

Uriel's face remained expressionless, but his eyes blazed with a fierce light. He raised his hand, and I felt a surge of energy lift me off the ground. "You dare to strike an Archangel?" Uriel's voice was low and menacing. "You will pay for your insolence."

I struggled, but Uriel's grip was unyielding. I felt my very essence being pulled apart, my scream drowned out by the sound of my own soul tearing apart.

Just as fast as it began, he suddenly stopped everything . Uriel's expression remained unchanged as he didn't look angry but he then showed a hint of disappointment before letting out a sigh. "Hmmm..."

With a flick of his wrist, Uriel released me, and I collapsed to the ground, gasping for air. Uriel turned and walked away, leaving me to wonder if I had imagined the whole encounter. Gabriel approached me, a concerned look on his face. "Daniel, are you okay?"

I nodded, still trying to process what had just happened. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little shaken." Gabriel placed a hand on my shoulder. "We will find Chris but Daniel,we have to do it together."

I couldn't shake off the feeling that Uriel's sigh had left a deeper impact than I cared to admit. It was as if the Archangel had been expecting more from me, and I had failed to deliver.

Fueled by determination and anger, I ran up to Uriel again and challenged him to hand-to-hand combat. "Uriel, you think you're so much better than me? Let's see you fight like a man, without your angelic powers!"

Uriel raised an eyebrow, seemingly amused by my boldness. "Very well, human. I accept your challenge. But don't say I didn't warn you."

Gabriel tried to intervene, "Daniel, don't be foolish! Uriel is an Archangel, he's far beyond your skill level!"

Uriel held up a hand, silencing Gabriel. "Respect Daniel's choice to fight me, Gabriel. This is his decision to make."

The two of us faced off, our eyes locked in a fierce stare. I charged at Uriel with a series of quick jabs and hooks. Uriel, unfazed, blocked each punch with ease, his movements fluid and precise. I attempted a roundhouse kick, but Uriel dodged it effortlessly. Uriel retaliated with a swift punch, but I managed to block it with my forearm.

The fight continued, with me using every ounce of strength and skill I possessed. I delivered a series of rapid-fire punches, but Uriel absorbed each blow, his expression unchanging. In a surprising turn, I landed a perfectly aimed dropkick, sending Uriel crashing to the ground. As Uriel struggled to get up, I seized the opportunity to deliver a devastating superman punch.

But just as my fist was about to connect, Uriel suddenly sprang to his feet and landed a sucker punch that sent me crashing to the ground, knocked out cold.

As I came to, Gabriel was helping me up. "Daniel, what were you thinking.It was foolish of you to challenge Uriel!"

But I shrugged off his help, my eyes fixed on Uriel with a mixture of anger and respect. I said nothing, my silence speaking volumes.

Without a word, I turned and walked away, leaving Gabriel looking at Uriel with a mixture of anger and frustration. Gabriel's eyes narrowed, his voice low and menacing. "You could have killed him, Uriel. What's gotten into you?"

Uriel raised an eyebrow, his expression unchanging. "He challenged me, Gabriel. I merely accepted. Don't blame me for his foolishness."

Gabriel's face twisted in anger, but he said nothing, his eyes fixed on my retreating figure. The tension between the two angels was palpable, their disagreement over my treatment hanging in the air like a challenge.

As I disappeared into the distance, I knew this wasn't over. Not by a long shot.

I stormed off, my anger still simmering like a pot about to boil over. Uriel and Gabriel continued their conversation, their voices hushed but intense.

Uriel's eyes narrowed suddenly as he sniffed the air, Gabriel followed his gaze to the spot where I had stood just a while ago. "Belzebub's scent," Uriel growled, his eyes locking onto Gabriel's. "Ask Daniel what happened to Deli."

Gabriel vanished and reappeared before me in an instant. "Daniel, what happened to Deli?" he demanded, his eyes piercing.

I hesitated, unsure if I could trust the Archangels anymore. Especially after Uriel's brutal treatment of Deli.

But Gabriel's urgent tone broke down my defenses. "Belzebub saved her," I admitted, the words tumbling out in a rush.

"I was shocked, Gabriel. The Devil showed more care for a dying Deli than Uriel did."

Uriel appeared beside them, his eyes blazing with suspicion. "I don't believe you're telling us the whole truth, Daniel," he accused, his voice low and menacing.

I met his gaze, my anger flaring again. "Go to hell, Uriel."

Gabriel stepped between them, his hands raised to prevent another fight. But Uriel turned away, his shoulders tense. "I'm tired of playing hide and seek with Belzebub. I know his hideout now."

My ears perked up. "How did you find it?"

Uriel stopped in his tracks, his eyes glinting with a fierce light. "I tapped into the demons' memories when I killed them. And now, I know where Belzebub is hiding."

Gabriel's eyes widened in understanding. "This is our chance to capture Belzebub, Uriel."

I ran up to them, my heart racing. "Take me with you!"

But Uriel ignored me, his gaze fixed on Gabriel. "We can't trust him, Gabriel. He's hiding something."

Gabriel's hand closed around my wrist, a silent message to Uriel. "We need him, Uriel. His friend was taken by Belzebub.He is also the only one Belzebub can't kill because of his Father's curse."

Uriel's eyes narrowed, but he nodded curtly. "Fine. But if he betrays us, am going to send him straight to hell."

With that, the three of us vanished in a blinding beam of glorious light, leaving behind a burning cross on the grass field.