
Shadows of the Bloodline

In the aftermath of the Tower of Joy, a hidden truth emerges that changes the course of history. Weston Stark, the son of Brandon Stark and Ashara Dayne, grows up in the shadows, bound by duty and secrets. As the Seven Kingdoms spiral into turmoil, Weston must navigate the treacherous path of politics and power, all while uncovering the mysteries of his lineage. This will be a Fanfic with a bit of DnD 5e and some other elements of magic mixed in I hope you all enjoy it XD. Also I don't own or pretend to own any got, DnD, or asoiaf elements its my first story so I hope you all enjoy it. I will try to read comments and improve, idk if its going to be a Harem of not just put the tag in there just incase if not ill take it out later. I do not own the art if yours comment and ill take it down.

Odyessy91 · Bücher und Literatur
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8 Chs

Bonds of Beginnings

The days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, as the infants grew under the loving gaze of their guardians. Eddard and Catelyn Stark formed an unbreakable circle of protection around the children, their shared commitment creating an atmosphere of warmth and security.

As the children began to show signs of awakening awareness, the nursery became a symphony of coos, giggles, and the soft rustling of fabric. Jon Snow, with his dark eyes and tufts of black hair, exuded a sense of quiet curiosity, his gaze always eager to explore the world around him.

"Look, Weston, see how the light dances on the walls?" Jon's voice, tinged with excitement, carried a sense of wonder as he pointed towards a sunbeam filtering through the window.

Weston Stark, inheritor of both Stark and Dayne lineage, responded with a delighted chuckle. "Wow, Jon, it's like a secret dance only we get to see!"

And then there was Robb Stark, the elder of the trio, whose cherubic face carried the pure innocence of infancy. His coos of delight often brought smiles to the faces of those watching over him, a source of endless joy.

Catelyn couldn't help but giggle as Robb grabbed at her finger with a surprisingly strong grip. "Oh, you've got a strong grip, little Robb! Are you going to be a warrior like your father?"

Together, the infants forged a heartwarming camaraderie, their shared experiences creating a bond that transcended mere bloodlines. Playtime became a cherished ritual, the nursery echoing with the sound of babbling voices as the children explored their tiny universe. Wooden blocks were stacked and toppled, stuffed animals became their companions in imaginative games, and as they grew steadier on their feet, wobbly steps marked the beginning of their adventures.

Catelyn's heart swelled as she watched the three children interact, their individual personalities already beginning to take shape. Jon's quiet determination often led the way, Weston's inquisitive nature followed closely, and Robb's infectious laughter filled the room with happiness.

Their growth was marked by heartwarming moments—the first shared laughter, the tentative reaching of tiny hands towards one another, and the sight of them huddled together in sleepy embraces. As they neared the age of two, the bond between them deepened, an unspoken understanding forming through their interactions.

Yet, for all the shared moments, the future remained a blank canvas, waiting to be painted by the brushstrokes of time. Eddard and Catelyn found solace in the simple joy of watching the children grow, their conversations often filled with laughter and stories of their antics.

Catelyn, too, found herself captivated by the innocence before her, relishing in the moments of pure happiness. As she watched them sleep, innocent faces relaxed in peaceful slumber, her heart overflowed with love for the children under her care. She had, at one point, been fearful for her own son Robb's future, but Eddard Stark, the honorable man that he was, reassured her that Robb would remain the heir to Winterfell. His brother Brandon had chosen to stay at Winterfell and raise Jon as his own.

Amidst the joy and growth within Winterfell, another decision was being made. Edward Stark, recognizing the need to fortify the North, decided to take action. Moat Cailin, a collection of ruined towers located on the Neck, had stood unoccupied for centuries. Edward saw an opportunity to strengthen the North's defenses against potential invasions from the south. He determined that his brother Brandon would become the new lord of Moat Cailin, tasked with rebuilding and fortifying the ancient stronghold. The times were changing, and Edward knew that securing the North's future required strategic moves to ensure its safety once more.

As the future of Jon was being determined, a growing concern over Weston's health weighed heavily on Eddard's heart. While Jon and Robb thrived in their youthful exuberance, Weston's delicate constitution often left him fatigued after brief moments of intellectual brilliance. His eyes would shimmer with a flicker of intelligence, akin to a distant star illuminating the night sky, only for his vitality to wane, and he would slip into a quiet slumber.

Eddard found himself pacing the corridors of Winterfell, his brow furrowed with worry. He confided in Catelyn, voicing his concerns in hushed tones as they sat by the flickering hearth.

"Catelyn, it pains me to see Weston struggle so. His mind is a beacon of light, but his body appears fragile, unable to bear the weight of his intellect."

Catelyn placed a reassuring hand on Eddard's arm. "We must do all we can to ensure his well-being, Ned. Seek counsel from the maesters, and let us continue to watch over him together."

In the midst of this concern, Eddard's conversations with Weston took on a new tone. They would sit in the quiet corners of Winterfell, the fire casting a warm glow over their faces as Eddard sought to understand his young nephew's thoughts.

"Weston," Eddard began, his voice tinged with both curiosity and worry, "how do you feel, my boy? Do you feel tired?"

Weston would often reply with a calm smile, his wide eyes fixed on the dancing flames. "Uncle Eddard, my head gets all tingly sometimes, and I see funny pictures in my mind. But then, I get very, very sleepy. It's like my thoughts are playing hide and seek with me."

Eddard listened intently, his concern deepening. "Sleepy, you say? Is there a place that makes you feel better, Weston? Somewhere safe?"

Weston's little face would light up with a bright smile. "Yes, Uncle! The big tree in the godswood. It's like a big friend. When I sit near it, I feel warm and cozy, like when you hug me tight."

Eddard's heart swelled at Weston's words, his worry slowly giving way to understanding. The godswood, a place of ancient magic and serenity, seemed to hold a special comfort for the young boy.

In the days that followed, Eddard and Catelyn observed Weston more closely, noting the moments of fatigue and the times when he sought solace beneath the ancient branches of the heart tree. They consulted with maesters and even sought the counsel of the castle's septon, hoping to gain insight into Weston's unique condition.

As Weston continued to find comfort in the godswood, Eddard and Catelyn decided to encourage this connection, recognizing that it brought their young nephew a sense of peace that his fragile body desperately needed. They would often accompany him to the sacred grove, where the heart tree's eyes seemed to watch over him with a reassuring gaze.

Amidst the beauty of nature, Weston's demeanor would transform. His eyes, which had once shone with brilliance and then dulled with fatigue, now radiated with a tranquil light. In the presence of the heart tree, he felt a bond with something greater than himself, a connection that eased his burdens and brought a sense of healing.

Eddard and Catelyn took solace in witnessing Weston's moments of respite, knowing that the godswood held a sacred power that could mend not only his body but also his spirit. As the days turned into weeks and the seasons shifted, their concern for Weston's health remained, but the knowledge that he had found a haven of calm in the heart of Winterfell's godswood gave them hope that he would continue to flourish in his own unique way.