
Chapter 1

Hi, I'm Lisa and I'm sixteen years old .

Currently, me and my best friend applied for scholarship in MARS because we do really have passion for music and we do dream to become one of the most famous musicians in the next generation from the best music school.

Although, It has to do with lots of convincing my parent that I can handle it and I can take care of myself not just at home.

I don't blame them because they are worried about me and am worried too. Like, how is life going to be away from my parent, away from my hometown to another city i have never been before or know about well.

I am just grateful to God that I have my bestie by my side and I don't have to go through some stages because I find it really hard before I can open up to someone.

I've been checking my mail since to see if there's any new mail from MARS but I haven't received any from them.

My best friend called me around8:30 in the night screaming on top of her voice saying "I MADE IT". I was so happy for her that I joined her in screaming then, she asked me have I ? The silence that followed after told that her I haven't.

I was on the verge of tears when I told her myself that I haven't.

"She sighed"

Well, if you are not going am not going too, she said

I was quick to reject her piece of mind

"Let's bear patience" By God's grace everything will be ok, i said.

I told her goodnight, she did the same after assuring me that it will be fine.

And i disconnected the call.


I was sleeping when I heard my phone vibrated.

I was lazy and my eyes were heavy, I just wanted to go back to sleep.

"My instinct told me it's Camila but a voice in me was telling me to check, what if it's something important"

I wanted to scream Aaaaaaaaaaah but I didn't although I did from the inside.

I hate when that voice pops up in my head, I cannot just avoid it.

Finally, I'm on my toes, dragging my legs sluggishly to the bathroom, I did my business brushed my teeth and applied my morning face mask before I exited from the bathroom.

I went back to the bedroom to check for the thing that woke me up.

"Right now am holding my phone, my heart is beating so fast, although am not sure from who the message is, I'm still nervous".

I have gathered all my courage to enter my gmail, immediately I entered the newest message was from MARS.

I did not know what happened to my courage, but all of a sudden I lose hope before even checking.

It's almost 8am that means breakfast is almost ready. I was right because not a full minute after my thought my dad knock on my door saying breakfast is ready.

I went back to my bathroom to remove the mask on my face and wash it.

I headed downstairs to the dining table where I found my parent already set just waiting for me. I joined and we started having our breakfast.

Ummm... Mom, I said

Yes Lisa, she said smiling

Can you help me with a mail, I just don't have the courage to open it, please. I said.

Is it from MARS? Dad asked

I nodded.

He gave me an assuring smile.

Well where's the phone? Mom asked.

Oh! Let me get it upstairs

I ran up the stairs, carried my phone and ran down the stairs to the dining table.

I gave my mom the phone

She unlock it, entered the mail app, then she turned to look at me and asked if i am ready.

I smiled then nod my head

Here we go, she said .

Miss/Mrs Lisa Adams

We would like to inform you we've approved your scholarship request and we will be looking forward to see you on resumption day on 9th of September this year.

Good luck.

Regards from MARS.

OMG! I'm speechless

Tears started flowing down from eyes

Lisa what wrong? Mom said

Are you not happy for your acceptance to the school? Dad said

They all look at me with worry

I sniffed my nose.

They are tears of joy, I'm so happy. I said grinning

Let me go tell Cami, I said and went back to my room upstairs.

I called her after two rings she picked

Hey Lisa what's up, she said.

I made it, I made it, we made it, I said squealing.


Well looks like we need to start preparing, you know shopping, she said.

Yeah that's true we are resuming on the 9th and today's 28th August, I said.

So what day are we going to fix to shop, she asked.

Well, Let make it on the Thursday that's 5th September, I said.

Ok see you then, she said .

Can't wait to be there, bye. I said

I ended the call.

29th August passed.

30th August passed.

31st August passed.


Finally, it felt like years before September arrived.

Can't wait for 9th September .

1st 2nd 3rd 4th September passed.

5th September.

I woke up so early today.

By the time I finished dressing, it was 7:24am so I made my bed and folded some clothes.

When it was 7:45am i picked up my back pack slipped my phone and wallet inside then headed downstairs for breakfast.


I'm so tired said Camila.

Yeah me too. Are you spending the night here or .... I asked her.

My mom is going to pick up, she said.

Oh! well,gonna help me start arranging these stuffs before your mom arrives?

I'm tired, she said dragging the tired.

Please, I begged dragging the please.

Fine I will help you only if you will help with mine as well, she said.

Sure sure why not, I will be glad to do so, i said.

She just rolled her eyes and sighed because she knows my sentence is not to be accepted.


Bye see you on 9th September.

We bid each other goodbye before they zoomed out of our compound.