
Shameless Little Nine Is Loved By All

Lin Chuijiu slowly opened her eyes and found herself In the Most Powerful Force of the Continent, The Lin family of ancient Cultivation World. As the little heiress of the Lin family everybody dots on her but she has a mysterious poison and is yet to awaken her spiritual root. Chujiu navigates her world with grace and determination, capturing the hearts of those around her, including her reluctant betrothed, the Third Prince. Chujiu, who went on a mission to find her missing parents will encounter an indescribably handsome young man in a pitiful state. Displaying her compassionate nature, she takes him under her care with pure intentions, harboring no ulterior motives. Not at all. She did not covet his body, not at all. Fast forward to a super romantic evening. Chujiu's all snuggled up with this dreamboat (whose name, by the way, is Wei Ting), gently moving his shirt to place tender kisses on his neck and shoulder. But when she looks up expecting him to be gazing back with starry eyes, Wei Ting just looks…confused. "Uh, Chujiu," he mumbled, "did you eat chicken fried rice again without sharing it with me?” The Speechless Chujiu practically exploded out of the room, leaving a puzzled Wei Ting on the bed wondering what on earth just happened. After a few days, Chujiu finally reunites with her long-lost parents. Her dad, overcome with emotion, choked out, "Daughter, you've been through so much to find me! I've caused you worry and you must have made several sacrifices to find us. How can I ever repay you?" Suddenly, a handsome young man who had remained silent interjects, “No need for repayment. She came to find you so that she can enjoy her marital bliss." Taken aback, Chujiu retorts, "What nonsense are you spouting?" The innocent young man blinks his eyes and says, "A few days ago, didn't you cry while holding me, saying you couldn't wait to enjoy your marital bliss but couldn’t do so without finding your parents?” Buried alive in embarrassment, Chujiu wished the earth would swallow her whole. This hilarious misunderstanding, fuelled by her overly affectionate nature and Wei Ting's impressive ability to miss the point entirely, was just another day in the life of the ever-so-lovable Chujiu.

liyi369 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

What They Did Is Unpardonable

"All of you are insensitive and did not bother about her feelings. You both didn't even bother to comfort her and left her to fend herself."

"Bai Xue, what is the use of cutting your ties with Ye Yuan when the damage has already happen? Even now aren't you being insensitive by being lovey-dovey in front of her? The moment you came here, Ye Yuan did not even bother that Xinyu presence and took you else where and you went along with him with a shy smile on your face."

"If an eleven year old little girl can think this much, can't you adults who have fallen in love and are about to get engaged understand a little."

Chujiu said whatever is on her mind and turned to leave, after taking a few steps she turned back and looked at the two speechless people and said her resounding words, "You may say that I have no right to talk about it, as its an internal matter of your families but as far as Xinyu is concerned, I will stand up for her from now on."

Chujiu held her head high and declared, "Xinyu is my friend and no one is allowed to hurt her. From now on she belongs to me. She has nothing to do with any of you." 

With that she walked back to the tent.

Inside the tent she sat on a chair and thought about what she has just spoken.

'Am I being too fast at making friends, why am I so rude to them?'

Its not even 24hrs since she met all these people except Ye Simming and she only met Xinyu a few hours back.

Now she has already gave such an aggressive speech. Why can't she hold back anything, why should she speak all that is on her mind? She is not like that before. Is it a side affect of the poison she had before, she has cleared all the poison right?

Damn it....

'well, I don't regret accepting Xinyu as my friend though'.

While Chujiu is on a dual chat with herself, people outside the tent have come back to senses.

Since its a closed place, obviously other people of the Ye family has listened to what Little Jiu has said, while Bai family brothers are unconscious so they don't know anything. 

Ye Ning and Ye Zhi are in tears, they ran into their tents. They are so heart broken and also felt ashamed, they are not even as good as a 11 year old little girl.

They never bothered to comfort Bai Xinyu after what happened. Both of them played with her in their childhood, when she got in to depression they too tried a few times to play with her but after getting rejected a few times, they did not bother Bai Xinyu anymore.

After the incident with Ye Yuan, they did not even look for her. They never thought things in her point of view. 

What Little Jiu said made them realise how wrong they are and started feeling guilty. Xinyu is really pitiful.

The rest of the Ye family brothers also felt that Bai Xinyu is really pitiful and things shouldn't have turned out like this.

Ye Simming however felt proud of having a friend like Chujiu, what if there is an age gap, actually she is even more mature than him.

Chujiu: 'what do you know, I am a 27 year old soul and you are like a little brother to me'

Bai Xue and Ye Yuan stood there as they are... previously they definitely felt guilty about everything but that is only a little. After what Little Jiu said, they realised what they have done is unpardonable. 

They unknowingly caused a lot of damage to Xinyu. 

After 3 hours, Bai Xinyu woke up only to see a small figure laying behind her in deep sleep. 

She thought, 'so from her side I am now her friend'

'a useless friend'

She took out a simple dish from her storage ring and ate calmly. After that she slept.

Chujiu slowly woke up when sun was about to raise.

She saw that Xinyu is sleeping soundly and woke up slowly from her bed without making noise. She took a few steps and turned back to see Xinyu but who would have thought that her eyes are completely open.

"You are awake?"

How come she could not detect that the person beside is awake and only closed her eyes. Has she lost her skills and became a trash? Couldn't even analyse a person's breath!

While Chujiu was hitting herself in her mind for becoming a trash, Bai Xinyu slowly stood and said while arranging her clothes,"I was sleeping but your steps woke me up."

Chujiu thought, 'aren't you adding salt to my wound? will you die if you do not say the reason?'

What came next is a much bigger slap to her face, Bai Xinyu said, "You don't need to feel bad, you are just a little girl. How can you walk silently without waking up a cultivator who is on guard in the wild."

They are in a forest and an assassination happened few hours back, so any cultivator will sleep with their guards on.

"Will I think that you are a mute if you don't say all these, who asked you?... hmmph", saying that Chujiu stormed out with an aggrieved expression.

Bai Xinyu : " " how did she anger this little girl?

She has become a trash... she is now a good for nothing... damn it why did it happen... why are all her skills gone?

She is a top assassin in her previous world, ranking number 1 on the charts. Now she can't even move without alerting a sleeping person

She can't even hide her feelings.

Assassins first quality is to make sure that nobody can read their feelings or what they are thinking. This is the most basic skill of an assassin.

She lost her both basic skills as an assassin. 

Damn it... she wants to kill someone...

 Just at that right moment, some one delivered themselves on a platter.