
She's An Ice Storm

First book in the element manipulators series Hi, my name is Danielle and I have ice powers. I don't remember when I got them but ever since that day my life has become more irritating, annoying and exciting . I've helped a lot of people with my powers but sometimes my temper gets the best of me and I kind of lose it. There are 5 elements, namely- Fire, water, earth, wind and snow. We are some of the most important people on the planet but we try not to take privilege in it or at least some of us try not to. "Aiden was running his mouth again and I was getting pissed. I was about to walk away but then he just pissed me off even more and I was not having a good day today. "Too much of a wuss to stand up for yourself? Guess girls really don't hold a candle to boys, Powers or not." He had the nerve to laugh right after that I was just about to hit him with a solid icicle but someone gripped my hand and shoulder to stop me from moving from moving. The ice was melted by now and I knew exactly who it was. "Back down, Danielle. There's no need to get into any trouble today." Follow Danielle on her story. Read to find out more.

Atika_Daniel · Fantasie
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22 Chs

Chapter 5

Axel's POV

It has been two weeks since I last saw Danielle and I'm starting to worry. What if she left school? What if she was sick and needed help, or maybe she wasn't coming because of me? I quickly ruled out getting sick cause elementals don't really get sick, and if we do, it's pretty rare but I do remember her having asthma. It wasn't bad or anything, and it would go away after a while because of her powers but it still hasn't disappeared completely so that might be it. I do remember her being in Snape's office just before I got there so maybe he has some answers for me.

I made my way to Snape's office and just as I got there I saw a lady with wavy black hair, pale white skin and dark green eyes exit the office with Snape following closely after. She had a brief conversation with him and looked my way about three times before leaving. Snape beckoned me into his office and gestured for me to sit down.

"Hello Axel. I am assuming this is about the whereabouts of Danielle am I correct?" What the hell?! How'd he know?!

"Yeah it is actually" I said sheepishly while rubbing the back of my neck

"Well I am sorry to inform that I myself do not know"

"Yes you do"I said with confidence. I know he knows where she is and I plan on finding out.

I don't think he was used to this, especially from me, because he literally recoiled his head in disbelief. I had no time to be nice. "Excuse me?!"

"I'm sorry sir, I really am but I know you know where she is."

"Sorry Axel but I cannot tell you. Miss Sparrow specifically requested for no one to be informed of her location."

"So you do know where she is? I knew it!"

"Mr Blackwood, I would appreciate it if you left my office now and yes I do know where she is"

"Before I leave, can I ask you one more question please? And I won't ask you for her location." He reluctantly nodded so I continued. "Does anyone else know where she is?"

He just sighed and said "I don't know if she told anyone but I highly doubt it. Now please leave,"

I left his office and went straight to her classroom, maybe someone there would know where she is. I spotted that boy Aiden with his gang of idiots and walked up to them. They tried to leave but I stopped them by reminding them that I had fire powers.

"Your name is Aron right?" I knew his name but I really wanted to piss him off.

"It's Aiden. Can I ask what this is about?"

"Do you know where Danielle is?"

"Yeah I do. She should be in my house" he replied with a douchey smile.

"Don't annoy me kid. Tell me if you know where she is or not." He tried to walk away but I grabbed his collar and held him in place.

"Alright, alright, just chill out! I don't know where she is." He shrugged.

I just rolled my eyes and let him go but he just doesn't know when to walk away

"Isn't she your girlfriend? Shouldn't you know where she is? Maybe she left because she was scared" His little posse started snickering but one look from me shut them up

"Can you repeat that for me Aron? I didn't hear you the first time." I asked with a smug smile but I was really annoyed now and I guess he could see that cause he stopped looking like such a douche and slowly backed away like a scared chicken.

"It's Aiden. I uh didn't say anything, bye." They bolted up the stairs and I could see them at the top. I just rolled my eyes and walked away for the second time

I tried asking every single one of her classmates where she was but they either didn't know or didn't even talk to her. I was concerned because the amount of people that said they don't talk to her is basically her whole grade and even the ones who said they did weren't close to her apparently.

I tried calling her mum but the moment I started talking she ended the call. I lost track of time and when my basketball teammate/best friend, Alejandro called me I had to abandon my search to go for practice.

"Coach is going to kill you when you get there. We've been looking for you for half an hour. What were you doing?"

"I was looking for the brat I have to look after. She has not been coming to school."

"Oh yeah, I haven't seen her recently." He looked really deep in thought and I knew he wanted to ask me something

"I know that face Alex. What do you want to ask me?"

"You always say you don't like her and you always say that you wish Snape would take away whatever bond he created cause you don't want to see her more than you already do. In my opinion, you hardly see her. Back to the point at hand though, why are you looking for her if you don't even like her?"

"Because..... uhhh... I don't know! No, wait, I do know. It's because I have a job to keep her out of trouble and Snape will probably kill me if I don't." I finished with a triumphant smile.

"If I remember correctly and I'm pretty sure I do, didn't you go to Snape during register marking today and ask him where she is?" He replied with a smile of his own.

"I... um... yeah... but... ugh! just shut up" He started laughing like a freaking hyena on crack so I hit his head really hard

"OW! What the hell was that for?!" Now it was my turn to laugh.

"Well since you can't shut up, you deserved it."

"Lets just go, coach is going to kill us."

I really would have preferred death over the torture coach was putting us through. We had to run 50 laps around the whole court and if we slowed down for even a second another lap was added. Since I had more endurance than Alex because of my powers, I lasted longer but he kept slowing down and we got 3 more laps added! After I finally got Alex to finish the laps without slowing down coach made us do 100 pushups and then made us work out with the team too. To say I was tired was an understatement!!! I'm pretty sure I would die or maybe faint.

Remember how I said my endurance was better than Alex's? I really meant it cause Alex fainted halfway through the teams' workout and I had to carry him to the nurse's office.

We finally finished practice about an hour later and all I wanted to do was go home and sleep but I needed to drop Alex back home. He woke up after a while so I booked a tuk and I was about to leave but Snape said he needed to talk to me. I left Alex in the tuk and I told the driver to wait 5 minutes because I needed to get something.

"Axel, I needed to ask you a question. Why did you want to know where Danielle was? Shouldn't this be a dream come true for you?" What is it with people and asking me this question.

"I don't know, I guess I was just curious" I lied while shrugging. Technically half lied cause I was curious but I didn't know why I wasn't happier about this.

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah I am" I replied looking at him confused.

"Alright then, you can leave."

I walked back to tuk after getting Alex's bag that I had forgotten to bring before and got in. After dropping Alex back home I got back in the tuk gave him my address and just looked down at the road the whole time.

I finally got back home and I had a shower, got dressed in comfortable clothes, ate and lay down on my bed. I wondered why I was so worried about where Danielle was and why I actually cared before I finally drifted off to sleep.

So the reason I've been adding the updates one after the other is because this book is published on another site as well so that's why they are one after the other. I do hope everyone likes my book and I hope y'all enjoy it.

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Have a great day!

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