
Dark Kisses

I should've left. I knew from the beginning he was no good but for some odd reason I let him in. The words he spoke resembled those of a poem. His eyes told a story of love, passion, and pain. Yet his lips spoke the truth. He could never commit and I still chased.

"How could he do this to me?" historically I cried. Mother would often ask if I was ok, to agree I'd nod my head in hopes she would stop asking but she never did. Mother always knew.

"Dark Kisses.." Mother stated.

"I don't understand what that means. You say this all the time and never explain. What does it mean?" She stares at me for a brief moment. "You let his words feel you with joy. His action tell you the truth but you only believe his words and eyes. You're so lost in "what could be" that you are blind to what is. And every single time he kisses you it sends you deeper and deeper to your dark place." Baffled. How could she know that? Mother has never met him. She had never seen him. She has never spoken to him and yet she knows he's not faithful. I mean I know he's not faithful... how does she know?

I wonder what dark place shes talking about. I don't have a dark place. Well i dont think so.

"What dark place are you talking about mother? I dont have one."

"Darling I know you better than you know yourself. For 2 weeks now you've been heartbroken. You knew that boy was no good. Why did you continue to chase? What kept you drawn to him? Whatever it is you need to let go." Mother stared at me. She looked almost heartbroken. As I sat at the table I asked myself "Could she be right? Why did I chase him even though I knew He wasn't good? Why do i continuously hurt myself?" A million and one questions flood my mind then it plays again in my head DARK KISSES. I need to let go.