. That's part of why I even kept up this book-club thing even though it's started to become a circus. A three-ring circus with people trying to do…something? With me? Be better friends but not necessarily because they actually want to be friends?

The frustrating thing is that if I wasn't in the position of Player 1, had never become a gamer, I would completely understand it. Days like this, I wish I had never died.

Stupid truck with its stupid driver.

…I mean, most days I wish I hadn't died but you know. Today it's especially painful because I've got this horrendous headache.

Ramen was being served, Ino and Hisako had actually started talking about the book for this week. I had well and truly tuned out everyone at this point, adopting full statue as I slipped further and further into the recesses of my own head.

You know, so many things in my life have become complete disappointments in one way or another. Built to be a murder machine? I have to talk to people to get quests. Make any jutsu I want? Can't bring myself to learn how to actually use them in combat. Even flying is sort of disappointing. Flying. Something man has dreamed of doing since the stone age. But now I can do it and there's nothing up in the sky besides birds and clouds.

Almost makes me wish that I had gotten a Dragon summon instead of Penguin or something. Something that can actually fly and I can, I don't know, share it. Or at least have something interesting up there because right now, when I fly up high in the sky, I look down and think 'all of the interesting stuff is on the ground'.

Never thought I'd be bored of flying. Wish I could go back to that time when I wanted instead of had.

You know, now that I think about it, I wonder if Jutsu can be used to travel forward or backward in time. I'd need an extensive seal array, obviously, but I wonder if I can fit it all in, say, a car. A DeLorean, perhaps. Owning one of those would've been cool.

Go back in time, back when I lived a normal life…except I'd still be a gamer under the gaming system and without Almost Perfect, I'd be a statue. Just about the same appearance, just closer to marble than flesh until Almost Perfect. I mean, I did keep my old appearance at Character Creation.

"Daisuke?" Hisako asked.

"Hm?" I asked, looking at her. "I'm sorry, what'd you say?"

"We were just wondering-" Her expression went from 'suppressed annoyance' to surprise. "Oh! Hello, Hokage-sama."

I turned and there he was. Hiruzen, who I believe might just be my ticket out of this, standing just past the entrance flaps. Everyone in the stand was staring at him. I had the odd picture of a kid getting caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

"Hello, Yamada-chan," Hiruzen gave her a kindly smile. "Shimoda-kun, good to see you're doing alright."

"Good to see you too," I replied. "Hokage-sama."

"So, what's the gathering for?" He asked, looking over everyone with a neutral expression.

"A book club, at first," I answered him with a frown. "Now it's kind of a circus."

"What makes you say that?" Hiruzen asked with a kinder smile.

"Well, it's weird," I said. "This originally started as a club between me, Hisako, Nichiren, Ino and Sakura. This week, everyone showed up at…various times throughout the meeting and everyone had read the same book and everyone wanted to talk about it…even Naruto, who I know hates reading."

"I just wanted to show some support is all," Naruto said sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head.

"I was just spending time with Naruto," Hinata actually spoke up, which surprised me. "And Sasuke. They thought it might be a good idea to attend."

"Thanks Naruto," I said empathetically. "I think this might be our last meeting, though. I didn't mean to cause a ruckus."

"Oh, I think it's a good thing that you were trying to expand your social network," Hiruzen started, causing me to feel a level of dread that I hadn't felt in…ever. "But yes, I do believe taking a break might be wise."

Thank goodness.

"Cool," I replied with a nod. "In that case, see you all later!"


Just like that I was in the vault.

Silence. The cold air of the inside of this cavern of the Valley of the end. The wooden floor beneath my feet as hard as steel.

I took off my gloves and ran my bare fingers through my hair. It's time like this that I feel like a completely pathetic individual because I can't handle crowds. Just…blegh. Crowded city streets where I can get lost in a crowd are one thing. A meeting in an enclosed area with a lot of people I am at least semi-familiar with? Not so much.

…just realized that this is the first time since I bought my gauntlets that I've taken them off. Huh. It's kind of nice, in a way. I just need to make sure I don't forget them before I leave.

Need to figure out a way to actually get my counters to feel like metal. For that extra authenticity, since I can't actually make metal with jutsu. I'd have to do things the hard way if I wanted to do that…

…wait, I think I figured out a new way to spend my time.

"That sucks," Anko frowned, moving her shogi piece along the board. "But that's politics, am I right?"

"Yeah," I replied sullenly, moving my own piece forward.

"Ah, cheer up," Anko told me, patting me on the shoulder. "Think of it this way! The Hokage came in, saw what happened and now he's going to chew them all out about not leaving you alone like he wanted."

"I don't like getting people chewed out, though," I said with a deep frown. "I swear, my life was a lot easier before I became famous."

"Before you saved every clan's heirs at once?" Anko replied, raising an eyebrow. "I can imagine, but I think you're the only person in Konoha who'd complain about getting too much of the right kind of attention from the clans."

"Probably," I agreed with a shrug. "But I've never actually wanted to be famous in Konoha. I just wanted to do missions, kill things, and live life the way I had intended. Well, that was before…certain things."

Danjuro said 'don't live your life for exp'. The trouble I'm having is that while I want more friends, the people I can think of for 'more friends' aren't interested in being my friend solely to be my friend. I mean, Naruto, Hisako, Nichiren and maybe Ino, Sasuke and Sakura all fit that bill, but everyone else? Well, there's a reason I built a vault.

Anko hummed, raising her finger to her lips in thought. She was looking much better in the four weeks or so since I pulled that seal off. She had color in her skin, she was off oxygen way sooner than I would've thought possible and she almost looked recovered. Almost. Doubt she'll be able to walk any time soon, though. "Well, when you hit Chunin, you'll be able to do that. When's the next exam?"

"I think in about…three weeks or so," I replied. "That's when we need to leave, anyway. I don't know if Kakashi-sensei has entered us, though."

"He'd be insane not too," Anko said, rolling her shoulders. "Anyway, I got to use the bathroom."

Wait, she's getting up.


She got up and grabbed the IV and pulled it behind her.

If this were a fanfic, that hospital gown wouldn't be tied on tightly enough and it'd be a little short. But this is real life and the doctors here aren't pervs. Or stupid. Kind of happy about that.

Never mind that, though she's walking.


I…mind blown! I don't understand! I mean, I guess it's possible to recover that quickly but the odds against it were one hundred to one. Okay, she's a little slow on the walk but still! She's walking! Unassisted!

She entered the bathroom built just inside her room and shut the door.

Well. Cool.

So, about the Chunin exams. Could that be why Kakashi hasn't put any of us on missions? He's vetting us and trying to make sure we're all ready. I mean, I know I'm ready so maybe not vet me but Nichiren and Hisako definitely.

Then again, they did think I was suicidal not too long ago so maybe they're trying to figure out how I handle long periods of inactivity? That might be it, which stinks because it means I need to keep trying to be a model shinobi. At least until I'm Chunin, can just spam missions until level 30 and then take my new social awareness wherever I feel.

I sighed and looked at the game board. Shogi only made me miss Chess. I never got a chance to play chess all that often but I did enjoy the game.

…wait a minute, she can move her Kei-ma to put my O-sho in check next turn. I'm confused as to how I didn't see that. Was she trying to keep me distracted by way of conversation? Okay, well if she does that, then I'll just…yeah then…okay then she'll do that and…

The door opened and she came back around and got back into bed. "Hey, did I mention the doctors have almost cleared me for release?"

"No, you didn't," I replied. "How?"

"How what?" She asked.

"How are you already being considered for release?" I elaborated. "And while we're on that subject, how are you even walking?"

"Pure. Determination," Anko said through a smile with grit teeth.

"Bull," I objected immediately.

"No, it's nooooot," She replied with a sing-song voice. "I'm walking around like it's nothing."

"Bull," I said again.

"Well okay, maybe it is a little tiring to walk around," Anko admitted with a shady glance to the side. "But I'm walking! And you're acting like the doctors did when I they saw me walking around – flabbergasted expression and all."

"Bull," I continued to object. "I don't emote."

She reached forward and turned my head to face the mirror on the side of the wall. The only thing stopping me from breaking that arm was that she was a Konoha shinobi and she's on her hospital bed recovering, no matter what she said. "See? Same expression."

"Huh," I didn't really look in the mirror too often to be honest. "Weird. I have an expression."

"Pft," Anko started chuckling again. "I like you, ki-er, Daisuke."

"Thanks?" I replied, turning to face her.

"So, Daisuke," Anko began. "You've been a huge help to me, removing the seal and coming to visit me every week. And after I'm released, I'm going to start training right away-"

"Don't do that, wait a week," I replied immediately. "Actually two. Or Three. Three would be good."

"I'm not sitting on my hands doing nothing when I could be getting back to fighting shape as fast as possible," Anko folded her arms and glared at me. "What's the matter, you're acting like I'll tear like tissue paper or something."

"If you overstrain yourself, you will," I nodded. "Well, not tear like tissue paper, but you could do more damage and extend your recovery time and end up back in the hospital."

"I know that," Anko frowned. "That's why I wanted to ask you if you wanted to keep helping me out, since you're so smart."

"Help you how?" I blinked.

"By helping me train," Anko explained. "You know be there, be my sparring partner and make sure I don't kill myself throwing a punch or whatever."

She wants me to be her minder until she's fully healthy? Uh…alright. Not like I'm doing anything else for a while.

"Sure, I can do that," I shrugged.

She smiled. "Thanks, Daisuke."

"When did you want to meet up?"

"Thursday, same time," Anko replied with a nod.

Quest Accepted: Sparring Partners: Anko.

Meet up with Anko on Thursday at 3:32pm.

(Optional): Don't let her overexert herself once.

Well, at least I get some-no! No, no, no. I'm not doing this for EXP. I'm doing this to help out a friend. That's it. Not doing this because I'll be closer finally be completely socially conscious, for better or worse, that there won't be any orders or personal anxieties to stop me from actually getting it.

You know, I could've gotten a charisma boost before getting ordered not to. Just too pathetic and scared of actually connecting with the people around me or something.

"Alright, that works," I replied.

"Thanks Daisuke," She said before moving her piece forward.

Wait, that's not her Kei-ma. And my O-sho is not in check.


…is she not taking this game seriously?

"I've recommended the three of you for the chunin exams," Kakashi told us, his eye as piercing as it's ever been. "The Hokage and I think all three of you are ready for it and the only thing for you to do is sign up."

We were standing in training ground 3. The sun was shining through the tree leaves. Everything felt peaceful since there wasn't anyone training or throwing jutsu around right now. A soft breeze floated drifted over the grass and across my face.

"Really?" Hisako sounded happy, bringing both of her hands together with wide eyes and a bright smile.

"Really," Kakashi eye-smiled and nodded.

"Yes!" She fist pumped.

"Ookay," Nichiren said with a breath. "Yeah, I think we're ready."

I was in complete agreement. Having some actual autonomy with when I go on missions and where I go and how long I'm gone is going to be a huge breath of fresh air. Finally, I can go see the world without having to sneak out.

Not that sneaking out is an issue, I'm pretty good at it, but I don't like having to hide what I'm doing from people. I like it being very clear 'I am going here. I am doing this. And you have no objection to this.'

…the syringes I pilfered from Orochimaru being the sole exception and that is entirely out of necessity. I can't have those confiscated from me. I won't. Any attempt at taking those from me will result in a fight, one that I don't think Kakashi or Hiruzen are ready for.

And while I'm currently entertaining delusions of grandeur, I'd like the ability to time travel. Don't think I'm high enough level for either of those things to be a possibility.

"…Daisuke-kun?" Kakashi asked me.


"Aren't you excited?" Hisako asked with a smile though it had gotten a little smaller.

"Of course, I'm excited," I replied with a grin. "The Chunin exams. Finally, a little bit of freedom."

Hisako and Nichiren both chuckled…is it just me, or do they sound nervous?

"I bet you're excited," Kakashi said with an eye-smile. "Just remember what you've learned as a Genin, and you'll be fine."

"Stay with the team," Hisako nodded.

"Don't take bad fights," Nichiren added.

"And remember that your duty is to protect your friends and Konoha," Kakashi finally finished.

"Right," I nodded. That's…odd. That just made me feel somewhat uneasy. Like something that I've forgotten is stirring in the back of my head. What was it that I said when I graduated the academy?

I wondered what my parents would think if they knew that I had become a child soldier.

They would probably be mortified.

I was so derisive back then of them and their attitude but now I wondered if perhaps that mortification might, I dunno…be justified? A little?

"Daisuke is something wrong?" Hisako asked with a concerned.

"It's fine," I shook my head. I'll think about that later. "It's not something I feel like talking about."

Hisako blinked, she had reached out a hand, but withdrew it back to her chest. "Okay."

"You know we're here for you," Nichiren offered quietly. "If you need to talk about something, we'll listen."

I've got no interest in sharing my status as a reincarnate. Might not ever tell anyone, actually now that I think about it. "No, it's fine. So, how often are we going to be training for the exams?"

"As often as possible," Kakashi said after a slight hesitance. "What are your schedules looking like?"

"I can't do Tuesday," Hisako replied. "My Mom and Dad are home, and I'd like to spend as much time as possible before they leave again."

"I have a standing appointment on Thursdays," I replied. "Hokage had me help treat a patient a few weeks ago and she's going to be getting out of the hospital soon. I need to make sure she doesn't kill herself."

"The Hokage had you help treat a patient," Hisako blinked in surprise.

"100 Medicine skill," I replied with a nod.

"You have 100 Medicine skill," Nichiren repeated, rubbing the side of his face. "Great, does that mean you can help me become a medic nin?"

"As long as you don't ask me to cheat for you, sure," I shrugged.

"I wouldn't do…" Nichiren started with a glare before stopping himself. "Right, yeah. I don't want to cheat. Again. I just want a…tutor."

"That works," I replied with a nod.

"But the Hokage asked you to do this," Kakashi started with a narrowed eye.

"He did," I nodded.

"And you're continuing to help her even though she's getting out soon," Kakashi stated. "…did you get a mission?"

"…yeah," I replied sheepishly, rubbing the back of my head. If I told them I wasn't doing it for the quest, would they believe me? I doubt it.

"Well, that's a great mission to have," Kakashi said with an eye-smile. "How long was she in the hospital?"

"A month," I answered. "I thought she'd be in there for three at most. Her recovery was freaky."

Hisako laughed, before slamming her hand on her mouth to contain it.

"Something wrong?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Her recovery was freaky," She repeated, still giggling. "That's coming from you. Oh, Daisuke…I lo-erm. Herm."

"What?" I asked with a frown.

"I just think it was funny," She replied with a grin. "You've got the fastest recovery time in the village bar none, but when someone else does it, it freaks you out."

"Why wouldn't it?" I asked with a frown. "I know I'm weird, but no one else does what I do. So, when I think someone might be pushing themselves too hard and might end up damaging themselves irreparably as a result, I think I'd be a little freaked out."

"Oh, I get it. Yeah," She started nodding. "That makes sense."

"Okay. Nichiren, do you have anything?" Kakashi asked.

"I can't do Saturdays or Sundays," Nichiren answered. "Mom and Dad have asked for help in the store and I've still got the whole week open."

"So…Monday, Wednesday and Friday work for everyone?" Kakashi asked, looking at each of us. "And Daisuke, we'll try to squeeze in some missions for you. We want you as strong as possible when the exams hit."

"I appreciate that," I answered with a smile. "Thanks, Sensei."

"Alright, so for this training session…" Kakashi started laying out a game of hide and seek, which we'd use to train up Hisako and Nichiren in survival training. Since I didn't need to eat anything or stuff, I was being handed the task of being a 'pursuer', hunting down my two teammates with the express purpose of tagging. After I tag them, they had immunity from being tagged again for an hour, giving them enough time to hide since I was supposed to go look for the other teammate afterwards.

This game, with each of our levels of stealth training, was going to take all day. Kakashi wanted that too, since he gave them both an hour's head start.

"See you later, Daisuke," Hisako waved and the two disappeared in opposing directions into the forest.

"See you," I waved back.

Quest Added: Training Exercise: Hide and Seek!

Tag Hisako 10 Times: (0/10).

Tag Nichiren 10 Times: (0/10).

"So, this exercise is supposed to be an emulation of what it's like behind enemy lines?" I asked, lowering my goggles over my eyes.

"Yup, with you, a relentless hunter being the large number of enemy forces which could swoop in on them at any moment," Kakashi replied with an eye-smile. "I don't want my cute little Genin to think that I left them with nothing once they've grown up."

"You've given us plenty, Sensei," I replied with a blink. "Well, given plenty to Nichiren and Hisako. And I guess I've learned a few things about picking my fights. I guess."

"You guess," Kakashi actually chuckled. Then his eye narrowed. "Don't kill yourself out there, Daisuke."

"I won't," I replied.

"I'm serious, Daisuke," Kakashi got very, very serious, placing a hand on my shoulder. "Promise me. Promise me you won't do anything stupid to get yourself killed."

I blinked. Once. Twice. "Alright, I promise."

"Thank you," Kakashi breathed a sigh of relief.

"So…I'm going to wait out the hour-long waiting period," I replied, shrugging my shoulder. "By meditating, I mean. So, if there's nothing else."

"No, no. Nothing else," Kakashi said, eye-smiling again. "Good luck."

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts