

"In a sudden twist of fate, Blake is transmigrated to an ancient time, equipped with a powerful Shinigami system. Throughout his journey, he navigates the treacherous Nine Realms, building relationships and forging alliances to combat the menacing Hollows. As he strives to rebuild the Soul Society from scratch, each chapter uncovers his encounters with various realms, including the Greek pantheon and other divine beings. . Mysterious and enigmatic, Blake discovers that the current universe he inhabits is not the realm of gods but the ancient Marvel universe. Now faced with the choice of intervention or observation, he embarks on a journey that intertwines with the rest of the Marvel movies, all while keeping his intentions shrouded in secrecy. . . As his past exploits are hinted at, the upcoming chapters promise a captivating exploration of the Greek pantheon and the unfolding of Blake's mysterious destiny."

Cosmic_phantom_19 · Fantasie
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37 Chs

The Soul King's Palace and the Second Summoning

Blake Welton stood before a majestic palace, its grandeur and aura of power captivating his senses. The voice of the Bleach System resonated within his mind, revealing the truth about this awe-inspiring structure.

"This is your Soul King's Palace, Blake," the voice explained. "It is a place reserved solely for you, the ruler of the Soul Society and the Soul Realm. No one can enter without your permission."

Intrigued by the promise of his own sanctuary, Blake stepped forward, the palace doors swinging open as if inviting him inside. He entered cautiously, his eyes widening at the opulence and intricacy of the palace's interior.

Golden arches and elegant pillars adorned the grand hall, leading him further into the heart of his newfound sanctuary. As he explored, he marveled at the exquisite tapestries depicting the history and legends of the Soul Society. Each step he took reinforced his growing connection to this realm and the responsibility he now bore as its ruler.

After a thorough exploration, Blake found himself in a chamber adorned with a shimmering mirror. Curiosity compelled him to approach, and as he gazed into its depths, the mirror revealed the image of his own determined face, reflecting both the power and the burden he carried.

Within his mind, the voice of the Bleach System prompted him about his second summoning opportunity, a chance to bring forth another ally to aid in the restoration of the Soul Society.

With a surge of anticipation, Blake activated the summon roulette once again. The roulette spun, its illuminated sections flickering until finally coming to a stop on Division 0, the Royal Guards of the Soul King.

A surge of energy filled the room as Division 0 materialized before him. Their presence exuded an aura of immense power and wisdom. Blake stood in awe as the members of Division 0, the pinnacle of the Soul Society's strength, regarded him with reverence.

"Ichibē Hyōsube, leader of the Zero Division," the first member introduced himself, his voice carrying an air of authority. "I am the Monk Who Calls the Real Name."

"Tenjirō Kirinji, Divine General of the East," the second member introduced himself, his demeanor exuding confidence. "They call me the Hot Spring Demon."

"Kirio Hikifune, Divine General of the South," the third member announced, her presence radiating warmth and nurturing. "I am known as the Ruler of Grain."

"Ōetsu Nimaiya, Divine General of the West," the fourth member declared, his voice tinged with a hint of mystery. "They call me the God of the Sword."

"Senjumaru Shutara, Divine General of the North," the final member stated, her demeanor composed and enigmatic. "I am the Great Weave Guard."

Blake's heart swelled with pride as he looked upon the members of Division 0. The Royal Guards were the embodiment of the Soul King's power, and now they would serve at his command.

"Welcome, Division 0," Blake said, his voice filled with respect and gratitude. "Together, we shall restore the Soul Society to its rightful place."

With the addition of Division 0 to his ranks, Blake's confidence and determination soared. The pieces were coming together, and he could feel the tide of change sweeping through the desolate realm.

As he stood within the magnificence of his Soul King's Palace, Blake knew that the path ahead would be filled with challenges, but he was ready to face them head-on. With loyal allies by his side, he would uncover the truth of the Soul Society's fall and lead his summoned characters towards a brighter future.