
Shameless Little Nine Is Loved By All

Lin Chuijiu slowly opened her eyes and found herself In the Most Powerful Force of the Continent, The Lin family of ancient Cultivation World. As the little heiress of the Lin family everybody dots on her but she has a mysterious poison and is yet to awaken her spiritual root. Chujiu navigates her world with grace and determination, capturing the hearts of those around her, including her reluctant betrothed, the Third Prince. Chujiu, who went on a mission to find her missing parents will encounter an indescribably handsome young man in a pitiful state. Displaying her compassionate nature, she takes him under her care with pure intentions, harboring no ulterior motives. Not at all. She did not covet his body, not at all. Fast forward to a super romantic evening. Chujiu's all snuggled up with this dreamboat (whose name, by the way, is Wei Ting), gently moving his shirt to place tender kisses on his neck and shoulder. But when she looks up expecting him to be gazing back with starry eyes, Wei Ting just looks…confused. "Uh, Chujiu," he mumbled, "did you eat chicken fried rice again without sharing it with me?” The Speechless Chujiu practically exploded out of the room, leaving a puzzled Wei Ting on the bed wondering what on earth just happened. After a few days, Chujiu finally reunites with her long-lost parents. Her dad, overcome with emotion, choked out, "Daughter, you've been through so much to find me! I've caused you worry and you must have made several sacrifices to find us. How can I ever repay you?" Suddenly, a handsome young man who had remained silent interjects, “No need for repayment. She came to find you so that she can enjoy her marital bliss." Taken aback, Chujiu retorts, "What nonsense are you spouting?" The innocent young man blinks his eyes and says, "A few days ago, didn't you cry while holding me, saying you couldn't wait to enjoy your marital bliss but couldn’t do so without finding your parents?” Buried alive in embarrassment, Chujiu wished the earth would swallow her whole. This hilarious misunderstanding, fuelled by her overly affectionate nature and Wei Ting's impressive ability to miss the point entirely, was just another day in the life of the ever-so-lovable Chujiu.

liyi369 · Fantasie
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62 Chs

Going On Mission

Now after listening to Old Master Lin, everyone felt proud and happy.

Though she is slightly weaker than other young masters, she is still considered strong among the children of other families. Very few have dual element spiritual roots.

If she is given time and resources, within few years she can stand with her head held high.

How can their Lin family child be a waste. They can only produce geniuses.

After flattering themselves for a while, all the people left the hall with smiles on their faces. Especially the Lin Family elders wanted to meet a certain good for nothing old scums and have a decent talk. They have to announce the news to the public and slap faces of some people.

Later, another meeting was conducted in the mission hall and with all young masters of Lin family including branch families.

All the younger generation are sent on several missions with their teams except for Chujiu. She is not strong enough so she decided not to drag them down with her. She will stay in her courtyard to cultivate.

To maintain such huge family, they need resources and often missions are issued. This will also help broaden their origins and gain more experience.

Often they form teams and go on missions to collect resources and all resources will be going to the pool and rewards are distributed depending on the contributions made.

Usually Grandfather Lin will give a few weeks time after missions are accomplished. They can use this time to cultivate and have some rest or do something for fun. 

Recently they have collected several herbs from various places, so they were planning some fun activities. This time, they can also include their little sister and have some fun.

But who would have thought that their grandfather is so eager to send them on missions.

They wanted to make a plea but Grandfather Lin's words made them shut up.

"Your sister has just awakened her spiritual root and need some resources. Her condition is also a bit special. She recently woke up from coma and is physically weak. We need to some special herbs and resources for her."

"Once we have them all and she can start her cultivation journey, you can teach her and take her along with you to small missions. She cannot be weak, so you have to help her."

"After these missions are completed, I will give a 3 month break, so you can play with her and share your inputs with her. She has always been a introvert and do not know much about the world. She can only depend on you brothers. Only you can teach her, so she can protect herself."

After this small lecture, the spirits of all the young masters rose by several degrees as if they are injected with chicken blood.

They promised Grandfather Lin to do their best and bring back several resources and collect all the needed herbs on the list.

After everyone dispersed, grandfather Lin smirked....

Good for nothing fellows....

They are eating away all the Little Jiu's time....

He hates to compete with good for nothings... he he

Later, Grandfather Lin called his sons and daughter in laws to his study and revealed about Chujiu's spiritual root.

All of them are shocked and swore to keep it a secret. They thought their little jiu is unable to cultivate and had less years to live but who would have thought that she is a genius among geniuses.

All of them could not help but hug Chujiu one after the other.

Master Lin, Lin Kai and Lin Yichen gathered around Chujiu and personally checked her condition.

They are really happy, now since Chujiu can cultivate, she can live longer and they don't need to part with her so early.

Normal people who cannot cultivate can hardly live upto 150 years but cultivators live hundreds and thousands of years. If they cultivate well, there is a chance to live more than 10,000 or even become an immortal.

When Chujiu heard their reason for being so happy, she almost cried. Others will feel proud for producing a prodigy and will flaunt their family's prestige. If they produce a good for nothing, they will isolate them and treat them badly.

But her family is worried about her life span, they don't want to part with her…. Waaaahhhh

She is so touched that she cannot be anymore touched…

She threw herself in to their arms and kissed all their cheeks.

All her three uncles felt good for the first time that their third brother had gone missing.

When he was in the Lin family, no matter how hard they tried they could not get past him and hold Little Jiu in their arms.

It seems that it is better to save resources and stop the search operation…

As elders they cannot be selfish and spend all the resources, they have to save them for younger generation….

Somewhere in the mountains, Third Lin: 'these unreliable brothers'.

A week later...

Chujiu sat in her quiet room, her legs crossed as she practiced her special powers. Candlelight flickered, casting soft shadows around her. She focused hard, trying to absorb as spiritual energy as possible.

Its been more than a week since she started cultivating on full swing.

She is currently at True Qi Realm stage 3. Her peers are usually at stage 7-9 True Qi Realm. Her brothers are rare talents and are at Spirit Realm 8 and 9 stages surpassing their peers by at least 5 stages.

While Chujiu was deep in meditation, something felt off. Her focus broke as she sensed a change in the energy around her. Her eyes snapped open, looking around carefully. She noticed her loyal maid, Cai Wei, wasn't acting right. Cai Wei was shaking a little and looked pale, like she wasn't feeling well.

Curious but worried, Chujiu watched Cai Wei carefully without being obvious. Her gut feeling told her something was wrong with her maid. Just then, another maid, Cai Meiying, entered the room. To Chujiu's surprise, Cai Meiying seemed a little off too, though not as bad as Cai Wei.

Chujiu started to piece things together, and her worry grew. She called Cai Wei and Meiying closer, trying to hide her fear by keeping her face calm. "Come here," Chujiu said, her voice firm and serious.