
Shadows of the Opportunity

An epidemic, a possible cure and thin lies transformed into truths. When the penuries strike the daily life, the beings weak hide under any stone, the strong come to light to dazzle everything in their path and the cunning take advantage of the opportunities offered by the moment. It follows the story of a weak being, who, because of an opportunity seized by someone else, was forced to walk a tortuous path. NT - [Sorry, my english is worse than a little child's. I help me a bit of the google translate and wordreference.]

LonelyVoid · sci-fi
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2 Chs


The day had begun with a large accumulation of black clouds that covered the sky completely, the rain soon to be seen falling and soaking everything in its path. This time was normal in the town of Varfield, where the sun might be hitting hard and in the blink of an eye a storm would hide the rays of light, obscuring the small town in a flicker.

At times like this, the main street of the city would be plagued by people running to protect themselves from water droplets as if bullets were being dealt with, but this time, there was no one, not the slightest movement or sound, apart from the rain hitting the ground.

This was because most of the inhabitants were on the outskirts, on Rock High Cemetery.

If you approach the cemetery, he might listen to the groans and crying of pain that resound for the whole area, making the place dark and creepy.

While it could be said that it was normal to hear these noises in this type of place, the number of people gathered in front of a huge number of graves, all of whom had similar headstones, was not.

The red death.

The most lethal illness known by the human being, not only because of its high mortality rate, nor because of the torture that caused at those who suffered it, but because it only acted on the younger population, in the blink of an eye, had killed 90% of the planet's children, a massacre that had left everyone terrified with the fear of their precious children slumping and dying without them being able to do anything.

It was starting with a light fever, followed by a cough that progressively became unbearable, this was aggravated with a continuous bleeding through the eyes, nose and ears, which caused extreme paleness accompanied by violent dizziness and chills, at this stage the sick man shouted begging to end his suffering until life was completely escaped from his body. All this in just 3 days.

But, as human beings, we always find an exit even if it seems that there is no way for which to continue, the central government brought together the brightest minds it could find in the empire and in one month managed to formulate a possible cure.

However, this leads us to this day, where regrets about the losses they had suffered from these horrifying deaths sounded in chorus, erising the skin of anyone who heard.

'Why!' – A cry was heard that stood out of between all.

'We were promised that it would work, that everything would return to normal!' – A man of approximately 50 years wept kneeling on a tomb, tears scouring his whole face bumping into the deep wrinkles that decorated his already emaciated face, it was very regrettable to see how a man who was once proclaimed as a hero broke emotionally.

'Damn!' – He shout once again the man with a voice already broken and drowned out of so much pain, totally lost the strength that was left and crouching his head against the ground, sob while with its two hands he was pressing the grass that it was adorning the around at graves.

This crying was stopped by a small hand that perched on her shoulder, was a girl about 10 years old, with a round face and a porcelain-like complexion, he had a strand of white hair that contrasted with her black jet hair which reached untill her shoulders, along with her big eyes and small nose adorned with tiny freckles, turned it into the perfect wrist.

The most surprising thing about this girl was the color of her pupils, an era of dark brown and another of a mesmerizing gold, resembling a topaz. The expression of the little girl was of pure pain, with her eyes completely red and swollen and squeezing her lips to prevent the tears from falling, she stared at the man in front of her.

'Daddy...' – he said so slowly that he was barely heard. The father who still kept his head down did not pay attention her.

The girl opened her mouth again. "Daddy...", – he repeated, raising his voice a little more. Still, the father paid no attention to her.

This infuriated her to such an extent that she can't stand it anymore and with all the oxygen that fit her in her small lungs she shouted. – 'Edward!'. The crows that were settling in the trees took off without doubting it and to demonstrate that this had disturbed them they began croaking.

Apart from the attention of these birds, he also got the attention of the others present who were crying, the eyes of disgusting and anger did not take long to arrive, but there were also a few looks of pity for the little girl. It was not easy to see how the pillar that had to keep the roof that protected her it collapsed biy by bit.

She didn't care about those looks and only kept his eyes fixed on his father, this time she did get what set out to do. His father awoke from that loop of screaming and weeping, slowly raised his head and turned to see his precious daughter's face. The girl had a red face for the effort she had made in screaming at full lungs, returning him the look at her and focusing on her eyes, Edward could see how much pain and guilt his daughter was enduring on those little shoulders.

'Natasha...' – Mumble between teeth as I thought of everything that had happened.

Like most children, she also suffered from the red death, both her older brother and she began to bleed endlessly on the second day, luckily, her children had not fallen ill until a month after the disease began, and the central government had already arranged thousands of vials with the possible cure in the four regions of the empire.

The problem was reside that Varfield was a remote and hard-to-reach city located in the north of the central region, which meant that only a limited doses of the cure could arrive and would take too long to reach more.

He was only able to get a vial for his two children.

This was the worst torture for a father, having to choose between his two children. He couldn't, he didn't have the mental strength to decide which of his children had to die.

Edward's behavior had become very passive after what happened to the war and the repercussions that it had on his family, he now preferred to flee rather than face the situation in front of him. He became a complete coward who only knew how to doubt.

I hope that my story is you liking and not is confussing, I as said, I only have bit knowledge in english.

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