
Shinobi Prince (Naruto FanFic)

A guy reincarnated as the son of the Fire Daimyo.

RC_Soft · Anime und Comics
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12 Chs

Lowkey Training

'Finally, at home and peace at last.' Just as we arrived at the palace of the capital of Hi no Kuni I straight up begged mother for sleep.

Thankfully we didn't have any other issue on our way back home. The two of the Twelve guardians that have been useless last time had made sure to be super tight at the security on the journey back.

Early morning upon our arrival I could see the two guardians – who I still don't know the name of, being strictly scolded by the acting leader of the guardians – Kazuma in the courtyard of the inner palace.

Now that I think about it, why didn't I realize it beforehand specially as there would always be one of the guardians guarding my room even way before I knew that I am in the Naruto world.

Looking at the guardians I could only recognize the monk ninja who has been killed by Hidan and Kakuzu in the anime. If I remember correctly, he should be friends with Asuma, right? Where is he then?

Looking at the other members no matter how hard I try I couldn't even see a single one who look like Asuma.

"Hoora! Asuma, if you haven't been stuburned and just escorted the Daimyo and royal family this wouldn't have happened." Kazuma scolded the hippie looking guy with ripped jeans who looking dejected while being scolded as well.

'What the? That homeless looking guy is Asuma?' I dropped the ball out of shock that I was about to throw back to the maid servant playing with me.

"Ohh! Is the young lord tired already?" The maid walks towards me while I was still looking at the direction of Asuma and the others.

I couldn't believe my eyes about Asuma's present look, so I decided to ignore the maid servant and instead walk towards the guardians in tiny steps.

Asuma and the other guardians seemed to have noticed me as Kazuma stopped his scolding as the others watched me anxiously walk towards them, worrying if I'll fall.

I continued walking toward Asuma and when I was at his feet, I looked up at him as we both stared at each other for a while. Asuma's face was really like a homeless person you could find in the streets and looked as haggard as hell, nothing alike what he looks like in the future.

"Ashuuma!" My pronunciation might have come out wrong but still gained the attention of everyone specially Asuma whom I'm pulling his pants to ask him to lower down.

"Hai! Young lord." Despite clearly being puzzled by this situation, Asuma still kneeled down as he waited while looking at me.

'Okay. I'll ignore your ridiculous looks for now, but I found my key to my first plan to become a powerful shinobi.' I did my best to release chakra in a single burst towards Asuma like I was probing him the same way as when I was scanned by the Iryo-nin but this one is just visuals without the desired effects.

"Hirushen? Ashuuma?" Tilting my head and questioningly looking at the astonished look of Asuma and other guardians, it seems like it worked – worked to well I guess that the maid behind me seemed to have collapsed due to shock.

That day the Twelve guardians hurriedly asked to have a private meeting with the Daimyo. Upon hearing what his guardians told him, the daimyo was really surprised as well, but decided to keep this a top secret to the public.


Okay, I admit. My rushed decisions got the best of me. My father, upon hearing the news about my use of chakra from his guardians decided to order everyone never talk of that matter anywhere else and no one is to train me in any sort of shinobi arts or chakra.

And so, my very first plan to be a super genius surpassing even Minato or Itachi has gone down the drain – or so I thought.

Hah! You can't stop me from my dream to be a shinobi dear father! Even your Twelve guardians didn't follow your command specially Kazuma and Asuma and even Chiriku.

For one year I had to rigorously do my own meditation to open up my chakra nodes, hoping that father would bring me again to Konoha for his annual visit and boast it to the Hokage. But he literally keeps me as far away as he can from shinobi stuffs.

Even the Guardians were somewhat restricted to the point that only the Monk Chiriku of the guardians is allowed to guard me as he was mostly doing his meditations while guarding me, which also worked on my favor as I also did the same thing and even copied his technique.

I know that Chiriku also know that I appear to be copying him and didn't try to stop me, he is lowkey teaching me as I try to copy the flow of his Chakra while he meditates. Turns out I might be a sensor type as I could feel chakras really well. During that one year I managed to build up my reserved to continually circulate my chakra throughout my whole body.

Then when father finally departed to Konoha for his annual visit, I got the chance to focus more on training my chakra as mother was quite busy running the palace while father was gone.

"Chiriku! Look! Look!" I ran towards Chiriku who was mediating beneath a tree at my own courtyard as Chiriku looked at me while smiling. Holding up a cherry blossom petal in front of Chiriku, I proceeded to put in in my forehead and make it stick there with chakra as I then run around him while maintaining control of the petal.

Chiriku's eyes widened at the spectacle. A two-year-old kid managed to master the leaf concentration exercise like it was just a game. His mouth opened and close unable to say a word me.

Seeing the look in his eye's I laughed out loud while still running in circles around him. Of course, this is not something that I did out of nowhere and just learned it like that.

It was a product of at least three days of sneaking leaves at my bed at night to practice. But well, seeing that my Father didn't bring me with him to Konoha, I decided to upped my training to make a show and coerced the guardians and have them teach me.

The news somehow reached the other guardians through Chiriku – even the monk couldn't resist the temptation of seeing a genius at their doorstep.


Kazuma and the other guardians left to protect the feudal family couldn't keep their excitement upon hearing Chiriku's story. They still remembered vividly what happened last year when the young lord release chakra at the age of One.

Mastering the leaf concentration exercise at the age of two? Even the clan geniuses of Konoha can't be compared with this kind of talent. This time they resolved themselves and made a plan with the other guardians to make sure that the young lord's talent would not come to waste.

"Asuma, how about you talk this about with your Father? Forget your fight with your old man for the young lord's sake, I'm sure if it's the Hokage he could convince the Daimyo." Kazuma said to Asuma who was looking like he was seriously considering the suggestion.

"Don't get ahead of your selves. The Daimyo had specifically ordered us not to talk about his talents to anyone, that includes the Hokage. Doing so is considered treason." Chiriku calmly reprimanded Kazuma and remind everyone else about the daimyo's word.

"Chiriku's right Kazuma. Orders are orders." Asuma was a bit disappointed that they were bound by their vows to follow the daimyo's order no matter what.

"Stop looking disappointed like that." Chiriku couldn't help but chuckle looking at the others faces. "How do you think the young lord progress that far in only one year?"

"Do you mean you've secretly taught him yourself?!" Asuma asked Chiriku eagerly knowing that he was the only one who was allowed to be near the young lord.

"That's the terrifying part of the young lord's talent…" Chiriku paused while the other waited anxiously for him to continue.

"I didn't teach a single thing to the young lord; it was all him copying me. The Daimyo might have ordered us specifically to not teach the young lord, but he had never said about the young lord learning by himself." The others were astounded about what they hear. Learning by looking? Does the young lord have the sharingan?!

Hearing the young lords' talents, Asuma and the other's got more motivated to polished the young lord's talent. They had a vigorous discussion on how to train the young lord in secret the way Chiriku did, and making sure to monitor the young lord's progress and make sure to stop him in time if he ever makes mistakes.

At the end of their discussion, they decided to have a talk with Madam Shijimi and convince her to at least have Asuma and Kazuma be switched occasionally with Chiriku in guarding the young lord, while hiding their own motives of secretly training him.