
Hail to the Emperor

I took them apart.

One by one, each student approached, eager to put their training to the test and one by one, I put them on the ground with little fanfare. Each of them had varying skill levels. Shino and Shikamaru were technically proficient but weren't good enough to adapt and Kiba and Chouji had a lot of raw spirit but not enough technical mastery to make it work. Ino had spirit and technical skill but was brought down by a physique I'm sure had improved over the past two weeks but still wasn't quite up to par. Hinata did not want to fight me, I could tell, but other than that, she had it all. I was actually pleasantly surprised by her skill and the athletic ability behind it, but was dragged down by her hesitance to fight me. It was interesting to see Naruto and Sakura's skill levels in comparison to everyone else, they had grown really far and it made me happy to see that their hard work was starting to pay off.

"Down you go," I said, after pushing on Sasuke's back, throwing him over my outstretched foot and sending him to the ground. Out of all my…I hesitate to call the rookie 9 'victims' but there's really no other way to describe it…anyway, Sasuke was the one with the most progress, thanks to the Sharingan watching my every move. He's even using some of my moves against me, which honestly made my heart swell with fondness for this guy before I introduced the perfect counter to his imperfect delivery of my perfect move.

You know, with all the moves, combos and kata's I create in mid combat, I'm surprised I've never gotten any EXP for them. Since that's all a Taijutsu really is, a specific combo that accomplishes a certain task, like Sasuke's combo where he knocks someone up, appears above them and kicks them back to the ground or Lee move where he ties someone up with bandages before driving them, head-first, into the ground below. I'm starting to wonder if it's not possible to get EXP from Taijutsu. That's a balance mistake if I've ever seen one and it's kind of annoying. Seriously, I should be getting hundreds of points from this fight alone.

"Good attempt," I said, offering him a hand, which he rejected and stood up on his own. Alright, whatever.

"Thank you, Senpai," Sasuke replied respectfully.

"So, I think that's all the time we have for tonight," Hisako said, walking out before everyone. "Thanks for coming!"

"When's our next training exercise?" Sasuke asked quickly.

"Well, our Furlough's over," Hisako said. "And we don't have as much free time as we did before, so…sometime next week? We'll let you know."

"You'd…thank you, Senpai's," Sasuke gave a bow of respect, as did everyone else. We said our farewells, all the kids went to rendezvous with their parents. Naruto gave me a hug before scampering off, leaving just me and my teammates.

"I think our study group just got a lot bigger," I finally said as I watched everyone leave.

"Yup," Hisako nodded.

"Hey, uh, Daisuke," Nichiren said, turning to me and smiling. "I just wanted to say that I've noticed a lot of improvement from you. In the social aspect of things, I mean, since we became teammates."

I blinked. "Oh…really? You're not just saying that?"

"No," Nichiren nodded. "You said you get a little better with each power spike, right? Well, it really shows and I just wanted to let you know. It's been cool to see."

"Yeah, definitely," Hisako nodded in affirmation. "

"…thank you," A smile slowly graced my face. "You guys have gotten a lot better too, actually. In the combat aspect of things, I mean."

"Thanks," Hisako nodded. "Glad my trainings been paying off."

"Same," Nichiren nodded. "How's training with Lee been?"

"When you get used to the enthusiasm, Lee and Gai-sensei are amazing," Hisako replied. "They've both been huge helps…I think Gai's a little smug that he's been helping his rival's student, though."

"They are rivals," Nichiren nodded. "So it makes a little sense, I guess."

"…hey, do you guys want to go out to barbecue tonight?" I asked a little hopefully. "You know, I'm craving steak for whatever reason."

"My parents asked me to make dinner tonight," Nichiren said with an apologetic smile. "It's my turn tonight."

"My Mom's home," Hisako offered an embarrassed shrug with a very disappointed face. "I'd love too, Daisuke, I really would, but Mom's never home and I've been wanting to catch up with her."

"Oh," I said, deflating. "Right. Sorry, you guys have lives beyond the team. I forgot."

"I think I can go for lunch tomorrow, though," Hisako offered with a placating smile. "Right after morning training?"

"Hey yeah, that'd be a great idea," Nichiren nodded. "You could invite Sensei, too…if you're not still mad at him, I mean."

"I'm not mad," I shrugged with a frown. "Anymore."

"Oh good," Nichiren let out a sigh of relief. "Sorry, past couple training sessions, I was afraid something was going to start exploding."

"I'm not that bad," I said, folding my arms.

"Well, maybe not, but that's what it felt like," Nichiren replied. "Anyway, I got to get going. See you tomorrow?"

"Sure," I nodded.

"See you," Hisako gave a wave as he turned around and left.

It was just me and her.

"So, your Mom's home?" I asked. "That's awesome."

"Yeah, I really wish she could be around more often," Hisako said with a frown. "I've been needing her advice for a while."

"Oh, really?" I asked. "On what?"

"…certain things in my life," She sighed. "So, Daisuke…I have a confession to make."

"Okay," I didn't like where this was going.

"So, during our C-rank, when we talked about…us dating?" Hisako started, bringing some very odd feelings in my chest and stomach. "You said you didn't want too until you had your social issues fixed."

"Yeah," I nodded. "That's right. I wasn't trying to hurt your feelings, I just…"

"Daisuke," She put a hand on my arm. "It's okay. I know…I was just wanting to say that…I didn't take it well. I thought you were just letting me down easy because you didn't think I measured up to your expectations."

"That's not it at all," I said quickly.

"Well, I know that now," Hisako said. "But then…I wasn't in the best shape. Emotionally, I mean. I thought you had died and then you just came back like it was nothing and then you shut me down. So, yeah."

I blinked. "Sorry."

"No, no," Hisako sighed. "What I'm trying to say is that I wasn't being fair to you and I'm sorry. Like…really, sorry about that. I hope you can forgive me?"

"Yeah," I replied.

"Thank you," Hisako smiled, then she half-lidded her eyes and got…close. "I hope that when you get that level up to your charisma that you don't forget about me when you're swimming in girls."

"I…no, no," I said uneasily, trying not to think about swimming in women with the twelve-year-old girl that likes me right in front of me. "Not…I couldn't forget about you. Ever."

She giggled. "That's nice of you to say."

She's twelve! Well, I mean, so am I. No! I'm not a child. Not really. I…uh…

"I got to go," I said. "See you at lunch tomorrow?"

"See you there," She gave a wave farewell and I disappeared back home thanks to my flying thunder god.

…What was that?

She's twelve, Daisuke. Seriously considering her like that is hebephilia. It's not okay, you don't get an exception like that just because you're in the body of a twelve-year-old and have the brain of a twelve-year-old. No.

Well, at that point, what's the difference? The only oddity is the experiences of an adult male of an entirely different world! A world I only partly remember! Everything else is consistent with a twelve-year-old except for the psychotic man-child tendencies!

It makes all the difference! Especially with those psychotic man-child tendencies. She doesn't. Deserve. To put up with that. Frankly, if I had my way, she'd end up with someone sane, like Nichiren.

But if that happens, then I don't end up with her and I don't get to be happy romantically and I…think I do like her. And romantic happiness is an essential part of being human and I am human. Right?


I looked at my hands for a brief moment, opening and closing them.

I am human. It's for that reason I bought a guitar. I'm not just a game avatar of some psycho on the other side of a computer screen, completely uncaring of anything in his experience beyond his own entertainment. And if I'm human, I need…emotional intimacy. Which doesn't necessarily mean physical intimacy, either. I knew that for a fact. But I am worried that one will lead to the other and she's twelve.

That would be unacceptable. Too young is too young. No guarantees I'd be able to do 'relationship' right anyway…I need to hang out more with my friends. All of my friends, regardless of 'political dangers'. If they're going to be heading their own clans, I need to be friends with them anyway. Save 'relationship' for Almost Perfect where I can be the best boyfriend/fiancé/husband a girl could ask for.

…am I really different enough that I need to date actual adults? I'm…not so sure anymore. At the very least, I know I'm insane…and I hope Almost Perfect, with increasing the social awareness, will help treat that madness. It might be a difficult transition, but I need to make it.

The days came and went. Lunch with Sensei and my teammates was good. I made it a point to visit Naruto after each day of the Academy. Being social is healthy, and no matter how much I don't like it, I have a way to do it, and so I have too. Each time, I was greeted by the Clan heads, and then their children. Naruto seemed to be doing better with the other students and he seemed happier than I've ever known him. Awesome.

I never stayed long, however. As much as I…perhaps needed to hang out with individuals my own age, I usually had a bit of unease around their parents for whatever reason. Especially Inoichi. I knew they all wanted something, but I couldn't figure out what and it was somewhat nerve wracking.

But, alas, it was midnight, two weeks to the dot. It was time to head over to the Penguins. With a quest name like 'hail to the Emperor', this was the final battle. That both astounded me that my bombs were that effective and that they worked fast enough to get to the final battle this fast. Wars were supposed to last years, though this wars been going on since before I signed on, so there's that.

Clone? Check. Seal to enforce duration? Check. Reminder to install privacy seals at a later date when I'm not actually doing something that could get me killed because their installation could get the Hokage to come knocking? Check.

Time to go.

Quest Updated: Hail to the Emperor.

Completed: Go to the Penguin Empire in about two weeks at 12am.

Speak with the Emperor.

The ice and snow of the Frozen Seas, as the Penguins called them were a welcome sight. I didn't see a penguin around to greet me like normal, so I dove right into the snow with a giant grin and made a snow angel. And then two. Then I got bored and headed off to the Emperor's Iceberg.

Around the frozen bay the palace floated in was a flurry of activity. Penguins of all sizes and species were gathered together, carrying frozen weapons of all kinds. Over a dozen of the bombs that I had prepared were placed around the area and there was an excitement in the air, a far cry from the last time I saw everyone. It wasn't just excitement, it was a happy excitement. Things had been going well indeed.

As I approached, the Penguins got even louder, making a path for me as I went toward the palace, cheering 'Summoner! Summoner!' at the top of their lungs. I…wow. I guess my bombs helped them out a lot.

The inside was still lined as Penguins filled the windows. The Emperor looked down upon me with a smile and Yujiro was nodding in approval.

"You are right on time as always, Shimoda," The Emperor said. "As you may have pieced together, your bombs have been a great help."

"We blew up Table Scrap Cove yesterday," Yujiro supplied with a feral grin. "It was such a great explosion, we made the day a Holiday for all Penguin kind."

"Indeed," The Emperor said. "We've broken the Shark's offensive and routed the Sea Lions back to their shores. The way to the Frozen Reef, the home of the Fish Clans, is open, and we will attack them and we will capture the three bosses Kirito, Takeru and Taichi, and we will end this war tonight!"

"My bombs were really that helpful?" I asked with a blink.

"All problems can be solved with a big enough explosion," Yujiro nodded. "And your bombs make big explosions."

"Combined with the lack of survivors, the sharks didn't find out about the bombs until we had almost pushed them out of our territory completely," The Emperor had a predatory smile on his face too. "And the Megalodon was heavily wounded by one of the bombs…we will not be facing him this day."

More cheers filled the palace.

"Our mission this day is to seize control of the Shark and Lion's food supply," The Emperor explained to everyone. "When that is done, the Sharks and Lions will have no choice but to surrender and the Fish will be brought to heel. None defy the Empire! None fight the Empire! And none escape the Empire's justice!"

I get the feeling the Shark's clan is a lot bigger than the Penguin's know. At best, it'll force them to withdraw from the Frozen seas to more sustainable areas while they scheme to make another foothold in the area. At worst, they'll just flood the cold waters with Penguins and…oh, dear.

I'll have to bring this up after the fight.

"All armies proceed to the North shore," The Emperor commanded. "We move now!"

The cheers in the Palace were deafening and the Penguins filed out of the windows, sliding down the outside.

Quest Updated: Hail to the Emperor.

Completed: Speak with the Emperor.

Participate in the Assault on the Great Reef.

Perception Check Success: 8/8.

"Shimoda!" I looked over and saw Captain Shizo waving over to me from the windows, barely hearing him over the din. "You're with us!"

"Yes, Captain!" I replied, sliding over to Squad three and moving out with them.

"Shimoda, you're going to grab a bomb and we'll meet the rest of the force at the North shore," Captain Shizo explained. "It's going to be just like the liberation of Blackfoot island, except we're going under the water after the bombs go off, not over it."

"Understood, Captain," I grabbed one of the bombs as we passed it and we moved onwards without skipping a beat.

"The way to the Great Reef is a long match," Captain Shizo explained. "I hope you're ready for it."

"I don't get tired, Captain," I replied. "Longest I've gone without sleep is a month."

"How?" Masato asked, turning his head to look at me without changing direction on accident.

"Bloodline," I replied. "It's how I can help you guys without nodding off even though it's midnight where I come from."

"I see," Masato said. "It's usually either Day-time or Nighttime here in the Frozen seas for months at a time, so I'm not entirely experienced with a Summoner's traditional sleep schedule."

"Eh, it's okay."

Squad 3 met with everyone else at the North shore. Once all heads were accounted for, we moved and we moved fast. Like speed boats we zipped across the water. Masato and Riku both took turns dipping their head under the water to keep an eye for sharks or sea lions around that might warn the opposing armies to our advance. Excitement started to boil up inside me with each passing hour, until the Emperor called for a stop with an Island off in the distance.

My clone had four hours and forty-three minutes out of eight solid hours left.

"Squads 1 through 9, move forward to the target areas," The Emperor commanded and I followed the captain.

"Another Volcanic fissure?" I asked.

"No, barracks and armories for the fish," Captain Shizo clarified. "We're deep into Fish territory, and while they're allies, they don't really need Sharks to defend their city."

"Something about this whole war's given me this uneasy feeling, Captain," I said as we came to a stop. I set the timer and let it drop beneath the water. "This…alliance. How did it start?"

"Honestly Shimoda, I don't know," Captain Shizo replied. "Believe me, part of me hopes the question gets answered, but right now we need to worry about stopping this war and making sure it never happens again."

"Understood," I said, mentally sighing.

The tell-tale shake of the water beneath us was all the tell we'd need.

+2500 EXP.

Only 5545 more until I level.

That's more like it.

"Riku, the Ice-Mortar," Captain Shizo ordered.

Riku gave a crisp salute and fired off a gleaming shard of frozen ice that soared up into the sky.

"Everyone drop and rejoin the main force as they pass over," Captain Shizo ordered and after a swift application of my water-breathing seal, I joined them and watched as the Penguin army passed above us like a fleet of star ships above us.

…I want to go to space. I live in a world where basically I can anything, I want to go to space. Set up a base on the moon. Or whatever planet is out there, since I'm not sure the solar system I reside in is necessarily similar, at all, with the one I came from.

The army dipped down and I followed Shizo to rejoin the main force.

Beneath us was a city. A large, spacious city built on and out of black stone and wrecked ship hulls. The architecture reminded me of the ancient Greek buildings, but with a clearly Asian bent to them. The only thing that stood completely out of place were a series of…pods? Saucer shaped and tight, bubble-like windows on the outside and hatches on the top and bottom.

"Leave the civilians, they won't fight," Shizo ordered, a seal on his beak glowing brightly. "Focus on the soldiers. We're going to be part of the main incursion, so our objective is the palace."

That large building at the edge? With large spires and decorative statues everywhere? Of course, that's where I'm going. In fact, I'd head there anyway even if I wasn't ordered there.

We descended on the city. Unarmed civilians immediately took refuge in their homes, shutting doors behind them as we swept through the city.

You know, now would be a great time to test out that reflex enhancement jutsu…

Ninjutsu Check Success: 100/75.

Medicine Check Success: 70/70.

+1200 EXP.

Electricity coursed through the water and through my skin. I felt a raw energy fill me like I just got hooked up to a nuclear reactor and the world seemed to slow down by a margin. I'm not ashamed to admit it, but when I exploded a pair of fish guards that charged us with spears wrapped in their fins, I giggled like a school girl.

+200 EXP.

It was almost like they didn't even try to fight me. I could easily see this as getting boring later, but right now, it was awesome. Like liquid omnipotence was coursing through my veins and promising all kinds of death to my enemies.

A third fish saw me, dropped its spear and swam away as fast as it could. I…let him go. I may be hungry for experience, but…even I had standards. Low ones, but they're there.

4145 more EXP until level 21.

The army swept through the street. Red lights were flashing from lanterns suspended from wooden posts, signifying that the alert had gone out. I back up just slightly, allowing a spear to pass in front of me before I casually broke it then reduced his head to paste.

+100 EXP.

Masato and Riku speared another guard on opposing sides, causing the corpse to spin counter-clockwise in the air. Water. You know. Rookie span rapidly in place, slapping another one in the face and sending it toward Shizo, who knife-flippered it into the stone below.

We continued our attack, eventually reaching the palace. I punched, kicked and jutsu'd anything that didn't voluntarily get out of my way, leaving a trail of blood and gore behind me as we went. Eventually, we reached the palace, the Emperor's feet touching down on the ground and sticking there.

+1000 EXP.

"Fish Lords, the Emperor has come for his due!" The Emperor's voice echoed through the water, a seal stretched across his beak the same way Shizo had. "Show yourselves and surrender, and I will grant you your lives."

"Why would they trust monsters like you?"

I'm confused.

Standing before the Emperor was a girl. A human girl. No older than sixteen, with teal-colored hair floating in the water, her sea-foam green eyes glowing in the water. She was wearing robes that matched her hair with sleeves that reached past her hands by a good foot. They were closed tight, taking the form of fins and the robe itself did likewise, making her entire bottom half a giant fin.

"I don't believe we've been introduced," The Emperor said, raising an eye-muscle. "You clearly know who I am…what is your name?"

"My name is Higuchi Asuka," She introduced herself with a cool tone. "And you disgust me. Your whole race deserves extinction for its monstrosities."

"Oh, I think we've found the source of the Alliance, my Lord Emperor," Yujiro said, sliding forward with a big grin. "You want her dead or alive?"

"Alive, preferably," The Emperor said with an amused tone. "Her story should prove entertaining, at the very least. Shimoda?"

"Yes, Emperor-sama," I replied, zooming forward, giving Asuka just the briefest glimpse of me before I applied a knock-out seal to her forehead, sending her to unconsciousness.

"Very good," The Emperor said, sliding forward. "Keep her away from the fish, I think her hot-headedness is something they'll wish to rescue her from."

"You got it," I replied, putting out captive against the wall before making several hand seals and slamming my hands onto the floor, creating several circular seals in the area ahead of me. A minefield that I'll explode when something gets too close.

And…eh, why not. I've put it off for a while. Been too focused on learning another song on the guitar. It's turning out to be easier now that I've got some experience but…yeah.

Fuinjutsu Check Success: 100/90.


The seal wrote itself on my skin, thankfully I knew enough to turn the ink invisible to avoid giving anything away and compressed it to a small ball on my solar plexus. Any damage hits my form, it gets shunted to my bones. I was partially worried that, if there was any time for a game bug to show up, now would be the time, for the perk to not work properly or something, and get a broken bone the moment I took damage. But considering the relatively…bug free nature of the game so far, I'm going to finally take the risk, and shunt all incoming damage to my indestructible skeleton. Chakra requirement should be…manageable, it only procs when I get hit, so that helps.

The sound of a giant explosion down the hall to my right sounded and it was full of ice. I wasn't going to go down there, I remembered the last time I fought something unduly massive. That's more like a level 30 challenge to do.

Five fish soldiers came from outside the palace, swimming toward us. "They've got the Summoner!"

Who me? No, they're talking about her…oh, hey. She has gills on her neck. That explains a bit more.

"Men! Charge!" The fish leader, who wore a helmet, ordered.

+500 EXP.

This Supercharge Aura is coming in really handy.

Shizo's whistle pierced the water. "Where'd you learn how to do that?"

"I improvised," I shrugged.

"You improvised."

"Yup," I nodded.

"Kid, I ain't qualified to judge," Shizo replied. "But you're freaky, Shimoda."

"I get that impression a lot," I replied with a frown.

"Eh, don't worry about it," Shizo said with a smile. "You're our freak, and that's what matters."

"Thanks, I think," I raised my eyebrow.

"Hey! The fish bosses are on ice!" Yujiro slid out to us. "Come out and see! And bring her!"

I put the unconscious girl on my shoulders and swam forward through the hall. Inside was a veritable forest of ice, the walls having been completely frozen over and the ceiling having accrued a mass that was trying to float up through the ceiling. In three, massive blocks of ice were bound three of the largest fish that I've ever seen in my life…if the Penguin's didn't want them alive, they'd eat good for a looooong time.

"Alas, intelligent though they've proven to be, we are still their natural predators," The Emperor mused. "We will take them to the surface, we cannot occupy the city for much longer."

"My Lord Emperor," Another Penguin flew in, one I haven't seen before. "I've been sent by my captain to inform you that we've looked inside the strange saucers we saw on our way inside…they're fish."

"Why keep their own kind in saucers?" The Emperor asked with a frown. "Are they prisons?"

"No…the Fish inside are…well, they're feral," The penguin whose name I don't know said. "Animals."

"…that is perplexing," The Emperor said. "Leave the Saucers as they are. Make preparations to move three massive ice cubes and contain the fish's summoner."

"…yes, My Lord," The penguin bowed and left.

"They are alive in there, yes?" I asked Captain Shizo.

"We march back to the capital with our bounty in tow," The Emperor ordered. "Move!"

And we did, leaving the city like conquerors we were.

Quest Updated: Hail to the Emperor.

Completed: Participate in the Assault on the Great Reef.

Witness the interrogation of Higuchi Asuka.

"Oh yeah," Shizo nodded. "They're alive in there, and they'll remain alive until the Emperor decides they need to die."

"Is there a chance he'll actually leave them alive?" I asked.

"Yup," Shizo replied. "Like I told you, we're not out for Genocide here. We mainly just want a surrender. An explanation as to how they got the Sharks and Sea Lion's to get along would be nice too."

"That would be nice," I replied, keeping my captive glued to my back as we zoomed back to the frozen tundra of the Penguin empire. "Call me crazy, but I think it's got something to do with the saucers full of feral fish."

"You know, it just might," Masato replied to my right. "If they've found a way to bring their non-sapient cousins from the elemental countries and grow them to appropriate size without causing them to gain any manner of sapience, it would go a long way to explain the alliance and how it's managed to function."

"Then why weren't we invited?" Shizo asked from the front. "We ate fish as much the other guys."

"You guys did make it a habit to also eat sharks and sea lions," I pointed out. "If it were me, I'd be against you guys getting a free pass. I mean, you guys did what you had too, and I respect that-"

"I get it, Shimoda," Shizo replied. "It makes sense, I guess. But we'll have to see what the human draped across your back has to say."

We ended up making good time, getting back onto Penguin shore. I had over an hour left of clone life, so I was good, provided the proceedings didn't take too much time. The blocks were escorted off to the right, where I saw a massive cave had been hollowed out for them.

"I'm guessing I'm taking her right to the throne room," I said, mostly to myself.

"Correct!" Shizo replied.

And so, we did. We entered the palace through one of the windows, the light quickly dimming as the Penguins who didn't go filled the place, crowding the windows. The Emperor himself splashed back into his pool.

"We return victorious!" The Emperor declared to the throne-room and it filled with cheers. "We have captured their Lords and their summoner!"

That announcement led to…whispers. I thought they would've kept shouting, but I guess they didn't want to interrupt the Emperor.

"Shimoda…bring her forth and wake her," The Emperor ordered.

"As you command," I said, sliding forward and laying Asuka down on the ice. Then I took the seal off and stood back.

Asuka's eyes snapped open and she began breathing in hard, ragged gasped. The sleeves and hem of her robe retracted, allowing her to stand. Cleverly made, those robes of hers. She looked around, until she laid eyes on the Emperor, and her eyes narrowed.

"So…is this my execution?" She snarled, still looking around at everyone.

"Oh, it can be, I guess," The Emperor said. "I mostly had you brought for an explanation."

"Of what?" She demanded.

"How you managed to get the sharks, the sea lions and the fish to all make piece one with another, for starters," The Emperor listed if off like she wasn't acting like a suicidally angry kunoichi…or perhaps because. There was a reason Yujiro was the court jester. "And, of course, what those saucers were. But the important thing first."

"You're wondering why we allied with the sharks and sea lions to eradicate you," Asuka repeated to herself with a laugh. "Wow. Really. They told me you were all crazy, but I guess that's just the proof of it, right there. Why do you think?"

"We don't know, that's why we're asking you," Yujiro's eye twitched. "Keep up."

"We sent you a diplomatic envoy and you ate them!" She shouted at the top of her lungs. "An envoy to ask if you wanted to switch from the sapient, thinking and feeling fish to the animal's I was growing here in the ocean, which, as you so helpfully noticed, are being housed in those saucers."



That's what's going on.

…if someone doesn't say something soon, my EXP's going to be coming in Penguin flavor.

"We received no such diplomatic envoy," The Emperor replied. "I assume they were garbed in some manner to denote importance?"

Oh, okay.

"In robes of gold and white," Asuka snarled.

"I don't recall any such fish ever reaching the Empire's boarders," The Emperor blinked. "I assure you, if I had learned of these intentions, we would have switched by Imperial decree. It would simply be practical to do so."

"I…what?" Asuka was…disarmed? Is that the right word? Disarmed. That's what I'm going with. "You…but…?"

"But we cannot accept a deal we do not know exists," The Emperor said. "Thus, we did not know. We received no such diplomats, no citizen of the Empire would attack fish clearly of high status that wished an audience. We're not savages, girl."

"What happened, you send some goldfish or something?" Yujiro asked, and the whole auditorium erupted into laughter, including the Emperor.

Asuka was glaring balefully at Yujiro. "No."

"Oh, don't mind him," The Emperor said with a fond smile. "He's merely having fun at your expense. But, that still belays the question of what to do now."

"...if you wanted to join in on the offer, the Fish Bosses would be more than willing to allow you to do so," Asuka said, looking downward and hiding her face behind her hair. "Especially since you have a blade to their throats."

"We would do so, if we weren't sure there wasn't going to be some form of kunai levied against our backs in the future," The Emperor nodded to himself. "We'll thaw out the Fish Bosses tomorrow and we'll discuss important events in more detail. Until then, you will be kept in one of the rooms in the palace under guard. Do you understand?"

Asuka took a breath. "Yes."

"Very good," The Emperor turned to me. "Shimoda, if you could come back tomorrow, I would like you present for the end. We also need to discuss your payment for the amount of help you've given us."

"Understood, Emperor Sama," I nodded to him. "I will be here."

Quest Completed: Hail to the Emperor.

Completed: Witness the interrogation of Higuchi Asuka.


Quest Updated: A Stranger in a Strange Land.

Completed: Continue Assisting the Penguins.

Meet the Emperor tomorrow at 12am.


Level Up!

Level 21.

…alright, what do? Ummmm…Let's but 3 points into Pick Lock, bringing it up to a solid 20 without bonuses. Put 5 points in Genjutsu, bringing it up to 70 without bonuses. 10 points into Medicine to bring it up to 80, stuffs freaking useful and I'll put another 5 points into Ranged Weapons, making it (with bonuses) 45. Yeah. That should be fine. Especially since I'm getting another Element next level and those don't have skill requirements, so I can specialize (or not) as I please!

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts