
Where is here

September 5,2020 10/5/2020 Jazmine pov:

It was only yesterday since Jazmine had scene the boy.She wondered if she ever see him again,you see this was the only interesting thing jazmine had going at the moment she didn't really go outside other then to go on a run but that was something she did only once in a while.So this littlemystery she had really owned almost all her attention. So instead she would lay down and think about how this might make any sense in any way that could be explained.

After taking a big sigh closing her eyes in the process opening them back up when she got up to check her computer for any updates she noticed she wasn't home anymore.The covers and sheets she had on her air mattress,the place men't of the tv and console.Jazmine decided that she should explore and try to find out were she was and maybe she could find get back to her home as well.

After not to long of exploring what was if based off of her own home was the basement.Witch was really different but not by it's built structure but by it's personal usage and custom placement of objects.Jazmine had compared only a few things like how their dresser was white and wasn't made out wood although she didn't actually know what the dresser was made of.

Another thing she had compared was the difference in the placement of the washer and dryer because their placement was switched.But before Jazmine could compare anything else she heard someone's footsteps coming toward her location.She knew she had to move quickly,running into the room that was behind her,based on my house this should be a bathroom she thought.

Jazmine could hear at least two males talking about something but couldn't make the words out because she was behind a door.Jazmine now silent and only in her thoughts as she continued to wait.Until unfortunately some one knocked on the door this made Jazmine freeze in her place as the bathroom slowly opened and a male teenager with similar skin tone as her,she estimated him being 17 or 18 years old walked in and closing the door.

Even though he was staring right at her it looked like he never noticed her,closing her eye and covering her ears so she couldn't process the boy near her.After a little while of waiting for him to finish his actions and leaving Jazmine quickly exited the bathroom with her eyes still closed.When she finally opened them she realized she wasn't in the unfamiliar home she was in her's.Now completely relived that she was home she quickly fell on her bed in exhaustion,wrapping herself in cover's Jazmine had fallen asleep almost instantly.

September 5,2020 Jadden Pov:

It hadn't been that long since Jadden saw that girl Jazmine,he had been sitting on his couch ever since and he was still thinking about how or what was happening to him or Jazmine.Jadden put all the clues his thoughts had and come up with this,"okay so the first and second time i saw her one of us couldn't move,their was also no sound at all and it was dark with nobody there but us".

"The third time i saw her we were both at school with people near us, it was in the morning and i could hear things on the other side witched let me find out her name was Jazmine"."The fourth time we saw each other though only for a split second it was the afternoon,nobody there and we were no longer inside any kind of building".

With these clues Jadden wen't down a unique thought process were he came up with the conclusion that he and Jazmine were from two different universes likely parallel versions of each other.Because the room and school bathroom were the placement of things were almost the exact same and some things had different but very similar things in their place.

In deep thought Jadden didn't realizes that he was slowly falling asleep and after not to long he did.When Jadden woke after not to long he realized he wasn't on his couch anymore was on Jazmine's or whoever she lived with.But that didn't madder as Jadden hoped no one was home.Slowly getting off the grey leather he had slept on only her was a darker shad then his,moving through the living room into the basement jadden saw no one in fact he didn't even hear anyone.

Believing that no ones home Jadden started to explore the home that only further proved his theory that Jazmine's world was a similar but different universe ,realm or realitly then his though he didn't know which of the three it was.He could clearly see the similar home that was almost idenical based on its lay out at least.After about and hour of just looking around Jadden had vanished back into his room and then he wrote down what his thoughts were as well as what he saw at Jasmines house.

sorry for the short chapter

Jadden_Smithcreators' thoughts