

The fate of a billion dollar company remains in the hands of a 25 year old daughter till everything turns into a mission. A story about love, betrayal, money , wealth and power.

Evelyne_Mutisya · Urban
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

An email popped up her phone.


Name: Edward Constance Arias

Age: 49

Spouse: Marcellia Constance Arias

No. Of children: 8

Property and business

1. Falcon branch of bars.

2. La Delicaz restaurants and suites

*In debt worth 75%of his networth


Name: Dimitri Russel Arias

Age: 53

Spouse : Laura Russel

Children: 2

Property and business

1. Has stocks in several betting companies

2. Executive director in Ollinol oil drilling company.

*His accounts have been frozen by the government for investigation of money laundering of government assets.


Name : Arnold Varg Arias

Age : 50

Spouse: Camilla Varg

No. of children: 5

Property and business:

1. Director at Ollinol oil drilling company

2. Apartment estate in Sundown Real Estate.

*Investments are at a loss.


Name : Salvador Sanchez Arias

Age: 56

Spouse: Armellia Sanchez

No. of children : 3

Property and business

1. Luxury Apartments in Macau

2. Import and export companies in France.

3. Shares in an entertainment company in Manilla , Phillipines.


Karmel shut her phone , took off her face mask and retired to bed.







( 600 km East of the city)

"Excuse me! Excuse me! Excuse me please. " Clara said trying to pass through the crowd of people .

"Just in time ... It's your turn now" Ricky said smiling at Clara.

Clara wiped sweat off her face with the edge of her sleeve and sat close to the water point. Ricky sat beside her.

"You know when I'll get money I'll give you a better life than this. You won't have to struggle so much. You'll look pretty like those city girls we see on tv. You'll fix your nails , put on nice clothes and that thing that ladies apply on their faces..... what's it called again?" Ricky said

"Make up?" Clara asked

"Yeah , make up "

Clara left out a soft laughter, " You're full of fantasies. "

"What ? You don't believe that we'll one day get out of the slums?"

" No .....I do believe. That's why I have several jobs but I have to educate my siblings. One day we'll get out of this slum and live a better life. ....but you don't have to work yourself to the bone to give me that..... I'm a big girl , I could handle myself." Clara said with a faint smile.

" Okay.... By the way yesterday was my lucky day... remember that treat I promised you. Let's go!"

" What about the water ?" Clara asked .

"Hey boy . Watch those for us we're coming soon okay? Let's go!" Ricky said dragging Clara along .






" Well...well....well...look who's here" Dango, a loan shark aporoached them on their way.

" What do you want?" Ricky asked with his voice shaking.

" Not you little human ....I want this pretty girl you are trying to shield behind you. " Dango said brushing his fingers on Clara's hair with his eyes on her like a hungry wolf behind her.

"Boys ! Grab him! "

Ricky was pinned on a wall.

" Hey ....leave my girlfriend alone! " Ricky shouted .

"She looks a year older than you. You sure she is your girlfriend? " Dango's minion asked laughing.

" What do you want from me? " Clara asked trying to hide the fear she had.

" I want you to convey a little message to your sweet sweet father" he said as he drew closer to her hair like he was trying to feel it's scent " if he doesn't pay back my money by the end of this week..... I'll serve him to you for supper one night and you wouldn't even what it is you're munching on ." He drew away from her and walked away .

Clara took in a deep breath .

"Are you okay?" Ricky asked.

"Yeah I'm fine...."

" I'm sure he just wanted to pick on you . It can't be true your father can't borrow money from him. Remember he said he despises him and hates people like him . " Ricky said trying to assure Clara.

"I hope so." Clara whispered to herself.





In the evening...

Clara joined her father who was seated outside their house.


"Yes Clara "

"I have a question ."

"It's good that you are here . My back is really sore and I feel like I have knots all over it. Could you please give me a massage?"

"Yes papa!"

" So what is it?"

"Papa ... Did you borrow money from Dango?"

"How did you know?"

"So it's true."

"I had to...your brother needed money and your sister was sick ...I had to.."

"How much is it? "

"Don't worry. I'll pay him ...so please don't tell your mother ...okay?"

"Okay Papa!" She said watching her father walk into the house .

Clara sat there staring in the sky. She hated the state she was in . She hated poverty.