
Shinobi Overlord

Fan-Fic about overpowered guy in Naruto world, but he will not get involve much with Naruto's business but there will be some changes because butterfly effect. guy just trying to make harem and live happily. but could he live as he wish in this cruel world? 7 chaps for week, every 100 PS there will 1 more chap English isn't my native language so I m doing this for fun while been NEET is fun and all but boring at the same time.

asuraSL · Andere
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52 Chs


Tora took Anko to the hotel which he was staying before, he didn't fear anything in this Ding town there was no law, just a right place for him. he threw Anko into his bed he then took out something look like pill ''he-he kunoichi this pill can make you excited, I know it's fun when I do it hardcore but I m tired of it, for a change lets do it wet hahaha'' he went near Anko then put the pill inside her mouth, Anko tried to resist but when he held her nose until she breathe from her mouth she had to swallow the pill.

Anko felt despair she lost everything her master, her family and now finally her life, she wasn't afraid to die but humiliation more hurt then dying. she felt her body heating up her breathing became hurried, she knew what's happening but she had no strength to fight back. she suddenly thought about Simon's happy face when she said she will give him a kiss. 'little Simon looks like big sis isn't going to make it' she saw Tora was about to jump on her like hungry beast she closed her eyes.

Tora was excited, pill selling guys said was true his poisons even work on the ninja's not just normal people, this pill even better then that, kunoichi is completely fallen. he quickly took off his clothes and took a pill for himself. in a few seconds, he couldn't contain himself. 'no is the right time lets do it' he was ready to ravage this beautiful kunoichi. he jumped on the body of Anko.


The door flew away, just as Tora few inches away from Anko's body someone held back of his neck tightly, he stopped in mid-air. Simon who saw Tora's doing became extremely angry, she was his wife candidate, even if she wasn't his anyone what rights did this scum have to ravage her like that. he threw him away, with bang Tora hit the wall hard. he knew this guy isn't just pretty face he was the real deal. he tried to stand up, thanks to his strong body and using chakra to withstand the impact nothing was broken. but he must fight without having taste beautiful kunoichi he couldn't dispel the pill.

Simon didn't even look at him when he saw Anko's naked body, he became even angrier. he saw her eyes struggling to fight back but she couldn't her lust growing every passing second. Simon took the bed sheet and covered her body with it ''big sis just hold on a bit I have some healing techniques. I can heal you in no time but before that...' saying to this point he looked at Tora who was ready to fight '' let me handle this beast''

Just when his voice fell Simon disappeared, Tora focused on his surrounding, he felt a gust of wind coming from his back, he hurriedly turns around, but couldn't make fully 180 turn he heard a voice saying ''too late''. this time Simon caught Tora's head, he pushes his head to the ground hard.


When Tora's head hit the ground his teeth fell off and skin cracked, then Simon broke this hands and legs one by one Tora couldn't even lift a finger before Simon broke his bones. Tora felt tremendous pain ''now do you understand pain those girls bear when you ravage them'' Simon asked, even though he said he didn't care about anything at deep down he always wants to help people. it's just that he was bit lazy. '' don't worry I m not going to kill you, ill take you to hidden leaf then handed you over to the torture department.'' he then used his lightning Chakra to make small lightning bot and send it to Tora's body, every place lightning bolt hit his chakra path would be shattered.

Then Simon picked up Anko with her body covered with bed sheet quickly when back to the inn they were staying. when he put Anko on her body she was twisting her body and trying to touch Simon. ''Shiro will my healing flame have any effect on her?'' he asked Shiro.

''No...medicine already mixed with blood you would have to burn her blood, but that would be same as killing her if you didn't do anything she would die from exploding her blood vessels,'' Shiro answered truthfully.

''Then what should I do?'' Simon felt helpless. '' you already know the answer why are you asking me'' Shiro got annoyed. ''but-but I don't even know if she is like me or not'' of cause Simon knew what to every novel has it. but he felt reluctant without knowing her feelings it's the same as rape.

''Heh don't worry as a woman I know how the heart works, just use your healing techniques to make her mind clear then ask her. and do it fast she doesn't have much time'' Shiro had helped him for even courting women.

Simon didn't think twice he used his Purification Golden Flame to clear he mind, then he saw she is looking at him strangely but he didn't have time to think about this he quickly said ''big sis you have been poisoned, if we didn't treat it soon you will die but treatment is.....huuu'' he too long breath ''we have to become a couple'' he looked at her surprised eyes and said ''even if you said no I'll have to this, but if we do this you will have to be my wife, even if you don't like it you have no choice'' 'second wife' he thought in his heart.

He saw Anko was crying, he thought she was sad, but he didn't have a choice he gave her a deep kiss, Anko's eyes open wide but soon relaxed, pill or for some other reason, she starts to enjoy this feeling. Simon couldn't stop himself he really liked the feeling her mouth gave, he was lost but soon Shiro's voice woke him up '' there is no time to enjoy, she can't hold it much longer do it now''

When Simon heard this he quickly parted with her he took out his 'little brother dragon', well you can't say little, looks like God did a really good job this time. '' big sis '' he looked at Anko she didn't say anything simply nod her head. seeing Anko nodding her head he didn't hesitate anymore got ready to enter her cave. even though he never has done this before he had done his research.

Just as his lit....just as his dragon entered its head inside Anko's cave it was like a huge dam broke through. just like that she came, a little bit inside then again she came after continues three times she lost all of her strength and felt down. Simon who broke her first time lean on and kissed her. as he kissed her he started to thrust slowly. Anko who was intoxicated by this feeling whispered him '' Do it fast little husband'' Simon felt like his inner beast awakened, his dragon again become bigger Anko also felt this she really liked the feeling. since he said she will be his wife then why not it's better than dying anyway.

Simon didn't know what she was thinking, but since she asked for it he gave it to her. he thrusts became powerful and fast, wet sounds could be even heard from outside. after some time Simon's 'brother dragon' let out a huge wave of dragon breath inside of her cave and settled down. Simon also felt down to Anko's breast and took a comfortable nap.

2nd........do you guys need 3rd chap?

asuraSLcreators' thoughts