
Charlie & Delta(confession)...

Delta's face changed from sadness to a worried look.

Delta(with dismay voice): His condition?

Shin just nodded her head in agreement.

Delta: What happened?

Shin(with fake sorrow on her face): Yes, it's just... mmm... his condition is worsening day by day.

Delta: But you've fixed him yesterday right?

Shin: Yes, I thought everything was fine, but when I was just going through his day today I found that a chip in his motherboard is damaged.

Delta: We can find that chip and replace it right?

Shin kneeled to match the height of Delta and made eye contact with him.

Shin: The manufacturing of that chip was stopped in the early '40s, we can't replace it.

Delta: We can bring his memory back into another robot?

Shin: It's a complicated process, his version is really old, I can't guarantee it. Even if we do it he will be a robot with no emotions and his memory of emotions may get lost forever.