
Shehzaade The Princess of Melinda

Tragic lovestory of a brave Princess who turned into a Queen

Priya_Nimi · Fantasie
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4 Chs

Dead Body

A body in front of the royal palace of Melinda was lying lifeless. The eyes were gouged out, the hands had several deep cuts due to attack of sword from where blood is still oozing out. The legs remained as four pieces cut through the knee sockets. The dead body was of a woman in a costume similar to that of a battle armor.

The royal family was crying over her body. The dead woman's mother was intensely screaming & wailing over her daughter's body. The dead woman's father was dumbstruck on losing his daughter. He was walking lifelessly stammering while walking around his daughter.

The whole kingdom was mourning the death of it's princess. She was the brave princess, Princess Shehzaade. She was a role model for every woman in the kingdom. She bravely fought against her enemy even just before her death. Her bravery, skills & stamina was spoken all over the world even after her death. Her husband was preparing his elite forces to kill the murderer.