

Ashley, please," Maynard plea cut through the tense air, desperation evident in his voice. "Don't hurt my father. You know I love you deeply; I don't deserve this. He's the only family I have left."

Despite Maynard's plea echoing in the room, Ashley remained steadfast. The grip on the gun in her hand remained unshaken as she stared at Thiago, her gaze unwavering and her expression devoid of any emotion.

"Now, we're on equal footing, Maynard," she retorted with a cold, calculating tone. "Neither of us has family or anyone to love."

As the final word left her lips, Ashley pulled the trigger. The gunshot shattered the air, and Thiago Cadell's figure crumpled to the ground. In that moment, her eyes held a mixture of fierceness and emptiness, a storm of conflicting emotions raging within her.

The room was silent, except for the haunting echo of the gunshot that seemed to reverberate in Ashley's mind. She stood there, unmoving, her breaths heavy as she tried to process what had just transpired.

But then, a voice—John Pappy's voice—broke through the darkness of her thoughts. "Good job, Ash," it echoed, each word laced with a chilling satisfaction. "Good job. You've finally brought down your enemies."

The words clung to her like a ghost, lingering in her mind even as her consciousness shifted. Suddenly, the harsh reality of the dream dissolved, replaced by a gentle touch on her arm.

"Mummy, wake up!" The innocent plea of her twins, Xander and Xavier, filled the air, pulling Ashley from the haunting visions of her past. "Mummy we re hungry."they chorused.

With a relieved exhale, Ashley blinked away the remnants of the dream, the feeling of cold sweat clinging to her skin fading as she returned to the present. She forced a smile as she looked at her children, gratitude washing over her for the life she had built, far from the demons of her past.

Summoning her strength, Ashley managed to pull herself out of bed, her limbs feeling heavier than usual. Despite the weight that seemed to cling to her, she knew that the day ahead required her attention. She needed to face Maynard once again, to confront the ghosts that lingered in the corners of her mind.

For the sake of her precious twins, Xander and Xavier, Ashley was determined to seek forgiveness and redemption.

She decided to take her chances again.

Maynard Cadell, the enigmatic CEO of Candel Group of Companies, made his way home in his sleek Mercedes Benz. It was quite a busy day for him as the car pulled over.

Ashley seized the opportunity, mustering up the courage to approach him. Her eyes widened as she caught sight of Maynard stepping out of the car. He had matured over the years, and the passing of time had only enhanced his allure.

Maynard possessed a captivating presence. His sharp jawline accentuated his chiseled features, while his piercing eyes held a hint of mystery and intensity. The lines of experience showed on his face making him more enticing than ever. Ashley couldn't help but notice how he had become even more handsome than she remembered from eight years ago.

The crisp, tailored suit he wore clung to his athletic frame, emphasizing his confidence and success. Every movement he made exuded power and authority, drawing the attention of everyone around him. It was as if he possessed an undeniable magnetism that commanded respect and admiration.

As Ashley gathered her thoughts to approach Maynard. Countless attempts had been made in the past to meet with him, but all had ended in disappointment. However, today felt different. Today, Ashley believed it was her lucky day.

"Hello goodevening May ".I..just as she wanted to continue Maynard cut her.

Maynard looked up to see who called him in such a familiar tone. Feelings of surprise, relieve and pain all gushed on him.

"First of all young lady Adress me as Mr.Cadell"! Maynard told her sternly trying to cut her off any form of familarity they once shared

Then he continued"You've got some nerve showing up after all these years. What could you possibly have to say? Have you come to feed me more lies like you always did "I know it's been a long time, but I really need to talk to you. Ashley pleaded with him "Please, just hear me out."

"I don't want to hear anything you have to say!he yelled at her "you lying demon from hell ",at this point Ashley was weeping Maynard's word cut deep into her,"and I'm truly sorry for leaving without an explanation. But I've changed, and I want to make things right. "Changed? After all the pain you caused? It's too late for apologies."

" Cutting her off, Maynard interrupted, "I don't even want to lay my eyes on you. Seeing you again reopens old wounds, and I have no desire to have anything to do with a heartless murderer. Please leave my property."

"Ashley's hope shattered once again, tears welling up in her eyes. Desperate to make him listen, she implored, "Please, Mr. Cadell, give me a chance to explain. I know I've made grave mistakes, but I want to make amends."

" Maynard's anger seemed unyielding, but Ashley refused to give up. "Explain?

"His guard still up, Maynard showed a flicker of curiosity amidst his anger. "Why should I believe you! Why should I let you back into my life?" he asked

" With a trembling voice, Ashley bared her soul, her words infused with raw emotion. "Because, Maynard, despite everything, I still love you. The weight of my actions has haunted me every single day. I can't undo the past, but I'm willing to spend the rest of my life trying to make it up to you. Please, Maynard, give me a chance to prove myself."

Despite everything Ashley had rehearsed day after day to say to him whenever they got they got the chance to speak again, little did she know that Maynard's heart remained guarded, his wounds still fresh from the trauma she had inflicted. The emotional walls he had erected were not easily dismantled, and her path to redemption would prove to be far more challenging than she had anticipated.

Despite Maynard's harsh rejection, Ashley refused to give up. She understood the magnitude of her past actions and the impact they had on his life and begging him for forgiveness would not be an easy task. Determined to make amends, she vowed to find a way to reach him, to break down the walls he had built around his heart.

Meanwhile, within the opulent confines of Maynard's mansion, Rahila, his wife, observed their encounter from a distance. A wave of fear and suspicion washed over her as she witnessed Ashley's desperate plea. Rahila couldn't help but wonder if Ashley had returned to reveal the secrets she had tried to share with Maynard years ago, the secrets that had cast a shadow over their relationship.

Rahila's heart raced as her worst fears seemed to be confirmed. The fragile balance they had maintained threatened to crumble under the weight of buried truths and unresolved emotions. The disconnection between her and Maynard had deepened over time, leaving them more like strangers sharing a home rather than husband and wife.

However, unbeknownst to Ashley, Rahila, Maynard's wife,already had heard rumors of her return. Rahila dreaded the idea of Ashley reentering their lives, for she knew the depth of Maynard's feelings and the lingering wounds he carried. She understood that any closeness between them could potentially mend their fractured relationship, and she was determined to prevent that from happening.

In Rahila's eyes, Ashley represented a threat, a reminder of the pain and heartache that had plagued their marriage. She had worked hard to create a semblance of normalcy, to maintain the delicate balance they had established. The thought of Ashley's presence shattering that fragile equilibrium filled Rahila with fear and anxiety.

With a steely resolve, Rahila vowed to do everything in her power to keep Ashley away from Maynard. She would shield him from the vulnerability that Ashley's return could potentially unearth, sparing him further pain and protecting their tenuous bond.

Ashley took a deep breath as she entered her home, greeted by the cheerful voices of her two precious sons, Xander and Xavier. They ran towards her with open arms, and she embraced them tightly, feeling their warmth and love.

"How was your day, Mommy?" Xander asked, his eyes shining with curiosity.

"Yeah, tell us all about it!" Xavier added, his little face beaming with excitement. She couldn't help but admire the glow on their faces as they spoke to her ,they indeed shared remarkable resemblance with their father.

She smiled at them, grateful for their innocence and love. "Oh, my darlings, my day was good," she replied, trying to sound positive despite the heaviness in her heart. "I had a meeting at work, and I thought about both of you all the time."she lied

"We missed you, Mommy!" Xander said, his arms wrapped around her waist.

Ashley's heart swelled with love and sadness simultaneously. She wanted nothing more than to provide her sons with the best life possible, to fulfill all their needs and give them the fatherly love they deserved. But deep inside, she felt broken and burdened, as their father was absent from their lives, seemingly unaware of their existence.

As she tucked them into bed that night, she couldn't shake the feeling of helplessness. She knew she had to be strong for her boys, but the weight of being the sole provider and emotional support was taking its toll.

Slowly, Ashley began to find strength in the bond she shared with her sons. She made a promise to herself that she would be both their mother and father, showering them with all the love and care they needed. She encouraged their passions and dreams, attended their school events, and cherished every moment with them.

Though their father remained absent, Ashley created a beautiful world for Xander and Xavier —a world filled with love, laughter, and understanding. Her admiration for her sons immeasurably.

Suddenly she heard a knock on her door and as she get it and to her utmost surprise it was Rahila cadell. Maynard's wife.