
Shameless Little Nine Is Loved By All

Lin Chuijiu slowly opened her eyes and found herself In the Most Powerful Force of the Continent, The Lin family of ancient Cultivation World. As the little heiress of the Lin family everybody dots on her but she has a mysterious poison and is yet to awaken her spiritual root. Chujiu navigates her world with grace and determination, capturing the hearts of those around her, including her reluctant betrothed, the Third Prince. Chujiu, who went on a mission to find her missing parents will encounter an indescribably handsome young man in a pitiful state. Displaying her compassionate nature, she takes him under her care with pure intentions, harboring no ulterior motives. Not at all. She did not covet his body, not at all. Fast forward to a super romantic evening. Chujiu's all snuggled up with this dreamboat (whose name, by the way, is Wei Ting), gently moving his shirt to place tender kisses on his neck and shoulder. But when she looks up expecting him to be gazing back with starry eyes, Wei Ting just looks…confused. "Uh, Chujiu," he mumbled, "did you eat chicken fried rice again without sharing it with me?” The Speechless Chujiu practically exploded out of the room, leaving a puzzled Wei Ting on the bed wondering what on earth just happened. After a few days, Chujiu finally reunites with her long-lost parents. Her dad, overcome with emotion, choked out, "Daughter, you've been through so much to find me! I've caused you worry and you must have made several sacrifices to find us. How can I ever repay you?" Suddenly, a handsome young man who had remained silent interjects, “No need for repayment. She came to find you so that she can enjoy her marital bliss." Taken aback, Chujiu retorts, "What nonsense are you spouting?" The innocent young man blinks his eyes and says, "A few days ago, didn't you cry while holding me, saying you couldn't wait to enjoy your marital bliss but couldn’t do so without finding your parents?” Buried alive in embarrassment, Chujiu wished the earth would swallow her whole. This hilarious misunderstanding, fuelled by her overly affectionate nature and Wei Ting's impressive ability to miss the point entirely, was just another day in the life of the ever-so-lovable Chujiu.

liyi369 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Song Family Is Following Them

Inside Royal Hunting Grounds

"Brother Yuan , when should we make a move?" Ye Zhi followed behind Ye Yuan. Their team had already reached the deep forest and in another two hours, it would become dark.

"Don't rush, it's fine to wait for a while. There are many spirit beasts inside the Royal Hunting Forest, the further we go in, the stronger they are. We'll annalyse the surrondings first."

"Brother Yuan, have you observed it too?", Chujiu asked Ye Yuan. No wonder he is the future head of the Ye family.

Ye Simming, Ye Ning, Ye Zhi and other Ye family youngsters stopped walking and looked at the two of them. Ye Yuan is walking in between Ye Zhi and Chujiu.

Did they miss something? What is she talking about?

Ye Yuan was shocked for a while and smiled, "Little jiu, when did you find out?"

Chujiu answered as a matter of fact, "Since the beginning."

Ye Yuan smiled widely and rubbed Chujiu's hair, "You are indeed the grand daughter of Grandfarther Lin. Your observation skills are top notch."

Chujiu who do not how to be humble accepted the praise shamelessly.

"Yes Yes, I am the most talented among my generation in my Lin family."

Ye Ning and others lips twitched.

Ye Ning smiled and asked, "Little Jiu does your brothers admit it?", 'won't they beat you up for talking nonsense'. She did not say the last sentence as she do not want to hurt the cute Little Jiu.

Chujiu answered as if she did not understand the meaning behind, "Yes my brothers often say that, since its a fact, I did not stop them."

Ye Ning, Ye Yuan, and others : " ".

Lin brothers seems to be dotting Little Jiu quite a bit, who asked her to be so cute and loveable.

Ye Simming could not take it anymore and asked, "What did you observe by the way, tell us fast."

Ye Yuan smirked and said in a low voice to everyone, "Song family team is following us. Everyone, be careful."

Ye Ning was worried and said, "Brother, we have come to the forest several hours back and still could not find Bai Family team. And why are these people following us?"

Ye Zhi and others are also worried, before they came to the royal hunt festival, they were warned in the family meeting.

They knew what happened recently and how Song family is involved behind the incident in the restaurant.

They were warned to be careful and also protect Little Jiu, this time the hunting festival is bound to be different and dangerous.

Ye Zhi pulled Little Jiu to the middle and warned Chujiu, "Little Jiu, always hold on to brother Yuan and don't run around."

Chujiu has been lively and been running around since she came in to the forest.

Chujiu smiled and pulled Ye Yuan to bend down and spoke into his ear. Ye Yuan did not react for a while and slowly nodded.

He spoke out a bit loudly, "Brother Simming, Xiao Ning and Little Jiu will form a team and go to north and check the situation while me and Xiao Zhi will go to south. Others will find a suitable place here and prepare the camp for us to stay tonight."

Before it gets dark, they had to find a suitable place and arrange a safety array as well. The reason is reasonable.

Ye family already knew that Song Ling is at emperor level and hence his hearing senses are far more powerful. Chujiu suggested to use sign language or use notes if necessary.

Everybody liked the ideas and started communicating with notes and signs.

Others did not understand, but the Song family might hear them if they talk. Though they cannot see them, they should still be able to listen them.

Song family team is indeed following them and they stationed not far away.

Though they could not see what is happening, they could hear the Ye family discussion.

So Ye family were also cautious and used low voices and signs when necessary.

Song Ling arranged three teams. First team will follow Lin Chujiu's team, second team will follow and show up at the Ye family camp site and third team which includes himself will follow Ye Yuan team.

Song Ling thought Ye Yuan is the strongest among Ye team and hence he himself should personally deal with that team.

"All of you listen carefully, as per our plan you should attack catching them off guard. Immediately, before they come out of the shock, you have to feed them pills. Not a single one should be left. We are almost double the number, so it should not be much difficult for us to deal with them."

"If anyone fails, only death could be the outcome for you."

"Also change your clothes before you leave. Don't leave any traces that will lead to the Song Family."

The pills are all distributed.

These pills are specially refined and when touched nothing will happen but when consumed, they enter the systems of the cultivators and slowly release dark elemental energy in to their bodies.

And these substances will slowly corrupt the spiritual roots and cripple the cultivators. It will take a while before anything is detected. No physician on this continent can detect the issue. 

The cultivators can only become cripple and wait to be slaughtered.

This is the devious plan that Song family has designed with the help of their mysterious partners.

Song Ling will lead and deal with all the young masters and young misses of all the four families while old master Song will handle the rest of the people.

At present they could not scheme against Lin Family brothers as they went on missions unexpectedly. They did not have news until the brothers left the capital. Also, they formed teams and went in several directions without a trace.

Even the younger generation in the Lin family are so good and leave no traces when travelling or completing missions. How can they be so powerful and have so many resources at hand. 

He, on the other hand had to depend on all kinds of pills and underhanded methods to improve his cultivation. He cannot take it anymore. 

Luckily his hard work paid off, he will soon teach those bastards a lesson.