
Chapter 11: Coffe-cup

#A/N: Hello to you all amazing people, thank you for reading and please continue to!!.#


"Good morning Aliya, Hope you are doing better?" A middle aged woman asked when Aliya went to make her coffee

"Morning Mrs Riya, And...am doing better, yeah" Aliya answered the woman who works in her home,she has known her since she was but a child.

"A...liya am really sorry about your dad....please accept my condolence. I hope his soul rest in peace and the killer is caught to get what he deserved" the woman finished the last words seething with hatred for the killer in her eyes.

"Thank you Mrs Riya"

"And you don't have to make the coffee please take a seat I will make it for you as usual"

"Oh. Okay thanks" Aliya thanked her before turning to go and sit when she suddenly stopped in her steps

'Why didn't I thought of Mrs Riya being around in this house when dad was killed, Doesn't that means she will have an idea or maybe she even saw the killer' Aliya thought.