
Shadows of the Opportunity

An epidemic, a possible cure and thin lies transformed into truths. When the penuries strike the daily life, the beings weak hide under any stone, the strong come to light to dazzle everything in their path and the cunning take advantage of the opportunities offered by the moment. It follows the story of a weak being, who, because of an opportunity seized by someone else, was forced to walk a tortuous path. NT - [Sorry, my english is worse than a little child's. I help me a bit of the google translate and wordreference.]

LonelyVoid · sci-fi
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2 Chs

The Choice.

The hours passed and he still did not know what to do, from so much walking back and forth his feet had become numb, indecision eating him inside.

All kinds of ideas were going through his head, each more irrational than the other, this while time kept running and approaching the third day, just when he could no longer, an idea of the many that it had occurred to him, began to flourish.

Was it necessary? His children didn't have to go alone, he'd go with them.

The thought grew each stronger. – 'If... I'm right...' – He started to say to himself.

He left the room and headed toward the basement of the house, the place was dark and the humidity could be felt in the air that next to the dust made it difficult to breathe well, taking small steps he got to a box closed with a lock, the wood from which the chest made was beginning to rot, letting it see the bad condition in which it was.

He stared at this chest for a few minutes until he pulled out several keys out of his pocket, chose one and breathing deeply opened the lock next to the chest.

Inside was a revolver, both the barrel, cylinder and frame of the weapon had a rather unique decoration, in addition, the handle was made of a dark wood giving it a very noble appearance to the weapon.

In addition, there was also a black folded uniform and several award gold and silver decorations that had different designs.

Without paying attention to the rest, he grab the stir and then close the copper again. He climbed the stairs, closed the door and walked to the room where his children were. Inside, he stared at his two litttels for a few minutes and after a deep sigh he began to walk slowly to Natasha's bed.

With a slow movement, he pointed the barrel of the revolver at his daughter's head, the hand with which he held the gun began to tremble and the veins were marked like worms under his skin because of the force with which he grabbed the handle.

'Come on, honey... Let's see Mom...' – Whisper as she closed her eyes.

When he was about to pull the trigger, he hear a voice. 'Coward' – The voice was so weak, but he sounded so deep that he made him open his eyes violently without knowing where he was coming from.

'Shouldn't!' – Still stronger than the previous one, that deep voice was heard again, but this time if he saw where the cry came from.

It was his son's voice.

With the little force he had left and clenching his teeth, he tried to incorporate and sit in bed, took him some time, and this caused the bleeding to accelerate, the concerned father left the weapon and went to help him get back to lie down. But obstinate, he put his hand away from his father and went on until he got it.

Already seated, it took a few seconds to recover the lost air, and he stare at his father. It was a look of pure hatred, combined with the blood still falling from his eyes made him look very frightening.

Edward in shock could do nothing but bend down his head, he knew very well the why of his fury.

'Give... To her... the cure...' – He said a with a hoarse voice and word for word.

'No! I can't do it!' – At shout his father with tears in his eyes.

You m… You must… Do it…' – Once again he speak, although this time he did it more slowly, one could hear with a more serious tone.

'But son I-' – Before the father could finish sai something, the child he spoke again.

'Edward!' – He son shout with strength, he put so much energy that he made him vomit blood and making his pale his complexion more.

Although he almost fainted, he sketch a smile because he got the effect he expected. He pathetic and disconsoled look that his father had before, disappeared. Now, even though he still had tears in his eyes, he stare at his son and he said nothing.

'I'm the big brother!' – With a smile he scream at full lung, spitting out more blood and without more energy, he fainted.

Endless memories came to this man's mind causing him a great anguish. After his wife's death, he was plunged into deep pain, pain that alcohol appeased, which led him to countless problems that ended up enveloping his children, until the drop filled the glass.

One day he came home drunk, this was normal, but now there was a difference, her daughter was still awake, she was the vivid image of her mother, she couldn't look at her, she didn't want to remember her deceased wife, so much was her pain that without realizing became hate, in the end he raised her hand and was about to hit her daughter , if he hadn't been stopped by his son who screamed. – 'Edward!'.

The boy swooped on him and started beating him, the blows didn't cause him any pain, but he couldn't stand his son raising his hand. He try all way to get him off his back, but he couldn't, until the boy stopped suddenly, he stare at him, and he scream again. – 'Edward!'.

'I'm protecting my sister from the monster! I do my duty as an older brother! That's what you taught me!' – Proud cry without looking away.

The eyes of his son radiated hatred and fury, but he also saw fear, fear caused by his own father, fear of the monster he had become.

From that day on, every time he lost his way his son would raise his voice and show him that look.

He couldn't hesitate anymore...

I hope you like it.

¡Enjoy the read!

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