
Shadows of the Unseen: A High School DxD Tale

follow Yuki Tsukino as he travels the world of dxd with the gamer

george_evans · Anime und Comics
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character sheet

Character Sheet: Yuki Tsukino

Name: Yuki Tsukino

Level: 1

Race: Vampire-Devil Hybrid

Class: Shadow Summoner


. Cursed Technique (Domain Expansion - Limitless) (Jujutsu Kaisen)

. Uchiha Clan Bloodline (Sharingan) (Naruto)

Secret Gear: Shadowbane Gauntlet

Title: Shadowweaver


HP (Health Points): 80

MP (Magic Points): 100

STR (Strength): 8

AGI (Agility): 10 (+2 from race)

VIT (Vitality): 7

INT (Intelligence): 9

WIS (Wisdom): 8

CHA (Charisma): 6

LUK (Luck): 7


Shadow Conjurer: Can summon and control shadow creatures effectively.

Quick Learner: Gains experience and levels up faster than normal.

Magical Aptitude: Increased proficiency with summoning magic.

Blood Manipulation: Can control and manipulate blood for offensive or defensive purposes.

Soul Sight: Can see the essence of souls, useful for identifying beings and weaknesses.


Sunlight Sensitivity: Weakened in direct sunlight, but not fatally harmed.

Blood Dependency: Needs to consume blood regularly for sustenance and to maintain optimal health.

Skills (with Levels and Summoning Limits):

Summon Shadow Familiar

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Summons a small shadow creature (Shadow Sprite) to aid in combat or reconnaissance. Limit: 1 Shadow Sprite per skill level.

Level 50 (Milestone): Shadow Sprite evolves into a larger and more powerful shadow beast (Shadow Guardian). Limit: 2 Shadow Guardians per skill level.

Level 100 (Milestone): Mastery allows summoning of elite shadow entities (Shadow Monarchs). Limit: 3 Shadow Monarchs per skill level.

Dark Bolt

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Fires a bolt of dark energy at a target for moderate damage. MP Cost: 5 MP per cast.

Level 50 (Milestone): Dark Bolt increases in power and speed. MP Cost: 10 MP per cast.

Level 100 (Milestone): Mastered Dark Bolt unleashes devastating dark energy blasts. MP Cost: 20 MP per cast.

Blood Shield

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Creates a basic protective barrier using manipulated blood. MP Cost: 15 MP per use.

Level 50 (Milestone): Blood Shield becomes more durable and versatile. MP Cost: 30 MP per use.

Level 100 (Milestone): Mastery allows creation of large-scale blood barriers. MP Cost: 50 MP per use.

Shadow Vanish

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Temporarily merges with shadows to become invisible and escape from danger. MP Cost: 20 MP per use.

Level 50 (Milestone): Shadow Vanish duration and range increase. MP Cost: 40 MP per use.

Level 100 (Milestone): Mastered Shadow Vanish grants complete invisibility. MP Cost: 80 MP per use.

Domain Expansion (Cursed Technique)

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Unleashes a domain of limitless shadows, enhancing Yuki's abilities within the area.

Level 50 (Milestone): Domain's influence expands and strengthens, affecting a larger area and increasing Yuki's power.

Level 100 (Milestone): Mastery over Domain Expansion grants unprecedented control, shaping shadows into formidable weapons and defenses.

Sharingan (Uchiha Bloodline)

Level 1 (0/100 XP): Activates the Sharingan to perceive movements and anticipate attacks.

Level 10 (Milestone): Sharingan evolves to the "One Tomoe" stage, granting enhanced visual perception and predictive abilities.

Level 20 (Milestone): Sharingan progresses to the "Two Tomoe" stage, improving Yuki's combat awareness and reflexes.

Level 30 (Milestone): Sharingan advances to the "Three Tomoe" stage, allowing Yuki to track high-speed movements and copy basic techniques.

Level 50 (Milestone): Sharingan evolves further, unlocking the "Mangekyo Sharingan" with unique ocular techniques.

Level 75 (Milestone): Mastered Sharingan techniques become more refined and potent, increasing Yuki's combat prowess.

Level 100 (Milestone): Ultimate mastery of Sharingan grants access to higher-level Mangekyo Sharingan abilities and enhanced ocular techniques.

Additional Skills:

Dungeon Creation

Darkwood Forest

Shadow Citadel

Abyssal Caverns

Twilight Labyrinth


Dagger: Basic weapon for close combat.

HP Potions (x3): Restores 50 HP per potion when consumed.

MP Potions (x3): Restores 50 MP per potion when consumed.

ID Card:

Student ID with cover story as a transfer student