
She holds a billionaire's heart

His heart aching with fragments of the past. The girl he searched for all the time has finally returned. But maybe God wanted to punish him, so he took her memories. She is the clear and beautiful moonlight that illuminates his barren heart. He used to try to cherish and keep that moonlight in his heart carefully, but he couldn't believe that he would indirectly cause her suffering. The red dress covered the cold ground, glittering tears rolled down her face like a spring flower. She shook her head painfully, unwilling to know everything. If possible, she would never want the two of them to meet in the past. Perhaps, if he didn't do that day, the two of them wouldn't be on the path they are on today.

QuynhAnhLuu · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Need to leave

For a split second, Charan was frozen, unable to open her mouth to tell the person holding her that her name was not Jemisha. Panic set in, and she tried to leap out of the other's grasp, but his grip was too firm, and she was unable to free herself even a millimeter. The mouth could not speak, the body did not have enough strength to resist, Charan was powerless.

Because of the strange man behind her who is hugging her tightly, she is unable to move. Even though Charan had no idea who the person behind her was or where his voice had come from, Charan seemed to sense it, he didn't mean anything bad when approaching her.

It was the most peaceful hug she have ever experienced. Charan was overwhelmed by the gravity of the situation. He let out a sigh of relief, looking very sad.

"Jemisha, I have to tell you something. Today was a very sad day for me. Today I was abused by my biological father. I don't know why he hates me so much, you know that Jemisha?"

After a brief pause, he slowly raised his head, as if preparing to meet Charan's gaze. Charan narrowed her eyes and rubbed her eyes to get a better look at the man who had just appeared in front of her. But this was a futile effort on her part, as she was unable to discern what the man in front of her eyes looked like.

Charan let out a sigh and realized she was in a dream as she stared at a face with no five senses. Let go of his desire to flee and obeyed, Charan sat in the man's lap and looked at him. She still believes that this is a dream, even though it seems so real to her. Everything will be as it was when she wakes up, she just has to put up with a little discomfort for the time being.

After she had given herself some time to calm down, she began to pay attention to the man in front of her. He was wearing a black shirt, but the fabric appeared to be darker in color. As Charan felt his chest throb, he frowned slightly. In her heart, she wanted to ask him if this dark mark on the black background was a bloodstain, but her mouth remained silent as before.

The two of them sitting face to face to face. Charan's hands were lifted and placed on the other man's cheeks by the other man. At this moment, Charan was unable to let go of his hand, even though she was able to control her own body on her own. In the strange man's actions, she seemed to feel empathy for his pain and sadness.

In a slow, gentle motion, he kissed each of her fingers. This action of his did not make Charan feel uncomfortable, but on the contrary, she felt very relieved.

His tone softened into a melancholy sigh. Slowly, tears streamed down his cheeks before he suddenly collapsed into Charan's arms and began sobbing. That man was in excruciating pain, and she could feel it. Her tenderness helped her understand the pain he was going through as she gently stroked his large but trembling back.

"My mother passed away today, Jemisha. I became a child without a mother. But you know… today my father and his new wife happily went on a honeymoon. I hurt myself one then I hurt my mother two. I told her many times already, told her to let go and get away from the man but she refused. My loving mother, to death, still can't let go of her feelings for that man."

Charan's eye sockets suddenly became hot again. Tears slowly fell, rolling down her white cheeks.

"Jemisha, I'm so hurt… so sad… I'm all alone… I beg you don't leave me okay?"

The man's voice suddenly became urgent and confused, clearly expressing his pleading for assistance. Charan desperately wanted to comfort him, but she couldn't do anything.

The scene disintegrated in an instant. The sky collapsed in a split second, and the earth opened up horribly.

The two of them were suddenly split in two directions by a strong force from the underground, away from each other's arms.

Charna jerked her eyes open in a startled state as she emerged from a peculiar dream. Her breathing was very erratic, her eyes widened, and she looked ahead with fear in her eyes. She bit her lip lightly as she tried to keep from uttering a sound because her entire body had all of a sudden become overcome with an unexplainable tremor. For the time being, it was important for her to maintain her composure; but suddenly a warm breath appeared from behind her.

It's possible that this breath appeared next to her soon, but because she had just entered a stressful situation herself, she was unable to notice it.

The aroma of ambergris was so recognizable that it gently blew into her nose, and inform Charna of the identity of the person behind, that is Verin.

It appeared as though he was not pleased with her movements; alternatively, it's possible that her sudden movements caused his lust to rise.

A deep voice said: "You should obediently lie beside me; Otherwise I will most likely make you regret it."

She understood Verin's will, and because of that she immediately became extremely obedient. Charna did not dare to move anymore but lay still.

Verin experienced a gradual relief from the burning sensation that had been present in his body as time passed slowly. He hugged her very tightly, showing her great respect along with his loving care and attention. While Charna was resting in his lap, she started to say her goodbyes to him before she left for home. She decided to leave today; at first, she believed that she would not be able to see Verin say her goodbyes before she left; who would have thought that she would be able to see him so early in the morning?

"Verin, I will be returning to my home later today. I am grateful for the concern you have shown during this difficult time."

Her voice is very quiet, and it has a very timid quality. Even though she was aware that she needed to leave, she was concerned that telling Verin about it would cause him to feel awkward for some reason. Charna's reticence in her words also reflected her entire mood.

Verin nodded, not replying. He continued to maintain the position in which he was holding Charna firmly in his lap. His arm, which was concealed beneath the flimsy blanket, was gaining strength as it tightened its grip around Charna's waist.

After giving it some thought for a few seconds, she subsequently asked the two of them to stay in touch: "Verin, are you interested in maintaining communication with me?"

Verin continued to show her agreement by nodding once more. He raised his voice and began reading her a string of numbers. The number line was promptly committed to Charna's memory. She wanted to read him her phone number, but she suddenly realized that since she was sold by her father to the bad guys, she was no longer allowed to use the phone.

His voice carried a hint of languor, and from the back of Charna's neck spoke up.

"Don't think about it any longer. I have already provided you with a phone that you can use to get in touch with me. After you have completed all of your packings, the butler will bring it to you shortly thereafter."

Charna pressed her palms together tightly as she wanted to turn her head to look at his current form and express her gratitude to him. However, because Verin was still holding onto her, she was unable to turn around. Charna gave herself a light lip-biting motion as she reflected on the favors that Verin had bestowed upon her. She does not want to be indebted to Verin an excessive amount, but right now in Charna's hands, there is nothing of value to repay him for saving his life. The debt of gratitude is very large, and it is very difficult to repay. She decided to do it herself one day in the not-too-distant future, but she kept it a closely guarded secret in her heart.

After a heartfelt farewell embrace with Verin, Charna said her goodbyes and followed the butler's instructions to be brought back to her home. Everything was successfully coordinated.

Charna tilted her head slightly towards the car window, she let out a sigh. Even though she was only a short distance away from Verin's mansion, Charna's heart couldn't help but miss the figure of that cold man. She lightly touched the car door, then sighed again. How long will it take for the two of them to see each other again?

As the other car drove out of the upscale neighborhood, it started making its way towards the more familiar country road area. Charna cast an anxious glance toward the street. The familiar street was empty of people, once in a while, a person who had just gone to work appeared in a flash. As the car inched closer and closer to her residence, she could feel her heart beating faster and faster in her chest.

The driver gave Charna a friendly smile, looked in the rearview mirror for a moment, and then questioned her.

"Young lady, I want you to tell yourself not to worry and stress so much. I am a very skilled driver."

Charna couldn't help but laugh at the other driver's joke, but she managed to keep it together long enough to give him a polite nod and then return her attention to the outside world. As the anxiousness increased, the small hand that was resting on the glass door clenched its fingers tightly. How many terrible ideas ran through Charna's head, such as: what if she went home right now, and met her strange father, along with other evil people, what would she do? After giving it some consideration, she concluded that she should pull over the car at a location that was quite a distance from her residence.

"Would you be able to come to a complete stop here, driver?"

She extended her hand and made a gestural inquiry to the driver.

The driver looked like he wanted to ask something but didn't say anything because Charna's face was full of panic. He did as she asked, stopped the car, and let her out.

As soon as Charna got off the bus, she bowed her head and thanked the other driver in a very careful and polite manner.

"Thank you very much. Go back to Lord Verin's mansion. There's only a short way to my house, I'll go home by myself."

The other driver looked at her very attentively, then also said a few more instructions to her to be careful, then turned the car and left.

After seeing the driver's car leave, Charna breathed a sigh of relief. She doesn't want to drag anyone who isn't involved in this complicated mess. Charna didn't have a lot of luggage with her, and at this point, the only thing that was valuable to her was the phone that Verin had given to her.