

Sana, a talented fashion designer who has at last moved on happily on her life after her boyfriend, Lukas broke up with her. Now after 3 years she saw him as a successful billionaire. She has to work for his new girlfriend Olivia. Will she be able to survive this after her ex has changed from carrying to a jerk who cares only for himself or is there still a part of him that still cares and her.

Jasminflowerjeni · Teenager
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5 Chs

Broken glasses

Before 3 years...

Sometimes the promising way to move on in life is to understand, to let go of things that you tried hard on.

It's been 8 months and I still can't get over the fact that he broke up with me by saying that he didn't love me.

Then what was all of that before?

What did all of our kisses mean to him?

Every word, every moment we shared together, what was that?

He answered that question with a straight face " Why don't you understand Sana, everything was a lie. This whole relationship was a lie. You were just a distraction for me. You were stupid enough to trust me."

With that, he turned his back and marched forward leaving me deserted at the church's garden where he first admitted his feelings for me.

That day was the worst I have ever existed. I have never in my life cried so badly. Never even when my parents died. I was so desperate, that I called him, texted him, and even searched for him but never got a reply or even saw him again.

I trusted him with everything. The trust and love that I have never given anyone.

Later I thought that why should I let myself be so broken and desperate for someone who has never cared about me in the first place.

Some relationships are like broken glasses.

Sometimes it is better to leave them broken than to hurt ourselves by putting them back together.

So starting today I will forget what's gone and appreciate what remains. This poison is not going to leave so soon but one day it would. I know that I would recover.

I have to heal in order to live.