

Many years ago, planet Earth was in danger because of Narayana. She had plotted to bring harm to the earth, but legendary warriors came to the rescue and defeated the villains. However, before they died, they hid their gems in a mystical cave. These gems were the source of their powers. Now, Narayana's son, Roxton, and his crew are trying to find the gems before they fall into the wrong hands. Shan believes in the legend and has a great power inside of him that he doesn't even know about. Phoenix, Narayana's daughter, was meant to be the leader of the evil pack, but she gave the leadership to Roxton. It's now up to Shan to overcome them and create an era of peace and love.

Sapphire_lynn80 · Aktion
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13 Chs


Maya sat down on a nearby bench and looked at Shan, lost in thought. Suddenly, she heard Hinata calling her name repeatedly, "Maya! Maya!" Hinata shouted. "Huh? Sorry, what happened?" Maya responded, a little surprised. "Please explain," Hinata pleaded.

Maya took a deep breath and began to recount her story. "A few weeks ago, I was attacked by Roxton, and Madaiyen came to my rescue," she said. "Oh, that's why I couldn't reach you," Hinata wondered. "Maya, do you have a bike?" Lily asked eagerly. "Yes, I do, and I met a friend here named Rimuru," Maya replied, smiling.

"Is she a demon?" Lily asked curiously. "What?! No, she's a half-vampire and half-human," Maya explained. "Maya, can I talk to you in private, please?" Shan asked. "Sure," Maya replied, confused. They both walked away to a corner.

"Well, I need to see my parents!" Lyna said, interrupting their conversation, and left. "Wow, I wish I was born here," Lorelai said amazingly. "I can't believe it," Hinata said, while Shan asked a silly question, "Um, Maya, do you have a boyfriend?" Maya replied, "No, why?" "Just curious," Shan said, smiling at her.

Meanwhile, Rimuru was riding her bike towards their direction. She stopped near them to see what was going on. "A biker girl!!" Lily shrieked, surprised. "Oh, that's Rimuru," Maya said. Hinata walked closer to Maya, "Wow!" Hinata exclaimed.

"Hi, Maya, you didn't tell me you were having a party," Rimuru said, approaching them. "It's not a party, these are just my friends," Maya said. "Oh, hello, I'm Rimuru, you can just call me Rim," Rimuru introduced herself. "Cool bike!" Lily said and cleared her throat, "I'm Lily." "Hi there, I'm Shan Hira, you can call me Shan," Shan said. "I'm Lorelai, nice to meet you," Lorelai said.

"You too, oh, I saw Lyna on my way coming," Rimuru said. "I'm Hinata, for short Hinny," Hinata said. "Hey, you never told me that, Hinata," Mini said. "You can call me Hinny now," Hinata said. "Hi, Rim, I'm Mini," Mini said and gave Rimuru a handshake.

"Come on, let me take you to Madaiyen's house," Rimuru said. Shan thought, "House?" They all started following Rimuru. "Rim, do you have their stuff ready yet?" Maya asked. "All done, Maya!" Rimuru replied. "I wish I had a bike, it'd be cool," Lily said.

Soon after, they arrived at Madaiyen's house. "What the hell?!" Lily yelled, surprised. "Is this some kind of headquarters?!" Lorelai asked, equally amazed. Maya laughed, "Both. This place is amazing!" Mini said. Lyna saw them from afar and waved, "Hi, guys!!" she yelled. "There's Lyna," Lorelai said and waved back.

Madaiyen appeared again, "Good job, Maya. You all may have your rest," she said calmly. "Thank you, hero Madaiyen," Shan said as he bowed. "Just call me Madai," Madaiyen said, smiling delightfully. "Oh, okay then, Madai," Shan replied. "Shan!" Lily yelled. "It's okay, Lily. I permitted him to do so," Madaiyen said.

"Okay, let's run a few tests before you get started. Follow me," Madai said, and they did as they were told. "Madai, please tell me, why we're in Borealis and in your house?" Shan asked. "I'm just trying to figure out what made Roxton attack you," Madai replied. "Now, what you need to do is lay down on this chair, and the results will be out," Rimuru said.

"Cool! I wanna go first," Lily said without hesitating. "Okay then," Rimuru replied. After a few minutes, Lily was asked to stand up. "What's wrong? Why are we not undergoing the tests anymore?" Lily asked. "Nope, it's done already," Rimuru said. "But you didn't do anything," Lily said.

"Relax," Rimuru said while typing on her laptop. "So, what does it say?" Lily asked. "Wow, three species! You're a mermaid, half-vampire, and half-wolf. You're definitely not human," Rimuru said. "Whaaaaaaaaat?!!" Lily yelled. "Calm down, there's nothing to worry about," Madai assured her. Lily started breathing heavily. "OMG! Lily, your fluffy wolfy ears are cute!" Lorelai said excitedly. "F-Fluffy?!" Lily asked while trying to touch her ears. "Wow! This is amazing!" Shan said. "Cool!!" Lily said, still in shock.

"Hey, I wanna go next," Lorelai said.


Phoenix was fuming as she exclaimed, "I can't believe Madaiyen is still alive!" Sam looked concerned and replied, "This is going to be tough." Escarlata suggested, "Let's lure them into the sea and trap them," but Calavera had a different idea. "No! Let's steal their souls!" she insisted. Vaxian chimed in with a sly grin, "I'll make sure they fall apart and never reunite." Jake, who was counting his fingers, exclaimed, "Let's turn them into reptiles!" Everett, who had a plan in mind, spoke up, "Yes, we should probably listen to mine." Roxton agreed, saying, "That's a good idea, Everett." 

After a moment of thought, Everett revealed her plan, "Vaxian, you can make yourself really attractive, right? So maybe Shan will fall for you, and that's all." Vaxian seemed skeptical but replied, "I don't think that's going to work, but it's worth a try." Phoenix was thrilled with the idea and exclaimed, "That's perfect!"


Shan was feeling strange and was trying to gain control of himself. Madaiyen, trying to comfort him, said that it was normal and that he might be hearing voices. Shan was confused and asked her about the voices. Madaiyen explained that it was a power that he had and he might get used to it or never need it again. 

Madaiyen then walked towards her computer and started typing furiously. Lyna commented on her quick finger movements, calling them "disordered machines." Madaiyen explained that she was trying to track down something or someone and had placed trackers on them. She stood up and explained that the navigation system would be activated soon. Hinata was confused about what that meant, and Lyna explained that it was an instrument that determines the position of a vehicle and the route to a particular place. 

Madaiyen smiled at Lyna and praised her intelligence. Shan and the others agreed with her. Lorelai then asked Madaiyen what their next course of action was. Madaiyen replied that they needed to prepare for something, but she did not elaborate further. Suddenly, Lily piped up, exclaiming that all she wanted to do was ride a bike.


Roxton's voice echoed through the room with urgency, "We need to get rid of Madaiyen! Vaxian, you need to leave now!" Vaxian's eyebrows furrowed in defiance, "Don't boss me around!" she said before vanishing into thin air. In a split second, she reappeared and asked, "Where are they exactly?" 

Jennie, who had been silently observing, spoke up and answered, "They're in Borealis, in their headquarters." 

Sam, who was still puzzled, asked, "How did you figure that out?" 

Jennie replied with a smile, "I placed a tracker on Madaiyen, without her knowledge." 

"Okay, bye then," Vaxian said with determination before teleporting to Borealis, leaving the others behind.