
Life goes on

Danzo sat and studied the current situation. The Uzushio destruction was not planned; it was a loss for Konoha of a royal and trusting ally; however it was a win for Konoha as they gained maybe few but still skilled shinobi, especially Chitose, master of scrolls.

Currently the other clans were deciding where to place the Uzumaki clan. "They're so few. Why not just give them an apartment complex and be done with it?" The head of Inuzuka asked, attempting to have the simplest yet also. "My clan owns one and we would gladly give it to them." They wanted to endept the clan.

Then came Hiruzen Sarutobi to his word. "We can't disrespect the clan of Lady Mito; they should be given their own land to do as they please." The calls started to argue where the Uzumaki should be placed, Hiroo the current head of the Hyuga stayed silent as he calculated the value to take part in this attempt of alliances with the Uzumaki but decided to wait for what steps the Uzumaki themselves would take first.

Ikuei stood up. "I believe that the land at the edge of the village should be given to them, their clan is one that has a long history with ours and Sasuke is right they deserve the respect as such a clan deserves." The clan council silenced when the head of the uchiha spoke with no motive.

Hiruzen stood up, "We will come to a vote." Many of the clans decided to stand in support of this decision including the Hyuga as their branch clan were next to that lot of land.


The moment they were given the land the clan started building their homes, with a Temple Chitose carved seals between the walls as to stop the big eyed Hyuga's from spying or the aburame insects following them. "Where are you going?" The acting head of the clan asked Otoya, a jonin with one eye missing and wearing a vest with multiple Scrolls on it.

The man glared. "I was asked to assist with the hospital. I offered them some of our seals to assist in their hospital." The Chitose nodded as the man stomped out of the building.

Omoi sighed as she went painting the walls. "He's frustrated." The woman turned to the fuin master. "Why wouldn't he?!" She almost yelled her hair floating. "We're not allowed to take part in the war and-" Chitose interrupted.

"Silence." The woman bit her tongue. "We're near extinction and you want our members to die?" Omoi sighed. "We just need to support Konoha and it is good Otoya is helping where he can, better than him getting drunk." Omoi just decided to continue painting the walls.

He looked around "Where are Tsuyu and Umemi?" The oldest Uzumaki asked, annoyed at the chunin not being there to help.

Omoi was quick to defend the two. "They have taken up every possible D rank mission for funds, they're babysitting at the Aburame." At that the two kunoichi came shaking in fear. "Oh good, um are you alright?" One fell to her knees.

Tsuyu muttered."Bugs, so many bugs in their eyes." The elder just sighed. "I'm never going near Aburame again."

Omoi chuckled. "Their eyes are normal when they're older though." Umemi pointed at her. "How do you know you hag?!" She regretted saying that as she opened two scrolls that launched at the chunin leaving her tied up.

"Because I went to hot springs with one of their clan members. Though there were a lot of bugs." She said remembering her just sitting there alone with the female Aburame screaming mentally as she dove her body up to her nose not wanting the creatures eating her chakra. "Still you two finished the mission right?" Tyusu nodded.


Kushina had come to the compound in construction to find a shop next to the compound, entering the shop she found Umemi with multiple Paper cuts. "Hello Kushina-hime!" She sighed seeing the excited Uzumaki.

She looked around to see they were selling seals and art supplies. "Looks like You're doing good." Umemi stocked the shelves. "So how's it being stuck in Konoha?" Umemi simply gave her a death stare. "Umemi-Chan?" She sighed sitting back at the counter. "I wish I could do something cool instead of just manning the shop! Omoi got a job at IT. Otoya is at the hospital helping with the wounded, Tsuyu is back making seals to sell and I'm stuck here playing cashier." She said pouting.

Kushina nodded. "Ok, but atleast you're safe here." Umemi shrugged. "Where is Chitose sensei?"

Umemi shrugged. "He said something about speaking with hokage." That caused Kushina to raise a brow at that.

At the morgue Chitose and Hiruzen looked at the corpse of the five who had died during the journey to Konoha. "They were targeting our chain masters." Hiruzen nodded seeing the seals on the bodies of Uzumaki who had died; they all shared the same trait being their ability to use Adamantite chains. "Whoever set those missing-nin they knew exactly how to deal with us." The body was pushed back.

Chitose was cursing under his breath in his eighty years of life; he had never expected that kind of attack. "Bloody Kiri, Rotten Kumo, Stupid Iwa and sand bag Suna!" He spat curses at the Villages. "Now we have some genocidal fool sending suicide bombers at us!" He yelled, kicking a pillar.

"Omoi please stay calm there won't be any attempts at your or your clan members' lives." Omoi calmed, taking his breath. "Thank you Hiruzen, it's still hard to lose your entire village." Hiruzen placed a hand on the older man's shoulder.

"I know how hard it can be to lose loved ones, Omoi." He nodded yet smirked. "Be thankful you have a village Hokage, because there are many kunai points for all of us." Omoi started walking out of the morgue.


Tsuyu sat outside a month had passed since their arrival to Konoha everyone had settled in their place as Tyusu sat painting having finished her chores. "It's such a pretty day." She said as the butterflies flew out of the page. "Yea, where do they go?" Kushina asked, watching the white and black insects leave the compound.

Tsuyu shrugged. "I call them confetti's." She spoke as the butterflies flew out of Konoha toward the border between the land of stone and the land of fire. At the battle field the butterflies simply erupted explosions as the wings had the explosion seal on it. "Argh!" One Iwa shinobi screamed as his right arm was ripped off by the explosive, it was simple to say an entire generation of Iwa nin were traumatized by Butterflies. "Where's my arm?! Oh Kami there's more!" They all yelled throwing kunai or shuriken at the ink butterflies giving away their location to all and any Konoha nin to see.

While in T.I washed her hands painting the nerve breaking seals was a pain especially the screaming. "Omoi have any plans?" She turned to Hiro Jinja, a man with a face that looked like a patchwork project, still he didn't look bad with the scars. "Because I-I got some coupons for this ramen cart and—" she placed a finger on his lips. "You had me with coupons, how about after work?" She smiled and he nodded, after she winked at him like he blushed like a tomato after left to continue processing a captured Kiri nin.

His co-worker just stared at him. "Pray she doesn't take that to the bedroom, Jiro." At that idea the man's face turned blue in fear. He still took up the courage and waited at the Ramen stand. She came in make-up and a nice dress. "Sorry I'm late, my clan members wanted to do last minute make up." Jiro just nodded, feeling embarrassed about his own appearance. At least we could have worn something that wasn't worn at work!

Jiro looked at the Menu. "So what are you ordering?" She looked at the Menu.

"Something big and sweet," The seven foot tall man was sweating. "shoyu chicken ramen please."

Jiro looked and decided on "Shoyu pork for me." He said looking at the Happy Omoi and attempted small talk. "What are your hobbies?" She turned to him, smirking.

"Are you going to interrogate me?" He started stammering and she laughed. "No worries, I guess I like making seals, bathing, calligraphy and sparing against my brother." Jiro nodded mentally writing it down. "So what about you? Puppet master?"

"W-well I like to go finishing, I like to dress up and visit the children's ward on my off time-" Oh god why did I say that?! WWHATS WRONG WITH ME?!

She burst out laughing. "That's adorable! Do you get sock puppets and play a bit?" He chuckled, thanking Buddha for protecting him. "Yea well it's part of the act. And I have a big sweet tooth." They laughed before getting their Ramen.

Chitose Hit Otoya across the head. "What is wrong with you?!" Otoya rubbed his head. "Why couldn't you find a nice woman to marry instead of sleeping around like mut on the streets!" Otoya shrugged, smirking at the number of nurses he had seduced, to which the seal master hit the Uzumaki chain user over the head again. "I swear to Kami! I will turn you into a woman! I don't know how yet but I'm sure I could figure out a way." Otoya chuckled at the angry Chitose. Again the chain master got hit over the head with kanabō mace pulling it out of a scroll like some kind of Oni.

Otoya rubbed his head, the shaggy man in his twenties simply groaned. "It's not like they were cheating on their husbands or anything." Again the seal master pulled out a weapon, this time a bo staff. "Ow, you have no mercy do you?" He said rubbing his head using healing palms to make sure he does get any long lasting brain damage.

Chitose grabbed his temples. "Your sister found a nice, even if odd man, why can't you Otoya?" The Adamantite chain user thought for a moment and used body flicker to escape only to run into a chakra wall that formed using a multiple seal on the compound. "NO YOU PLAYBOY BRAT!" A long scroll grabbed the man by the abdomen and got pulled back into the clan house only to get a beating from the Scroll master. "I SWEAR IF ONE CHILD IS BORN FROM YOUR FLINGS I WILL CUT OFF YOUR SLY TONGUE!" The neighboring branch Hyuga house stared at Uzumaki compound simply shocked, luckily the Uzumaki compound had enough seals to stop any of them from looking into the temple, yet still heard the comment about cutting tongues. "Good I think they bought it." Chitose said letting go of toya after closing the doors and making sure Female members of the clan weren't listening in.

Otoya sighed. "Why do nurses have to gossip?" He said chewing on bacon.

The master sighed. "It's your fault for getting into every closet at the hospital. Still odd that there hasn't been one happy accident." He looked at Chitose suspiciously. "You didn't get stabbed in the family jewels right?" Otoya burst out laughing at that.

"No master, I'm healthy as a horse and ripe like a stallion." Otoya sighed. "I'm just happy you confronted me before my sister punched me into the floor, Omoi doesn't hold back when she wants to play the big sister card." The temple door opened and the mentioned sister held a mace with her pain seals both mean sweat seeing her.

"I heard everything." She grinned like a shinigami.

The rest of the girls had gone to the hot springs and came home to find both Uzumaki men in bandages if they had fought against a bear. "What happened?" Umemi asked, confused at the battle wounds.

"My sister is a prude." That was the only explanation they got from the shaggy Uzumaki man.

That winter a new member of the Uzumaki clan would be born only his being that of his father both black as coal and mahogany red hair his name haruna Uzumaki later known as the Black blade of Konoha.