

"Daisuke, can I ask you a question?" Anko asked with a frown.

"Shoot," I replied, cracking my knuckles and noting the light metallic tinny sound that underscored the action.

We were standing in the remains of a bandit camp. The bandits, a gang of twelve that had been preying on travelers and caravans going from Natsuki and Asuka, were being taught jutsu from a homeless Nin that had gone ahead and installed himself as a leader.

It was fairly simple to find their camp since I could see chakra, just fly up and look for what looked like a flare or a beacon. After that, create a team of invisible clones and there was nothing any of them could do. They didn't stand a chance.

Each member of the gang was taken alive, their hands and feet bound by a seal and but otherwise unharmed. Except for their leader, who was unconscious with blood leaking from his mouth at my feet.

"Why do you hate being called a kid?" Anko asked.

That was the mistake of this nin; insulted my age. The only thing that prevented him from being splattered across his gang was the fact that I held back my explosive power at the last second. Because I remembered that I didn't want to kill anyone anymore.

"I have a reason for it," I replied, rolling my shoulders.

"And?" Anko tilted her head curiously.

"I don't want to talk about it," I finished, rubbing my eyes. "Sorry."

She blinked, her eyes narrowing slightly as she judged me and tried to pry out my motives. After several seconds, she sighed. "Alright."

Not much else to say here. I'm not going to just come out and tell people I got reborn in another world. If I ever do, if I ever have this overwhelming urge to tell anyone, at all, Naruto will be the first person I tell, followed by Kakashi because I feel like Sensei is owed an explanation for how much he tried to help.

Then he could help me figure out how to tell Hisako and Nichiren then likely the rest of the Rookie nine. Well, Sasuke and Sakura, followed by Ino, Shikamaru and Chouji, probably. Shikamaru should definitely get an explanation at some point just because intelligence like his should be rewarded.

Anyway, we need to get these gangsters back to Natsuki's, the mayor of whom posted the mission. I understand that they could only afford enough to pay for a Genin team, but the Hokage had decided to eat the loss when it became known that these prisoners were being taught jutsu. This homeless Nin had a one-way ticket to T&I.

"Anyway, let's get these guys back and get paid," I said, knocking out the bandits with seals while my clones slung each of them over their shoulders. "I'm starting my vacation when we get back."

He could be a Nin from Stone or Cloud, who was sent here to sew discord in our borders by teaching criminals how to blow people up with fireballs and wind up destabilizing Konoha's powerbase. That's why when Konoha became an established power, it became illegal to share jutsu without the direct consent from the Hokage.

I seriously doubt laws like that would stop a member of the elite from hiring a private instructor if they have the talent for it, but at this point I'm not sure what to do about it. Not the hiring of instructors, but in the laws making it impossible for common people to learn Jutsu. I want everyone to learn jutsu, that's something I figured out when I cross-examined my 'sharing jutsu' habit from before Level 30.

"Right behind you," Anko replied and we all took off. "Are you really going to be gone for three months?"

There's a piece of the picture that I'm still missing, though. I know that for sure. Some principle of society or snippet of history that I haven't quite grasped yet, even with my stats. It's likely a skill check and if I had to guess, it's Barter. I'll check later, I don't want to show Anko my notebook yet.

"Three whole months," I nodded. "I need to get away, clear my head. Especially since running off to power level did the exact opposite of that."

There's also the quest 1001 Tales, which I got while I was in Suna, which requires that I infiltrate the village and locate data on a coup they want to launch against the Sand Daimyo for handing over business to Konoha. There's also documentation about the Great Shinobi wars, which will be very interesting to read.

So long as I'm smart and I use these invisible clones, I'll hit all objectives and I'll be able to learn everything I need.

Plus, the extra time will let me plan out how to tell Naruto everything he needs to know.

"Still, it's only our third mission together," Anko replied. "I almost thought you had changed your mind."

"No, I just took your advice about making sure everyone was okay and not terrified I was going to explode and take all of Konoha with me," I answered with a frown. "The fact that I've been able to get a non-lethal solution with each of them doesn't hurt."

She hummed. "I see. You know, of all the Shinobi that I've seen go through breaking points, you're the first one that has wanted to just stop being…violent altogether. Though I guess with your power, I guess it's easy isn't it?"

"That it is," I replied. Huh, she's got a point. With overwhelming power, being non-lethal isn't some grand, magnanimous gesture; it's just being polite. There's no danger, after all. "That it is."

Though I think there's a difference between sparing a random bandit that made a poor choice of targets and trying to change the entire world. I think if I tried to actually teach everyone jutsu, give chakra to everyone, I'd send the all the powers of the world up in arms.

Against me.

…that might actually be a challenge.

"What do you mean, the Hokage's gone?" I asked his secretary with a glare.

"Hokage-sama has departed on a personal mission of grave importance," The Secretary replied neutrally, adjusting her glasses slightly, causing the light to hide her eyes for just a second. I think she used that half-of-a-second to roll her eyes. "But if you leave a message with me, I will be sure that he gets it."

"Has he made you aware of the agreement that he and I have?" I asked, softening my expression. It's not her I'm mad at, after all. When someone comes up to you and gets mad at you for delivering a message, it's really annoying. It's not your fault the contents of that message aren't what the person wants to here.

"I have seen the agreement, in paper," The Secretary replied coolly. "What about it?"

"I'm taking leave from the village," I replied with a frown. "I'll be gone for three months."

It took everything she had not to recoil in shock and disgust. Given that she was likely ANBU, she'd see any form of extended time away from the village not on a mission as desertion. Or extremely dangerous. "I see. Your extended leave of absence will be documented. I hope you make good use of it."

I don't think she knows anything about any plans to forcibly keep me here. Doesn't mean they don't exist, but I need to leave. It's on the record, if they're going to do anything, now would be the time.

Before I leave, I've got two orders of business to take care of. The first is to say goodbye to Naruto. The second is to explain to Hisako and Ino that I'm not dating until I'm 16 or 18 and that they need to move on. Because it's not fair to make them wait that long. I'll need to explain it to both of them at once so they don't think 'oh he's just trying to spare my feelings while he dates that other girl'.

"Thank you, I will," I said with a nod. I turned around and walked down the stairs, activating my invisibility jutsu when I passed out of sight of the secretary. Then I created five Shine-Clones. They'll be taking care of random bits of business, buying food, books, etc. and generally looking busy and like they're preparing to leave. If they jump on one of them, my suspicions will have been right.

I remained invisible while my clones, after reaching their position, de-cloaked. Far enough away from each other that no one will realize they were just clones. My position was right inside the academy gates. I've got one clone picking up books from a series of different book stores, another getting ingredients for meals that I enjoy, one delivering a message to Hisako to meet me two hours after the Academy lets out – that one's under specific instructions to let her know that Ino will be present at the meeting.

The Academy bell rung and I decloaked.

Students rushed out of the doors, meeting parents who came to greet them at the end of the day. The rush reminded me of my days in the academy, the days when I was always the first one out because I hated being in the center of the crowd. I'd hop the fence to get around the parents waiting on their children. Didn't like the looks they gave me. Still don't really want to talk to them, but I will if I have too.

One of the first people out of the gates was Naruto, of course. I got the feeling that in spite of the fact that he was doing significantly better in his classes, he still hated it there. Heck, I was nearly perfect at everything except throwing Kunai and I hated it there.

"Daisuke!" Naruto shouted.

"Hey, Naruto!" I shouted back. "Good to see you!"

"You too," Naruto grinned.

"So, you want to head out for ramen?" I asked, pointing with my thumb behind me.

"Sure!" He replied with a huge smile and we headed out.

You know, that reminds me, I haven't popped my head into Ichiraku ramen to say hello yet so Ayame and Teuchi don't know I've fixed my problem yet. Huh. This'll be interesting.

We entered the restaurant, ducking underneath the flaps. Ayami was working the counter, wiping it down with a clean rag. "Hey, Naruto! Who's your friend?"

"It's me Daisuke," I replied with a smirk.

Ayame froze, turning to look at me. She squinted severely, leaning forward, her lips turned into a small frown.

"It really is him, Ayame," Naruto replied with a grin, taking a seat.

"I fixed my issue," I replied with a smile of my own.

"Well I'll be," Ayame said with a blink, slowly sitting up straight. "To be honest, I thought you were talking something gradual. I didn't think it was something you could just fix."

"I don't do gradual," I replied with a shrug. "I kind of wish I did, but I don't."

"Apparently," Ayame replied. "So, what will you have?"

"The usual for me and whatever Naruto wants," I replied, jerking my finger at Naruto. "I'm paying."

"No, you're not," Ayame blinked owlishly. "Naruto still hasn't used up the credit you gave him."

"He hasn't?" I asked blinking imperiously.

"Wait, that's why they haven't been bothering me to pay?" Naruto replied. "How much did you pay for?"

"Two hundred bowls," I explained. "I figured you'd go through at in a month."

"He keeps getting people to treat him," Ayame explained. "Especially the clan heads he's suddenly become friends with. They keep turning down their change, so we've just been adding it to his tab."

"That's…hilarious, actually," I replied, my smile getting wider. "They probably want to support you to build up some good will with Naruto and I."

"I'll take the money," Ayame shrugged. "So, Naruto, you want Miso-pork?"

"Yup!" Naruto confirmed.

"So, Naruto. I wanted to come tell you that since I've come back, I've been needing to," I paused to find the right words, draw attention to the fact that I was saying something very important and make him pause to listen. "Clear my head. Fixing my problem, as much as I was hoping it would help me make sense of everything…didn't. I need to take some time away from everything. So, I'm leaving for a bit."

"You're not going to get in trouble for leaving, are you?" Naruto asked with a frown. "You're not going to become a missing nin?"

"No," I shook my head. "My departure has been authorized by the Hokage."

"Oh, okay," Naruto replied. "So, how long are you going to be gone?"

Ayame brought our bowls out and Naruto immediately started chowing down.

"Three months," I answered.

He started choking on a mouthful of noodles. I immediately pulled a bottle of water out of my inventory and thrust it at him. "Here, drink."

He did so. "Thanks."

"Sorry," I replied sheepishly. "Should've waited to answer that after you swallowed."

"It's fine," Naruto waved it off. Then he glared. "Three months?"

I've got perfect stats but I still make mistakes. I don't like that at all. I mean, obviously I'd still make mistakes since I'm still one person making decisions but…perfect stats, man! They should count for something! "Yes. I need time away."

Naruto frowned, looked into my eyes carefully. "You're coming back, right?"

"Yes," I replied with a nod. "I just have to take care of some things."

"…you need to clear your head," Naruto replied, leaning back. "I get that. Your whole world got turned upside down and you need to take some actual time to figure things out. But tell me the truth…are you going to be doing any of your 'missions' while you're out there?"

I wonder if that is something he figured out himself, or if Shikamaru had another break-through while I was with Anko on business. "I do have a mission, yes. But it's mostly for the head-clearing."

Naruto scooped a stickful of noodles into his mouth. He chewed it up, swallowed and continued. "I believe you. Just don't do anything stupid while you're out there, okay?"

"I'll do my best."

"Hisako. Ino. Thank you both for coming," I said, giving both a polite bow. It was a little much, but they both deserve respect.

"No problem," Ino said with a smile and a nod.

"I'm always here for you, Daisuke," Hisako replied. "So what's this about?"

"I needed to speak to you about some things," I cleared my throat. "The first thing is that I'm going on leave for three months and I leave today."

"Aw!" Ino looked disappointed.

"Three months?" Hisako's eyes narrowed. "That's a long time."

Her parents are ANBU, I'm not surprised by her less than thrilled response. "It's been cleared by the Hokage, so I'm fine."

Hisako let out a sigh. "Alright. We'll miss you."

"Why are you leaving for so long?" Ino asked with a deep frown.

I took a breath. "Well, once I…fixed my problem, became socially aware, my world turned upside down. More accurately, it was blown asunder. I need to take time. Time to clear my head, find my bearings again, think things through."

"That makes sense," Hisako sounded tired.

"I hope you get everything figured out, Daisuke," Ino just sounded sad.

"There's another reason I called you both here," I began, resting my hands behind my back. "That reason being that, because of the state of my head and how messed up I am in the head, I'm not dating anyone until I'm sixteen."

Both of them were quiet.

"Eighteen at the latest."

"That's too long!" Ino protested, almost sounding like she was going to cry.

Hisako just looked at me in shock, looking upset too.

"I know it's a long time," I replied, raising my hands in a placating gesture. "Too long for both of you to wait. I wanted to ask you, both of you, to move on."

"You don't want to date either of us?" Hisako asked in disbelief.

"It's not that I don't want to date either of you," I started. "It's that I don't want to date at all. I am truly flattered and honestly floored that both of you had feelings for me while I was a…psychopath."

"Daisuke, you were never a psychopath," Hisako shook her head.

"Yeah, you cared," Ino supplemented with concern in her eyes. "You just weren't good at showing it."

"But that doesn't mean I was ready for a relationship and I'm still not ready for one," I explained with a frown. "I'm sorry if it feels like I was leading you both on for months now, only to shut you down. I really am and while I hope we can remain friends after this…I can understand if you don't want too. But please, I don't want to make you wait an eternity to experience a relationship. More than I already have. Find someone else. Move on from me. I'm no good for either of you and I won't be any good for far longer than either of you should have to wait."

An explosion heard in the distance, like a flashbang going off. One of my clones was jumped by two Shinobi, but I don't recognize either of them.

I took in a breath. "Anyway, that was one of my clones being jumped. I guess some are taking exception to my leaving for so long. I need to get out. I'll miss you both, see you in three months."

"We'll miss you," Ino said with a half-hearted wave, tears in her eyes but with some resolve behind her. "Please come back."

Hisako, looking sad and completely defeated, offered a wave looking me in the eyes as tears started to fall.

With a return wave, I was gone. Back in the Vault.

First stop, Suna.

…I broke their hearts. But they'll recover. Eventually.

I hope.

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

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