
Death and Her Consort

The books first few chapters are short, but they lead to bigger and better chapters. give the book a chance to engulf you in a world of ancient magic, love, jealousy, war and SEX. *********************************************** Swimming to her I ask her about how it's dangerous to be in the water with a man almost naked. She said it was my problem. She has no idea how right she is about that. My cock was so hard being this close to her like this. So little clothing between us. She really was going to drive me crazy. Being with her set my insides on fire. I was throbbing for her. Craving to be inside her. In seconds I was inches from her face, the scent of her lust filling the air around us. I could hear her heart beating fast. And then she says "you're right it is my problem" and then she kissed me. Holy fuck she kissed me. Is kissing me. I bring her closer to me, pulling her mouth closer to mine. The first opening she makes in her mouth I slide my tongue in. Tasting her. My arms wrapped around her hands holding her back keeping her chest pinned to mine. And I devour her completely. I've wanted her like this since the moment she walked through that door in her fathers office. We somehow make our way towards the water fall it was a little more shallow so I could just stand with my chest just above the water. I put my hands on her ass and throw her up some making her legs wrap around my hips. I lean her against the mossy wall behind her. Kissing her deeper and deeper barely breathing, my dick was throbbing in my pants as she's rubbing her pussy against it. "If you don't stop I'm going to take you right here and now." I growled at her, feeling the voice of predator deep inside me. "Maybe that's what I want. What I choose." And with those words I lost control pushing her harder against the wall kissing her swollen lips and begin to pull my pants down, I was going to fuck her brains out right here and now. I was going to fill her up with me. All of me. She's mine. Now and forever. MINE. A loud screech like the sound of metal grinding in your ears broke up our intimate moment.

Devonany · Fantasy
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82 Chs

he was ecstasy

It felt so good being back in his presence. It was like a piece of her had been found and was back where it belonged. He was hers and she was his. The goddess herself deemed him worthy why didn't he think he was? What could he have done that was sooo awful, that would make him think he's not good enough.

And this inn keeper guy was really annoying me.

Like hello? I'm right here. You can ask me if I want food or a bath too.

Ignoring me pissed me off. But, before I could react, the innkeeper brings us up the stairs to our room on the third floor.

We walk into the room. And immediately Theo slams the door behind him. He grabs my face and presses his lips to mine.

Oh how I missed his lips. His kiss started so gently, it was soft and filling. Behind it was something dangers and primal shaking the cage to find its way out. I was running out air. He pulls his mouth panting.

He takes off my armor shirt and I take off his.

"I have been fucking dying to do that since I saw you in the distance" he said roughly, desperation sat behind his lips.

Lips I needed to feel again. Going in for more he walks me backwards toward the bed. I stumble back with him landing on top of me. Running my finger through his hair. The smell of him was over whelming me. His mouth engulfed mine. Drawing the very life from me into him.

I wanted more.

I needed more.

I push my hips up to tease his growing erection. He grit his teeth and grunted. Grinding him from underneath, my body begged for him. I was soaking wet, throbbing to befell him inside me. To fill my whole body with him.

"Please" I begged.

"Oh no I will keep my promise and I will make you pay for earlier, little bunny." Theo's sexy words sent shivers down my spine, like a blanket wrapping me in velvet.

His denial was pure torture. He pressed his lips to mine once more. He slid his tongue into my mouth. He tasted delicious. I couldn't get enough.

He left my mouth wanting more, but started to kiss down my neck and them my chest, stopping at my breast. In his left hand he one breast and then he put his mouth over my right one. Caressing my sides and then my hips, he slowly moves down to with warm wetness leaving through my pants. Rubbing my clit from outside my pants was making my body cry for more.

"Fuck Theo please" I was begging.he lets go of my breast with a pop from his mouth, and then jerks my pants over my hips, pulling them down my legs and tossing them on to the floor. He slides his hand between my legs.

"Oh my fucking gods Rion, you pussyis so wet!" Theo moaned feeling the warm sticky fluid drenching his fingers. He pulls them back and then put the. In my mouth.

"Suck on it"

I did. Shit I did taste good.

He dives mouth first into my vagina. He spreads my lips sucking on my clit. He pushed his fingers inside my wiggling them around hitting my special spot. The feeling sent waves of pleasure cascading over my body. Wave after wave com0etely drowning me. I was unravelin at my core. I scream from the pleasure the buildup finally releasing. I know he could feel my walls throbbing around his fingers. He sucked the cum from me, drinking me in like a fine wine.

He pulls down his pants and then climbs on top.

"I'm gonna fuck you all night long." And he dove in. Pushing first gently in and out, helping me stretch and relax as it had been a week since the last time I had him inside me. He was huge!I could feel the ripping I groaned a bit from the pain, asking Theo stop.

"No please don't stop, keep going" I say bring my hips up to meet his hard throbbing cock. He pushes in further I bite my lip. Tasting a bit of copper in my mouth. When Theo saw it he lowered himself down and sucked in on my bottom lip. I moaned from the delight. Now he was picking up his face. Pushing in fast and faster. Harder and harder.

"I'm not going to go easy on you, you know that little bunny." His warm breath whispering in my ear. It made my body shudder from anticipation.

"The fucking don't" was all i could say before he rammed himself into me. Making me scream again. Pulling back and slamming again hard and fast over and over. Heavy build up fast release. Over and over again I was coming. Before finally he stopped. I could feel his body convulsing as his duck throbbed inside me. Filling me with his seed. I could feel the war, liquid spilling from inside of me as he pulled out. I thought we were done, but he lowered his head and then his cum from inside me and then coming up to my face and kissing me, I could taste him and he taste so sweet with a bit of sour. Like an orange. It sucked on his mouth swallowing every single bit.

Panting and shaking from the stimulation, he held me tightly close to his chest.

T: I will never spend another night without you the rest of our lives.

And the was the last thing he said to me as we both drifted off to sleep.

tell me what you liked most about this sex scene. mine was the ending when he cream pied her and the. fed himself to her.

Devonanycreators' thoughts