
Sharing Backseat with mom way to long drive

ace_hs · Prominente
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45 Chs

Backseat Adventure part 5

Continue to part 4.............

I was surprised it was taking her so long to tell me 'no' but I waited. I was sure she would feel better about it once she finally told me but after three days Nara had still not spoken to me. I was starting to get a bit worried that perhaps it had been a bad idea after all. That third night I recall walking past her room and hearing her on the phone. I am not sure who she was speaking with but she sounded depressed. "I would like but I am not ready," I heard her say. I sighed and went to my room. Maybe I should talk to her again I thought. Hours later she finally came to me with her answer.

I did not even hear her enter my room. I jumped when I heard her speak. Not because it was loud but because she was so close to me when she did. She was actually almost whispering.

"Does your offer still stand?" Nara asked.

"Woah, you startled me," I said. Nara however did not move and just looked at me expectantly with the most vulnerable expression I had ever seen.

I straighten up, cleared my throat and answered earnestly as possible, "yes it is." I honestly expected her to simply thank me for caring so much and then tell me no. That was sort of the plan all along. However that is not what she did.

She dropped her gaze and softly said, "lets do it then."

I started choking despite the fact that I had not eaten or drank anything in the last hour. But choke I did. I started coughing, my eyes started watering up, and I could not breathe. When I finally started breathing again I noticed the look of concern on Nara's face.

"Are you ok?" she asked.

"I am fine," I crocked.

She was worried but not necessarily for my health with her next question, "you were serious, weren't' you?"

"I was, I am, I just didn't think you would take me up on it," I replied.

"Well I am," she said as she straightened up a bit and held my gaze her confidence returning a little. "As crazy as it sounds, I think you right."

I did not know what to say. I opened and closed my mouth a few time before she interjected. "Saturday," she said.

"What," I asked too slow to catch on to what she was asking.

"Mom and dad will be gone most of the day," she elaborated.

"But that is in two days," I said.

"Yep," she said. She looked as scared as I felt though I bet I looked just as scared.

The next two days flew by. You might think the prospect of sex had me excited but it was the opposite. I was dreading it. I had truly meant it. I had the condoms and the morning after pills, hell I even shaved my nethers for the occasion. Anything I thought that might help. The truth was I was scared I would screw it up for her. What if it actually just made things worse?

I woke up early for a Saturday but I stayed in bed as long as possible. Our parents left around noon but made sure we were both out of bed to see them off. They would not be home until well after 9:00 they said. It was now or never I guess. With our parents gone it was just me and my sister standing there at the door. I felt I should say something.

"Shall we?" I asked lamely.

"I suppose so," Nara said with just as little enthusiasm as me.

We trudged our way to my room. When we got there I did not really know what else to do so I took off my shirt. Nara appeared equally confused and after looking at me for a moment she finally took her shirt off too revealing a blue bra. I then fumbled with my belt and slowly took off my pants revealing my best pair of red boxers. They made me look good and I liked wearing them but at that moment I did not feel that good. Nara followed suit and pulled down her pants revealing her sheer blue panties. I did not even know she had something like that. I could see right through them and see her shaved pussy. She must have shaved for the occasion as well or maybe she always kept it shaved for swimming. I know I always kept mine at least trimmed to keep pubs from poking out. She did look very pretty though she was clearly embarrassed and blushing. We kept stealing glances at each other but would avert our gaze when we were caught looking. She did look hot and despite how awkward it felt I start forming a tall tent in my boxers. When Nara saw this her eyes went wide and she turned around. After a moment she then started unclipping her bra and let it fall to the floor. I dropped my boxers to the floor and saw her do the same with her panties. She turned back to face me blushing deeply. She held one arm over her breasts and the other over her pussy.

"Well let me see. It is not like we can do this without seeing each other," I said.

"Yeah, I guess not," she whispered still covering her self and avoiding eye contact.

I stepped closer, "come on" I said encouragingly trying to sound more cheerful then I felt.

"Ok," she said and slowly uncovered her perky breasts and smooth pussy.

"You look amazing, beautiful, truly you do," I said smiling. It is true she was stunning and looked like she was pulled right out of a wet dream but my complement still felt hollow to me.

"I guess this is it," she said as she climbed onto the bed.

"I guess so," I replied.

She sat on the bed cross-legged while I opened a condom and slipped it on. I got on the bed with her. Nara then laid down and slowly opened her legs for me. I straddled her and leaned over as I lined my cock up with my sister's pussy. When my cock touched her pussy she jumped back a bit.

"You ok? We don't have to do this," I said.

"No, it is ok, it was just unexpected," she replied.

I leaned in again and made contacted. Nara did not jump this time. She tighten her hands into fists and closed her eyes fast and waited for me to enter. I was lined up ready to go but it just did not feel right. We were lying to ourselves. We thought this would make it better and were both to afraid to say we were not enjoying it. I got off, sat down, and took the condom off as my hard cock deflated.

"This isn't right," I said.

Nara let out a sigh of relief, opened her eyes, and then sat next to me.

"What do you mean?" she asked.

"You don't need to pretend. This is awful," I told her. "The whole point of this was so we could have sex and do it right but everything about this feels wrong."

"Well what do we do?" she asked.

"Do you still want to do this?" I asked.

"Well we have come this far," she stated. "We should try again. Maybe just not now."

I turned to her and smiled. The first smile in two days that felt real. I then put my arm around her and pulled her toward me. She reciprocated my embrace putting her head on my chest. We just held one another in silence enjoying an intimate and unexpected connection. I did not want it to end and I am not sure how long we stayed that way but at some point I noticed we were both still completely naked.

I looked at her and smiled, "you know you really are pretty."

She looked up and said, "really?"

"Really," I said.

She snuggled in even more. We sat there and once more I am not sure for how long. Eventually though it would have to end and I had an idea how.

"Why don't we put our clothes on and go swimming?" I asked.

She beamed at me, "you know what? That sounds like a great idea."

In less then 10 minutes we were dress and heading out the door. We did not have a means of transportation so we walked. Not the water park from earlier but just to the school. The pool was open to the public most of the time outside of school hours even if it was about a 30 minute walk. We were even back to our old selves on the walk, laughing and talking like we use to. Actually I think we were closer then we had ever been. We had a blast at the pool even if we did tease one another for wearing the same swim wear that started this in the first place. It was all in good fun. Something neither of us would have expected.