
Shameless Little Nine Is Loved By All

Lin Chuijiu slowly opened her eyes and found herself In the Most Powerful Force of the Continent, The Lin family of ancient Cultivation World. As the little heiress of the Lin family everybody dots on her but she has a mysterious poison and is yet to awaken her spiritual root. Chujiu navigates her world with grace and determination, capturing the hearts of those around her, including her reluctant betrothed, the Third Prince. Chujiu, who went on a mission to find her missing parents will encounter an indescribably handsome young man in a pitiful state. Displaying her compassionate nature, she takes him under her care with pure intentions, harboring no ulterior motives. Not at all. She did not covet his body, not at all. Fast forward to a super romantic evening. Chujiu's all snuggled up with this dreamboat (whose name, by the way, is Wei Ting), gently moving his shirt to place tender kisses on his neck and shoulder. But when she looks up expecting him to be gazing back with starry eyes, Wei Ting just looks…confused. "Uh, Chujiu," he mumbled, "did you eat chicken fried rice again without sharing it with me?” The Speechless Chujiu practically exploded out of the room, leaving a puzzled Wei Ting on the bed wondering what on earth just happened. After a few days, Chujiu finally reunites with her long-lost parents. Her dad, overcome with emotion, choked out, "Daughter, you've been through so much to find me! I've caused you worry and you must have made several sacrifices to find us. How can I ever repay you?" Suddenly, a handsome young man who had remained silent interjects, “No need for repayment. She came to find you so that she can enjoy her marital bliss." Taken aback, Chujiu retorts, "What nonsense are you spouting?" The innocent young man blinks his eyes and says, "A few days ago, didn't you cry while holding me, saying you couldn't wait to enjoy your marital bliss but couldn’t do so without finding your parents?” Buried alive in embarrassment, Chujiu wished the earth would swallow her whole. This hilarious misunderstanding, fuelled by her overly affectionate nature and Wei Ting's impressive ability to miss the point entirely, was just another day in the life of the ever-so-lovable Chujiu.

liyi369 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Pay With The Body

The young man, momentarily taken aback, quickly realised he had an ally. The two fought in unison, a seamless coordination of skills and strategy. Chujiu's swift and precise movements complemented the young man's powerful strikes, creating a synergy that overwhelmed their adversaries.

Chujiu has photographic memory. She already understood the fighting style of the young man. So, she could easily coordinate with his movements.

Though she is as powerful as the assassins, she is skilled in combat and her body movements are as fast as light. The cultivators depend on their spiritual power and hence their movements are slow, they don't train their bodies as much as assassins in the modern world.

Also modern world assassins are more courageous, because they have to depend on their body movements and weapons they carry, often risking their lives. They don't have magic tools or shields to protect themselves, so they can only train and improve their skills. 

Chujiu has her own advantages and when combined with her spiritual energy, she can fight cultivators who are far more powerful in terms of cultivation.

The battle reached its climax, and the remaining assailants, realising their imminent defeat, retreated into the shadows from where they came. They have taken away the dead bodies of their companions. The young man and Chujiu stood victorious in the deserted space.

More than half people dead and others are severely injured but at the same time, Chijiu and the young man are exhausted as well.

Breathing heavily, both of them exchanged glances, an unspoken acknowledgment passing between them. The danger had been averted, and a bond forged in the crucible of combat.

After the battle is over, Chujiu couldn't help but admire the resilience and prowess of the young man. His fighting spirit, coupled with her own skills, had turned the tide. The abandoned place, once a battleground, now stood silent, bearing witness to the clash of blades that had unfolded in its shadows.

"Thank you", the young man is grateful for the timely help.

Only now that he has clearly seen that the person who helped him just now is actually a little girl. Although she is wearing a veil, upon standing close one can say her body build clearly belongs to a child around 10 years. 

"You are so young, little girl where did you learn your skills?"

He had never seen such body movements, she is so nimble and fast.

Chujiu looked at him for a few seconds and lifted her hand opening her small palm as if asking for a chocolate.

"What?", the young man did not understand what the girl is asking.

"Didn't I help you just now, what are you giving in return?"

The young man was stunned for a while before laughing out loud.

Chujiu saw him laughing, "Don't tell me that you want to take advantage of a little girl!"

The young man stopped laughing, "Hey, when did I say that I will not pay. And don't use such ambiguous words, those who listen might think that I did something unspeakable to a child."

Then he rummaged his pockets and could not find anything useful, he looked at the girl in front of him with apologetic look and said, "Girl, tell me which family you are from and I will visit your house with a gift."

Chujiu looked at him from top to bottom, he looked handsome with good body build and nice facial features. He is wearing decent clothes and his language doesn't seem uncultured. He must have come from a good family. But his fingers are empty, there is not a single space ring on him.

Though Chujiu looked young, her manners looked like an adult plus her skills seemed to be top notch. Now the way she is looking at him from top to bottom, he felt shivers down his spine.

He thought to himself, 'Is she a little demon? Why is she checking out my body so wantonly. Does she want me to pay with my body?'

While Chujiu is sizing him up and thinking about what to ask in return, she heard him say

"Though you saved me, you cannot ask me to pay with my body. I am still young, I am preserving myself for my future wife. You can ask me for something else, I will do my best to bring it to you."

Speechless Chujiu looked at him for a few seconds before digesting what he meant.

She almost puked after understanding the meaning.

Isn't it the famous dialogue between leads after one of them is saved by the other.

"Do you think I have bad eyes? Scoundrel, when did I ask you to pay with your body?"

"Don't you see that I am still a child!"

Though she do not want to call herself a child, still her current body is that of a little girl.

The young man asked with still a trace of doubt in his eyes, "Then why are you looking at my body?"

Chujiu wanted to hit someone, "When did I look at your lousy body. Aren't you completely covered? I am just looking at your clothes, your clothes are not cheap but you don't even have a space ring. I am thinking what to ask from you."

"Get lost, Its my bad that I wasted my time. I thought you have good skills and felt bad to see you die here. What a waste of skills… hmmm…"

She turned and left.

The young man came back to senses and immediately gave a chase. He blocked her way on a road leading to Lin manor and said, "Hey I am Ye Siming, sorry about the misunderstanding. I will be at Drunken Fairy Pavilion tomorrow at this same time. Come and meet me."

Chujiu did not answer and left without a word. She took a detour and came to the back door of the Lin manor. She made sure that nobody is watching and went in.

At night, she slowly got in to the supplies room without anybody noticing her. She do not want to alert the traitor who is in the Lin manor.