
Chapter 0 Cycle of Reincarnation

Over the past 1000 years the cycle of the four Soshi brother have been reincarnated. The eldest son Kurohi had the power of black flames and was a unique, Mizo which had the power of acid water and also a unique. The two other sons have had a great impact on the world and where know to have a great rivalry. Tentō who was the 3rd child and had the power of lighting and Seishin who had the power of Energy. The reason the two of these people had such a great impact is because of the reason they where irregulars. Irregulars are people with great power that do not belong to the four elements, what make irregulars and uniques different is that uniques you are born with or you do trading to accomplish, but with irregulars you're born with it. The first generation of the Soshi brothers left behind weapons or items that would be passed on through the generations Kurohi left behind a book of knowledge which on him and his reincarnates can decipher, Mizo who left behind a bow that could correspond with his element, Tentō who left behind a staff capable of storing and releasing lighting, and Seishin left behind a sword capable of storing his own energy to release it and to also absorb other people element and turn it into his own energy. Though the brothers can be born into different family's they will be connected with a special bond. To ensure that they could live peaceful lives they decide to make a kingdom of Anzen where it would be safe. Since they had many followers Anzen flourished from hot springs to schools to restaurants could be found there. Soon after the the completion of Anzen the 1st born Kurohi had past followed soon by the 2nd then 3rd until all how was left was Seishin he got married to a woman who would be know as the queen of their kingdom had kids to ensure that there would be a royal bloodline a soon a thing settled down Seishin past away as well as the first queen. The brothers would then start the new generation.