
Chapter 4: Shy!Reader - Where Is She?

"Where is Y/n?"

It was the question of the day. Most of everyone participated in some way in looking for you. You were last seen cleaning along with everyone else in the castle until Hange sought you out, thinking you were the perfect candidate for whatever it was she was planning. You were hesitant, but the scientist almost quite literally dragged you away. Everyone knew how much of a handful Hange may be, you might even be stuck with her for the rest of the day, so you were assumed to be seen by tomorrow.

But, no one had heard neither hide nor hair about you.

By the time breakfast came around, most of everyone was curious. You didn't normally miss breakfast. In fact, you would get and be sad until lunch if you missed it, so that rung a little red bell with your friends. By the time training came around, literally everyone became aware of your disappearance. Some of your friends even took the liberty of using their break time before training started to take a look around and search.

"Where is cadet L/n?" Lieutenant Levi narrowed his eyes as he rounded their newest recruits.

"We haven't seen her since yesterday, sir." Armin volunteered to answer.

"She's been missing since yesterday and you brats didn't say anything?"

"W-Well, Lieutenant Hange had called her yesterday..." Armin continued to be the cadet's willing spokesperson, but had started to get intimidated by Levi's newfound irritation.

"Separate yourselves into groups of two and begin training. When I get back you had better be well into it."

Levi scowled as he walked away. Of course this involved Hange. Why wouldn't it? He searched outside with the captured titans, but didn't find her there. He scoffed in irritation, finding Moblit on his way back inside.

"Oi." he called his attention. "Where did shitty glasses go?"

"Lieutenant!" he saluted. "The Section Commander is visiting Commander Erwin."

Levi quickly made his way to the Commander's office, his irritation steadily growing. He swears that if Hange doesn't know where you were...He tossed the doors open forcefully as soon as he could reach them, instantly spotting the standing Commander in front of his desk and the person he was looking for, sitting in a chair in front of said Commander's desk. The glaring man locked eyes with the scientist, who had turned her head toward the doors when it opened.

"Where the hell is my cadet?!" he demanded, but stared dumbfounded at a small child sitting on her lap when he came around. The babe was currently wrapped loosely in a blanket and trying to disappear into Hange's shoulder. She tried (and failed) to sneak a peek at Levi, then quickly went back to Hange, stuffing her face in the crook of her neck when she quickly noticed Levi was staring directly at her.

Instead of verbally asking, Levi raised an eyebrow at Erwin after giving the small child a good up and down. Erwin answered him by silently giving his attention back to Hange and Levi followed his lead. Hange nervously smiled.

"Funny story about her..." the scientist nervously laughed, her unoccupied hand rubbing the back of her head. She stopped when Levi sent her another glare. "Y-Y/n."

Hange nervously called your name, which confused Levi until the small child in her arms responded with a soft whine, "Noo..."

Levi was dangerously close to strangling this woman. Erwin was certain—judging by the intensity of the anger in Levi's burning eyes—that if you weren't in Hange's arms, he would have jumped the scientist.

"Y/n." Levi grounded out between his teeth and the child responded with another whine.


Levi clenched his fist and Erwin was sure he was about to shout, but Levi instead closed his eyes, exhaling through his nose. After, he knelt in front of Hange, speaking in a soft tone.

"Y/n." he repeated, you softly grunted in response. "Look at me." He waited a moment, but spoke up again when you didn't move, his voice even and still soft. "Now."

Slowly, you turned your head to look at him. Your eyes were a bit teary and surprisingly, Levi's eyes softened a bit at your expression. He realized he may have startled you with the force he put behind opening Erwin's office doors.

"Do you know where you are right now?" he questioned. You nodded. "Where?"

"Daddy's room."

Wha—Who the fuck was—Levi whipped his head around to look at Erwin. His Commander had both of his palms pressed on his desk, while his eyes screamed, "Don't look at me, I have no idea what she's talking about.".

The expression almost made Levi chuckle, but fine. Whatever. "Do you know who I am?"

You nodded. "The top knight."

Levi raised an eyebrow. "Why am I "the top knight"?"

"You'we the stwongest and you fight fow the castle."

Ok, well, that's not bad logic and this at least confirms that you have the basic idea.

"Do you know who's holding you?"


Where were you even getting this stuff from?!

"Why don't you let "Daddy" hold you? I have to talk to "Mommy"."

Hange gulped, feeling as though Levi's anger just got worse. She was fearful to get an earful from Erwin, but Levi was much more terrifying. She shot Erwin a pleading glance, she would much rather be scolded by the Commander, but the man ignored her, instead going up to her and carefully scooping you, blanket and all, into his arms. She deserved whatever Levi had coming for her for turning one of his more talented soldiers into a toddler. Erwin shifted you so he was carrying you securely, a hand under you and the other on your back as Levi gripped Hange's arm and dragged her out of the office, anger back in his eyes.

"L-Levi, I can explain!" Hange tried to hastily explain, but he silenced her by glaring at her once again and he pushed her through the door first, then closed the door behind him with more force than he meant.

Erwin felt you jump, immediately trying to hide your face into his neck, your arms going around his neck. Erwin sighed through his nose.

What exactly was he supposed to do with you now?

He used the hand on your back to rub your back, trying to ease your sudden fright. He sat down after thinking that he can't exactly walk around with you in nothing but a small blanket, so he settled for completing some paperwork. You were conveniently pressed against him and was small enough that it was easy for him to look down at what he was doing. Eventually, you shifted—which forced him to pause what he was doing—to sit on his lap and lean against him. He found himself thinking that you must have been an easy child to raise if you were this well-behaved. After another moment, he took a break, leaning back in his chair. He constantly kept a hand on you, even while sitting. He began to absentmindedly stroke your arm with his thumb as he thought on what was going to happen from here. Were you going to eventually go back to normal, or were you going to have to grow up again naturally? Erwin pinched the bridge of his nose, exhaling through it. Accident or not...Why does Hange have to add such unnecessary stress?

You shifted once more, sitting up on your knees on his lap. You reached up and cupped his cheeks with your small hands, instantly snapping him out of his thinking and giving you his attention. You looked into his eyes with the most innocent orbs he thinks he's ever seen in his life. Thinking about it, most children your age must wear that same innocence, right?

"Evewythin s'ok, Daddy." your voice was high and you spoke a bit slower than you used to. "Mommy will be back soon."

Were you trying to console him? Perhaps because he seemed distressed. Did you think it was because he was worried about "Mommy"?


Erwin smiled at you. If he ever has a chance to become a father, he wants a child just like you.

Levi came back thirty minutes later to report that he made "Mommy" go to town and buy you some clothes. Hange had revealed that she had you take some kind of concoction she had made and she wasn't exactly sure of when the effects will wear off, but it will. Both Erwin and Levi were relieved, more Levi than the Commander because the Lieutenant didn't just witness the potency of a pure soul. Levi entered the room to find you and the Commander smiling at each other, after all.

Hange returned just in time for dinner and promptly got you out of the blanket and into a simple, light pink dress. She also bought you white socks and white shoes, so you didn't have to go around barefoot. She wasn't completely sure if the clothes she bought would fit, but she was extremely relieved that everything she bought did. You had complained about your hunger as she dressed you and she had told you that you'll get some food as soon as you're dressed. Erwin couldn't go too far from you without you quickly getting upset, Hange having to reassure you that "Daddy" was just outside the door. Levi, Hange and Erwin quickly learned that you were a Daddy's girl and Levi gave the Commander the stink-eye when the man seemed to light up at the idea.

As you neared the mess hall and heard chatter, you slipped behind Erwin's leg, trying to conceal yourself and forcing him to be aware of how he walked as to not accidentally hurt you. Trying to hide did nothing when you and Erwin entered. It didn't take long for the cadets to notice a little girl clinging to the Commander's leg.

"Sir?" Armin once again spoke up first, his sharp eyes one of the first ones to notice. "Who's that little girl?"

All eyes suddenly flew to you and you fidgeted in place, now trying to desperately disappear behind his leg. Armin hoped the girl wasn't related to your disappearance, but he had a sneaking suspicion that she was. Erwin nodded, silently telling him that he will explain in a moment. He walked to the front where he was easily visible to everyone and began speaking loud and clear.

"Attention!" he called. "An unfortunate accident fell upon one of your fellow soldier. She was known to be missing up until a couple hours ago when she was brought to my attention." With little effort, he picked you up from behind his leg and cradled you in his arms.

You whined against the surprised stares and hugged into Erwin once again, your face buried into the crook of his neck. Some of your classmates let out surprised gasps. There was no denying that you and the little girl looked very alike, even having the same hair and eye color, but the babe was slightly chubbier.

"F/n L/n has associated Lieutenant Hange and I as her parent figures. We will continue to work with her until she returns to normal."

Your friends so desperately wanted to go up to you, but refrained themselves. They wouldn't want to surround the Commander and risk punishment.

Sasha's hand shot up, eager to ask a question. Erwin raised an eyebrow, but let her go ahead.

"Can she speak?"

"She speaks fluently."

Several more hands shot up. Erwin resisted the urge to sigh. He shouldn't have answered the first question.

"Does she know what's going on, sir?" Eren asked.

"She has the basic idea of where she is and what's going on."

"Has she recognized anyone besides associating them as someone else?" Armin spoke up.

"Yes, she referred to Lieutenant Levi as "the strongest knight"."

There was a scattered response of amusement as Erwin stepped down after he heard you mutter, "Hungwy, Daddy." He raised his hand.

"Any further questions will be answered after dinner."

He sat next to Hange, who had an extra serving of food after getting his own.

"Come on, Y/n, time to eat." she cooed and took you from him.

Erwin sighed in relief. As cute as you were, it was starting to get a bit tiresome having to work around you because you didn't want to let him go.

Even as you were distracted with eating, the only person you talked to besides Erwin and Hange so far was Levi, you shied away from anyone else. Levi believed it was because you worked directly under him, so even if you didn't want to speak with him, you answered him anyway.

"Is it good, Y/n?" Petra cooed, but pouted when you tried to hide your face into Hange. "How is that fair?"

"Y/n. She asked you a question." Levi said.

"Mm." you nodded. "Yummy."

Petra pouted further, some of her teammates chuckling.

"Who's this?" Levi asked you, pointing at Mike next to him.

"Sniff." you answered.

Mike leaned in and sniffed in your direction, which caused you to giggle. Mike cracked a smile. You were cute indeed. It seems that was enough for you to place him in your newly formed inner circle. After you were done eating, Erwin asked Levi if he could gather your friends for any further questions since he was sure you were going to put up a fuss if he left.

"Brats." Levi called as he neared their table. "Come now if you want to speak to her."

Your friends reacted immediately, rushing over to the table and half surrounding you. Your entire field of vision in front of you was suddenly and quickly taken up. You stared up at them curiously.

"Aw, she's so cute!"

"And so small!"

"Hey, she's not trying to hide. You think she recognizes us?"

"Hi, Y/n!"

You cringed at the sudden loud voice and started to tear up.

"Oh no!"

"Conny!" a couple of voices scolded in unison.

"I'm sorry! I thought she would react like she usually did!"

"She's turned into a baby, you can't just shout in her face!"

"Much less expect her to respond positively."

"Idiot. Do you know nothing about children?"

"Y/n, I'm sorry, OK? Please don't cry?"

You instead got worse, more tears welling up in your eyes and you let out a loose hiccup. You cuddled into Erwin's side and his eyebrow twitched, one of his hands coming up to rest on your back. It took seven seconds for one of them to make you cry. Not even Levi's rash actions made you cry. He's going to force every single one of them away if any of those tears in your eyes falls.

A pleasant tune floated from Krista's lips, the rest of your friends recognizing it as a tune you used to hum when you were upset. You had once said it was something your mother used to do when you were young to help you calm down. Your mood seemed to calm the more she hummed and it got to the point where you were looking at her, your teary eyes quickly becoming a thing of the past. You sniffed as she stopped now that your mood has improved enough that she was certain you won't cry.

"Oh! Good thinking, Krista!" Hange congratulated, a bit softer now to avoid making you upset again. The rest of your friends followed her example.

"It was a tune she taught me. She used to hum it when she was upset."

"Pwetty humming, Angel." you spoke up and Krista blushed.

"Kyaa~ Her voice is so cute!" Sasha cooed.

"Wait. Is she going to be sleeping with you, Commander?" Jean questioned. You seemed very attached to him.

"No." Erwin answered quickly. "Hange will be sharing her quarters with her."

"I wonder if she'll let us hold her?"

"Would you mind, sir?"

Erwin quickly scooped you up and gently sat you on the table, finding it effective, as it seems you tended to cling when you didn't want to move. If he removed you quickly however, you wouldn't have time to react and cling. You stared at your friends once again, locking eyes with Krista. You raised your hands at her, wishing for her to quickly pick you up. You would much rather be in somebody's arms with so many people staring at you. She cooed, beaming at you as she picked you up. You hugged her immediately, a habit you developed in your training years. You would always hug your friends, especially Jean or Eren, as it always seemed to get them to stop arguing with each other.

"Ooh, me next!" Sasha bounced in excitement and stood in front of Krista.

You took a moment to notice Sasha wanted a hug next, but when you did, you gladly let her take you from Krista and you wasted no time in hugging her, too. She proceeded to press her cheek into yours and move her face to nuzzle, but you whined in discomfort, uttering the first actual name since your transformation.

"Sasha~" you clearly whined.

It was something you've always had a problem with. Every time Sasha returned your hug, she had always nuzzled your face and you would always verbally protest.

"I can't help it, you're just so cute!" she said and tried to nuzzle again, but you pushed her face and tried to wiggled away.


You were upset yet again and Erwin had a weird itching on his fingers to take you away. What was wrong with him?

"For Goddesses' sake, Sasha!" Eren snatched you out of Sasha's arms. "Can't you see she's uncomfortable?!"

"Eren~" Now was Sasha's turn to whine. She didn't want to let you go just yet.

You reached up and held Eren's cheeks so he would look at you.

"It s'ok." you said. Well, if he was irritated before, he wasn't now.

A look of recollection flashed on your face and your eyes searched the rest of your friends until you locked eyes with Jean. You reached a hand out and flexed your tiny fingers at him, beckoning him over. When he did and leaned in so you could reach his face like you wanted, you put a hand on his cheek and kept another hand on one of Eren's. You took a moment to look between them.

"No fighting."

They slightly flushed. It was clear as day you were still looking out for them, even in this form. Even in your training years, you were always a sort of mother hen, making sure the more troublesome cadets weren't falling too much out of line.

"We're not fighting!" Jean said.

"Geez, Y/n..." Eren said.

It amused your friends greatly, a couple of them chuckling at them. Suddenly, you whined, rubbing your eyes sleepily and that sent Erwin over the edge.

"That's enough." he commanded calmly, standing from his seat.

"Looks like it's someone's bedtime~" Hange sang, asking Eren to hand you over.

Before Hange walked away with you, however, Mikasa reached over and stroked your head, muttering a soft, "Sleep well."

You caught one of her fingers before she fully retreated her hand, giving it a little squeeze.

"Good night, 'Kasa."

An endearing nickname you gave her that Mikasa had grown to like. You were the only person to call her that and to hear you say it, even in this state, made her send you a caring smile. The rest of your friends sent you verbal good night's and sweet dreams and you waved as Hange walked out of the mess hall, following behind Erwin.

"How long did you say she would stay in this form?" Erwin wanted to remind himself.

"I believe it should last about a week. Perhaps a little under."

That's a problem. That's far too long a time for his mental health when it comes to you.

When Hange started to part from Erwin, even in your drowsy state, you whined about being separated from Erwin. You're seriously not good for his mental health. As a Commander, you can't sleep beside him, it's not professional, but as a stand-in father...

He can't seriously be getting into this.

The tears in your eyes slid down your chubby cheeks and without a thought, he plucked you from Hange's arms and cradled you to his chest, which you buried your face into. For a moment, both he and Hange stood in awkward silence, unsure of what to do.

Hange was supposed to take you to her room, but he just took her.

And Erwin reacted without thinking. What was he supposed to do now?

"...I suppose, she can sleep with me tonight."

Hange inwardly snickered. Your tears was all it took?

What a doting father...