
The Devil In A Church

Asmodeus was never going to back down from a challenge and he didn't care if it was the Father Almighty that was cooking up a trap for him.He was ready and he never feared church places.He thrived in the solemn but hypocritical atmosphere of these supposedly holy institutions.

Religious people were still human.They were corruptible and as dirty minded as the rest of the world.He had faced alot of priests through out the millennium but he hadn't quite met anyone who could even tickle him.

This goes without saying that he had completely avoided the divine one's first eleven disciples.Even with all his confidence he knew,it was suicide to go up against them.They were guarded by Arch angels,their loyal brothers who chose to stay faithful to their Dad even though Lucifer brought up very convincing reasons why they should have all joined forces against their Maker and Father.

The six who followed Lucifer were now slightly weaker so they could be beaten up to the point of non existence not to mention what would happen if the angels showed their real faces.

Asmo would have a free one way ticket to hell without a body to manifest back to earth with and spiritual blindness,if that was even a thing.

Simply putting it in lame man terms,looking at an Angel's real face was like staring at an exploding sun.

They finally arrived at the infamous house of God that Maria deemed fit enough to entertain the Devil.He walked into the building

It was a modern structure that resembled a classic Orthodox parish but it was definitely not one.It lacked the basic features.Its exterior was simple and not sophisticated at the same time but Asmo wasn't here to sight see,so he just barged into the interior premises.He was met with a mass or church service in progress.He was about to start a commotion but Maria popped up behind him just in time.She grabbed his hand and pulled him to an empty seat.

Her touched burned but this time it was bittersweet.This was their first official skin to skin contact and Asmo was not taking it likely.The fact that she did it with her free will intact gave him a boost in morale.He smiled realizing that he had found one of her weaknesses. She didn't like to be embarrassed in public.Well,who in their right mind would want that to happen.

He was pulled out of his thoughts to witness the event this church was doing.They had lined up a bunch of women before the vast congregation and were shaming them for breaking their vows of celibacy till marriage.Asmo felt a fire burning withn him that instant.He was fuming inside.He hated public display of people others deemed to be sinners .

All of humanity were sinful so to take a few bad nuts out of the rotten many and call them out for their deeds was an unacceptable principle for Asmo.

He stared at the pastor who was the chief culprit of the events unfolding.

Asmo's search into his soul gave him damning findings.That dude right there used to be a regular costumer at one strip club he owned.

He couldn't sit and watch as that hypocrite chastised others whiles he was guilty of the same sin.

He rose from the seat escaping Maria's attempt to stop him in his tracks.Before anyone could blink, Asmo was standing by the pastor holding a microphone that should have been in the hands of the pastor.

The pastor tried to take it from him because he was about to mention the names of the immoral ladies.Asmo spoke with a commanding voice that seemed to put the pastor in a trance.

He turned to the pulpit and walked closer to it as the congregation's attention was now on him.

The king of hell,the freaking Devil was standing at the pulpit holding a microphone.

What the hell was he going to possibly say in a church that was supposed to be the house of his Almighty Father.