


'OMG, This is finally happening!'

'And it's gonna be Liam!'

I closed my eyes and stuck up my lips, waiting for his lips to touch mine. I slowly opened my eyes to check out what was delaying him and I saw Liam chuckling.

I looked around, my lips still poked out, we were back in the field.

"What are you doing?" He asked, trying to control himself so he would not burst into laughter.

I rolled my eyes and pouted," I was just stretching my lips," I said, rolling my eyes again.

"Where did you take me, the dark abyss, the garden," I asked, looking around to find myself back in the school's vast field.

"I didn't take you anywhere, it was just an illusion," He said.

"Illusion, your powers can do that?" I asked and he nodded.

I control darkness and anything that has to do with it, and where there's light, there's shadow so I bend the darkness to my will and create...an illusion.