
Act 2 Announcement

You're kidding.

…I mean, really?


He didn't kill a single one of them.

They essentially stabbed him in the back for doing what he thought was right and repeatedly slammed on the one issue guaranteed to turn him into a ravening wolf.

But they're alive.

This is so stupid.

It's giving me a headache.

What happened to you, Daisuke?

I mean, I know what happened to you. Your empathy got restored. Blegh.

There is no way it should still be a problem.

You were my Kratos, man! My Doomguy! The one I could always count on to reduce someone to bloody giblets in hilarious manner! The guy I could always trust to give me hours of endless entertainment if I just gave you enough targets!

You were the chosen one!

But here you are, trying out your Gandhi impression.

Makes me sick.

It looks terrible on you.


You know what?

There was a time when I was that stupid. There was. I wizened up pretty quick though.

So, I'm going to take a break.

Come back in a few years.

Let's release the big one and call it good.

There's other projects I can work on, anyway.


When I come back?


I'll have him back to violently exploding people with his fists in no time.

The Previous was a Fanbased Work of Fiction, written by Fulcon. Naruto is owned by Shueisha, Viz Entertainment and Masashi Kishimoto. Please support the Official Release.

This little ditty that I've written is the announcement that Act 2 for SHINOBI: The RPG has arrived. For those of you curious, it's deeply important to Act 2 and especially to Act 3. It was important for Act 1, but the foreshadowing I've done there is mostly very subtle.

Leylin_Farliercreators' thoughts