
She holds a billionaire's heart

His heart aching with fragments of the past. The girl he searched for all the time has finally returned. But maybe God wanted to punish him, so he took her memories. She is the clear and beautiful moonlight that illuminates his barren heart. He used to try to cherish and keep that moonlight in his heart carefully, but he couldn't believe that he would indirectly cause her suffering. The red dress covered the cold ground, glittering tears rolled down her face like a spring flower. She shook her head painfully, unwilling to know everything. If possible, she would never want the two of them to meet in the past. Perhaps, if he didn't do that day, the two of them wouldn't be on the path they are on today.

QuynhAnhLuu · Urban
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7 Chs

Chapter 3: Do you really want to help?

His eyes are enticing because they're black, but it's a unique shade of black. Those eyes look like the night sky, but there are no stars or moon. Those who encountered Verin's eyes were apprehensive because of his dark beauty. His hand rested nonchalantly on the armrest of the chair he was leaning on. His appearance is really lazy but full of fatigue. But it is a fact that even when Verin shows off his laziness, his arrogant and cold aura still makes others afraid.

Charna slowly approached him. Verin also didn't urge Charan to speed up her steps, he just looked at her with an expectant look.

As soon as she stepped closer to him, the distance between the two of them was reduced to about two adult hands. In an instant, Verin had Charan's waist in the palms of his hands and was squeezing her into his lap. Charan's body tilted slightly, then immediately fell onto Verin's broad chest. Verin gently patted her back, then he let out a sigh, slowly closing his tired eyes.

When Charan heard Verin's soft breathing, she knew she couldn't move because he was dozing off. Charan could smell Verin's ambergris as she leaned in closer to him. His warmth gently enveloped her body, turning into a sleeping potion that put Charan to sleep with him.

The two of them, don't know how far their relationship has developed, but they can peacefully lean on each other and sleep so soundly. Strange.


The following morning, Charan awoke early. As soon as she opened her eyes, Verin's perfectly handsome face like a god statue appeared in front of her. His breathing is very gentle, the lines on his face are inherently sharp, but when he closes his eyes and falls into a peaceful sleep, Verin's lines become extremely gentle and gentle.

It was as if their bodies were hugging each other, and Charan could feel his warmth through her skin. At this moment, Charan realized that she and he had changed his lying position, from the chair to the big bed ever since. Perhaps, at midnight yesterday, Verin had woken up and actively moved the location of the two of them.

Naturally, Charan's heart was filled with a sweet ambiance. She was awestruck by his wit and sophistication. This was the first time Charan was lying next to someone of the opposite sex, but somehow, she didn't feel any anxiety or fear at all, on the contrary, she felt this moment was normal.

Verin suddenly spoke up as Charan was still deep in thought.

"You look as if you want to pierce my face with your eyes. Is it possible that this face of mine will make you so amused?"

That Verin's statement was meant to be taken as a joke was crystal clear. Charan quickly lowered her head to avoid his gaze, making her both embarrassed and shy.

"No, I was just busy thinking about something. I never looked at you."

Verin's face had improved since yesterday, as evidenced by the smile on his lips. Verin's spirits were restored after a restful night's sleep free of nightmares. His spirit had been tortured by subordinates for several days, and it was as tight as a string, unable to be lowered for a brief moment. Yesterday was the first day in seven years that he had slept soundly without dreams. His mysterious black eyes studied her intently. His heart after so many days of cold has also been re-ignited. The girl he loved, finally showed up again.

"Your face will turn red if you tell a lie."

As soon as Charan realized what was going on, he covered his face and shook his head.

Charan immediately covered his face, shaking his head.

"No, I'm not blushing."

Her actions are really funny, hiding her head and tail, Charan herself says that she is not lying but her actions and face are red. This is herself selling herself out.

Verin stopped making fun of this thin-faced little fox. He sat up, leisurely looking through the transparent glass door. The warm sunlight poured into the room, the rustling of leaves mixed with the chirping of birds. The fresh air from outside comes in, naturally making the audience feel extremely relaxed.

Charan following him also started to sit up. As soon as the beautiful scenery of nature appeared before her eyes, Charan's eyes widened because she was so surprised.

She couldn't hide her admiration. Charna was taken aback by the beauty of the scene in front of her. Charna hurried to the large door and stepped outside onto the balcony, where she breathed in the fresh air. When the wind blew through her long, fiery red hair, it looked like it was on fire. As the wind blew her white nightgown, it cleverly highlighted her enviable figure.

Her smile appeared out of nowhere, brighter and more beautiful than the sun's rays shining down on her. Verin's mind conjured up an image of a young woman from that year who had an innocent smile on her face. He stood motionless, his gaze fixed on hers. The heart in his chest was pounding so hard, the feeling of recalling the days of the past.

He wanted to grab Charan's sweet smile and hide it, so that he was the only one in the world to see it. Verin has endured the sensation of time slipping away from him, day by day, alone, for far too long. He couldn't bear to be apart from her for long periods. He really couldn't bear the days without her by his side. Verin had already made up his mind, but he kept his thoughts to himself. Whatever happens, I'll never give up on you, and I won't let you go through this alone. I swear by my life.

Charan spent nearly a month in Verin's mansion. Her health has completely recovered. She and Verin's current relationship is also regarded as excellent. According to the butler and the other servants, Verin had never brought a woman before Charan to the mansion, and she was the first one he to do.

It can be said that Charan is the only exception of Verin, up to this point.

Before that, she didn't dare to tell Verin about what was happening around her. Because Charan is very afraid of Verin who is also a dangerous person. She doesn't want herself to just get out of her sick father's arms and offer herself to another devil. The relationship between Charan and Verin is indeed progressing very well. She understood that he was a good person, different from his cold, loveless and dangerous appearance. Or at least Verin's goodness was always for Charan.

Charan's mood and emotions were swallowed by the stories of the past. It took her a long time to regain her composure. Charan knows when it's time to leave Verin's mansion and talk to him. For her safety and the safety of her loved ones, she must return home as soon as possible.


Charan and Verin eat dinner together. Both of them seemed to be doing this regularly. Charan spends most of her time at home reading and strolling through the mansion's back garden. She looks forward to dinner with Verin every day. In this huge mansion, she only knew him.

He paused, put the two eating utensils on the table, and spoke.

"Is there something you want to tell me? I feel you eat unfocused."

Charan nodded and her hand movements ceased as she expressed her feelings. er lips were slightly pursed, but her gaze remained steady. She looked at him seriously, the first words she said were thanks for his help.

"Verin, I thank you very much for your help over the past month. Now my health is much better than before. I need to go back to my home, I think my family members are very worried about me."

Her hands were hidden under the table, she didn't want Verin to see her urgency and anxiety. Verin thought for a moment, his brows slightly raised. He did not stop Charan's act of wanting to go back to the house, Verin only confirmed if she was safe when she returned to her home.

"Do you think it's safe for you to return there?"

Charan was a little uneasy when he was asked this question. A slight lowering of her head hid her anxious gaze, and her eyelashes drooped deftly to conceal her expression. She didn't know how to answer his question. Because it was in that house that Charan was harassed by her father, although he still couldn't touch her body, he had intentions. Then he sold her to a bunch of other bad people. Charan's heart aches every day because of those painful memories. She wanted to forget to start a new life, but when she thought of the gentle mother who always took care of her and her lovely little sister, she couldn't help it.