
Chapter 3

"Ashton? " He found me with wide eyes and I just stared at him for good 2 minutes, "I see you found my weapon stash, " with a devilish smirk on his face. That gives me horror. "In that case, I guess will have to KILL you," that two last words gives me horror.

"Nononono! Please don't kill me, " I'm so sorry to do this but you already know my secret, but there is still a chance, I will let you live if you will be like me, " he said. "Who are you?" I asked randomly. "I am Jonathan, duh."

"Why do you have those weapons inside your bag? " I asked. " Cause I am an assassin duh! " "Okay, I will be an assasin just like you, will that stop you from killing me? " I asked. "Hmm..  I won't promise that to you but you need to worry about the training cause I think you have at least 25% chance on surving the training, cause look at yourself, your so skinny and cute."

"What?" I asked. "Nothing I was just saying that your skinny, and you have 25% chance on surving the training," well I guess I'm still going to die.

Then Jonathan went to his bag and closed it, then he pressed a button under the strap of the bag and he opened the bag again and he get a folder. "Can you give me my homework?" I handed to him the homework all done.

"The training will start at 6:30 pm, go to park and I will pick you up there, " and he left the locker room just in time the students flooded the locker room, so they can change into their PE.

"O-okay, " I'm doomed af, I need to pass that training first before I rejoice. But what is my plan on surving this, training.

I looked at my watch and it said, it is still 7:47 am, classes will start soon. So I went outside the gym locker room and went to my locker where my all my stuff is, as I opened my locker, I found a note that says, "Don't do anything stupid or tell anyone my secret cause I am watching you, " okay, this getting so creepy. But it makes sense cause some assassins does that in movies, where they stalk their target and when they got the opportunity, they attack the target, killing it mercilessly.

Then some stranger or a student that I don't know gave me some chocolate and flower, how sweet. I want to know who sent this bouquet of flower and some chocolate, which looks expensive. I stuff this things nicely inside my locker and went straight to my first class cause it is 7:53 am.


Class pass by so fast, I didn't think the teachers teach us anything. But at least class is over and tomorrow is the weekend! But I realized that I was going to trained! Ugh! Fuck!

I went to my locker and opened it, as soon as I was going to close the door of my locker, this dumbass Casper stand beside me, "Hey, what you doing, nerd."

"It is none of your business, sir, " I said. And when I thought he would leave me, I was wrong. He grabbed me by the collar and slammed me into the wall, and pain course through my whole back and the pain cause me to drop the flowers and the chocolates to the ground, and it ruined them.

When Casper saw me wince from the pain, he immediately released me from his grip and he looked at me, with a straight face. "Next time, when I was talking to you, you will answer me nicer. Cause if you don't, you will have worse than that."

I was left there sitting and lying my back onto the wall, I was crying because the flowers and the chocolates that was given to me was all wasted. I stand up but my back still hurt from that, I was not surprised that no one helped me and no one stopped Casper.

I just went home, sobbing and when I got home, mom wasn't there. So I decided to go to my room, I lie onto the bed, my back hurts so bad, he slammed me so hard onto the wall, then I was driffted of to sleep because of the tiredness from crying and enduring the pain of my back.


I woke up and it's 8:00 pm, 8:00 pm! Oh shit! No! I will be dead, Jonathan will surely kill me.

Then I heard knocking through my window, shit it is him isn't it?

I looked to the window and there I saw Jonathan, smiling at me, I opened the window and I let him in, which is not the best idea that I did, fuc why am I so stupid!

"You did not appear on the place that we need to meet, " Jonathan said. "Sorry, I slept cause I don't feel earlier but now I'm okay!" I said proudly.

"Okay, we can still go to the training grounds, so are you ready? Or are you quitting? Cause if you quit," he draw out a sharp pocket knife out of his pocket, "I will kill you here."

"Of course I am going *nervous laugh*, but my mom will search for me if she found that I am not here. It's okay I contacted the boss of the company that your mom is working at, and he said that he added more work to your mother so she can't go home until morning."

"Oh God that is not good my mom will be stressed so much, " I said full of worry. "Don't worry you crazy bitch, it was all easy to do but it will consume her time," he said.

I think these assassins have many connections through out the world and also a lot of money.

"What are waiting for dressup now! " his shout made me wince of fear but I ushered my way to my closet full clothes.

As I undress my self I couldn't stop myself to feel uncomfortable cause I think that Jonathan is watching me.

I finished dressing up, "Okay let's go! "

"I saw those bruises on your back, who did it to you? " he asked. "Let's not focus at it later and let's just get to this shit."

And we went down the stairs and went outside the house, and I hoped inside his car after locking the house. And we drive off.

Hi! Every! Body!  Thank you so much for reading this chapter.