

Many years ago, planet Earth was in danger because of Narayana. She had plotted to bring harm to the earth, but legendary warriors came to the rescue and defeated the villains. However, before they died, they hid their gems in a mystical cave. These gems were the source of their powers. Now, Narayana's son, Roxton, and his crew are trying to find the gems before they fall into the wrong hands. Shan believes in the legend and has a great power inside of him that he doesn't even know about. Phoenix, Narayana's daughter, was meant to be the leader of the evil pack, but she gave the leadership to Roxton. It's now up to Shan to overcome them and create an era of peace and love.

Sapphire_lynn80 · Aktion
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13 Chs

Another Attcak!

Madaiyen introduced Nathaniel. Shortly after, they heard screams outside. "It's Roxton again!" Ash quickly informed them in the shop.

Lily transformed and exclaimed, "Stay here, my dear cup of tea!"

Madaiyen and the others went outside while Roxton threw fireballs.

Lily extinguished the fire with water from the hydrant. "Roxton! Roxton!" Phoenix called out, pointing at Madaiyen and the others. "Can't you see?" she asked.

Roxton laughed before unleashing more fireballs and rays at Maya, while Lily extinguished the flames and Nathaniel shattered the rocks.

Roxton tilted his head with a smirk on his face. "It's Nathaniel, of course!" he chuckled. This annoyed Madaiyen so much that she felt like ripping him apart. Luca placed a barrier surrounding everyone.

"Hmm, so foolish," Sam sighed before shattering the barrier into pieces. Luca and the others were shocked. "Nice one, babe!" Escarlata smirked.

Jake thought about Mini once again. He had a chance to attack her but instead, he pushed her against the wall. "I don't want to kill you," he said with a frown.

Mini was so confused, "I..I don't understand, are you even a bad guy?!" She asked in confusion. Jake had a slight blush and then again glared at her intensely, "I'll be the one to take your life, so I'm reserving you" He said in sharp tone. 

As Shan assisted Madaiyen with Roxton, Lily contemplated a strategy to prevent Phoenix from launching further fire attacks at them. "Those attacks are simply meant to distract us!" she exclaimed. Luca smiled in agreement, and with a grunt, he jumped forward and leaped into the air, covering Phoenix with his protective barrier.

Phoenix was taken aback when her attempt to destroy the barrier with fire backfired and harmed her instead.

Mini ignored Jake's warning and attacked Izira to help her friends. She twisted Izira's hand and delivered an uppercut using her special move, the Iron Fist.

As Izira landed on Roxton, his annoyance reached its peak and he shouted at her to get off him. Meanwhile, Calavera saw her chance to avenge an old grudge as she launched an attack on Everett, using her powers to suck out her soul. With the stolen essence, she created a colossal creature that towered over the arena. Amidst the chaos, Jake noticed that Mini had slipped away to attack Izira, but he chose to let her go ahead with her plan.

Calavera seemed to have lost her mind, as she unleashed a frenzied attack on Roxton and the others. Her eyes were glowing white, indicating that she was out of control. As the monster continued to attack, Calavera summoned a dark hole in the ground.

Nathaniel was taken aback when he saw the hole that was dangerously close to him. He quickly stepped back to avoid falling in. "I can't believe this! I had no idea she was capable of such actions!" Roxton exclaimed in frustration. He didn't want to retreat, but he knew it was necessary to ensure the safety of his troops.

The wind blasting out of the hole was like a hurricane. "Calavera, you've got to calm down!" Jake yelled, hoping she would hear him. But she refused. "Hahaha! More power!"

As Lily peered into the dark hole, she was suddenly taken aback by a group of strange orange creatures that began to crawl out. "What the...are those scorpions?!" she exclaimed in shock. Meanwhile, Luca struggled to keep his footing in the strong wind, as he reached out to hold Calavera's arm for support. "Don't worry, Calm down! It doesn't have to be them, forget about them! We're here...It's okay," he reassured her with a warm hug.

The orange creatures and the monster began to fade away gradually. Everett's soul returned to her body, and when she woke up, she screamed in fear, "Stay back! Someone get me out of here!" Jennie's eyes filled with tears as she realized they had lost Calavera. She gently picked up Everett, and Roxton opened a portal to take them back to their planet.

As Calavera began to settle down, the strange creatures with the gaping hole in their center vanished into thin air. Jake turned to Mini and gave her a friendly wave, to which she responded with a bright smile and a wave of her own. A sudden hush fell over the group as all eyes turned to Mini, who blushed and looked away, clearly feeling a bit embarrassed by all the attention.

Calavera apologized for what she caused, "I got carried away, I was only thinking of revenge, please forgive me". 

Madaiyen accepted her apology and offered to help in training. Lorelai approached Mini, asking if she and the boy were frenemies.

Mini chuckled, "You can say that. He's not such a bad guy," Shan sneered, "Just be careful. It might just be a trick." Madaiyen gazed up at the sky, feeling overwhelmed by everything that was happening. "I'll be waiting," she said.

Shan asked who Madaiyen was referring to after overhearing something, but Madaiyen denied it. Luca complimented Calavera on her power, but she seemed upset and her behavior hurt everyone. Luca attempted to stop her from leaving, but Lorelai suggested that she needed some alone time and reassured them that she would be okay. "Don't worry, she'll be fine," Lorelai said with a smile.

Nathaniel sighed and said, "Now that I'm done with this, I need to get back to work. I think I'll need an assistant." He winked at Lyna, who giggled, and then he dragged her into the shop.

Hinata sat on the bench and watched as Nathaniel took Lyna away. She couldn't help but wonder why love seemed to be in the air every day. "It's so frustrating," she sighed to herself, feeling a pang of loneliness in her heart. Lorelai suggested that Hinata should get a boyfriend, but Hinata shook her head, insisting that romantic relationships were mere distractions from her goals in life. "Oh, really?" Maya and Lily, chimed in with teasing grins, sensing Hinata's reluctance to open up to the idea of love.