

In the wild world of old-school mafia survival, where the big shots ruled the roost and the government played cozy with the fallen bigwigs or the weaker links... A powerhouse mafia clan with Vixen and her crew: Isabella, Raven, and Seraphina. But here’s the twisted rub—these girls were victims of their own father, Vito Moretti's incеstuous sexual behavior, Vito Morеtti, a man who didn't give a damn about family boundaries. So, Vixen, the rebel, decides it’s payback time. She discovers this whole hidden society thriving within the mafia, and guess what? She dives right in, dead set on climbing the ranks and tearing down her own family's criminal kingdom. But dang, just when Vixen’s about to spill all her family’s darkest secrets to the world, cue the dramatic entrance of a mysterious figure from the shadows - some creepy villain Hold onto your hats, 'cause here’s the gut punch: her father’s twisted actions were all part of someone else’s sick game plan, a puppet master pulling strings in the shadows with their own perverse agenda. And bam! They drop this bombshell about having some secret weapon that could turn Vixen's world upside down. Cue the creepy smile and the ominous whisper, "Hey, remember, revenge always comes with a price." Drama, suspense, and plot twists—this tale's got 'em all!

DaoistYjFEDm · Urban
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92 Chs

Dark Waters, Darker Shadows

Vixen observed the two shady women, peeking around the corner as the two women exited. Their hushed conversation lingered like a shroud of mystery in the morning air. With terse nods, they parted ways, striding briskly in opposite directions and disappearing into the bustling crowds like they never had met.

Vixen's pulse kicked into overdrive. Something about their tense body language and furtive exchange set her instincts blaring. She decided to tail the tall, statuesque blonde who strode purposefully toward a sleek black sedan at the curb.

Cursing under her breath, Vixen broke into a sprint but the sedan's engine was already rumbling to life. Thinking fast, she scanned the street and spotted a motorcycle idling nearby, keys dangling temptingly from the ignition.

Though her conscience whispered disapproval, Vixen's determination drowned it out. She had to follow that woman. In one smooth motion, she hopped on the bike, kick-started the engine, and tore off in pursuit.

"Sorry amico, I'm borrowing this!" Vixen called over her shoulder to the puzzled man emerging from the nearby cafe. His jaw dropped open. "Mamma mia! That chick just jacked my ride!" His stunned exclamation echoed down the street.

As Vixen sped away, the library attendant, mid-bite into his breakfast, witnessed the spectacle. His exclamation echoed through the air, "Holy mother, she's a badass bitch with kickass skills!" A nod to Vixen's prowess.

Weaving recklessly through honking traffic, Vixen tailed the sedan to the seedy waterfront district. She had to uncover why Little Miss Inconspicuous was leading her here. Killing the bike's lights, she rolled silently into a grimy back alley.

Peering around the corner, she watched the blonde slip through a door beneath a weathered sign reading "Spirits & Co."

Serena gave orders which Vixen couldn't grasp from her prying point, causing the guards to leave their perimeters. This gave Vixen the advantage to creep further.

Vixen crept up to the filthy window and peeked inside. Her eyes widened in shock.

The drab storefront was a front concealing a high-tech security checkpoint. Ladies returning from missions were screened there before being granted access to a hidden elevator leading down into the earth, to insure no foreign element that could be detrimental to the organization passes.

Vixen's mind raced. This was no ordinary business. Something very illegal was happening below ground. She had stumbled upon a viper's nest of criminals.

Two beefy guards emerged, griping about their boss Serena. "She might seem chill, but she's on a major power trip she co-founded this zone," one said. Vixen filed away that intel.

A delivery van's arrival granted Vixen her chance. Slipping through the door, while the guards were distracted. She descended into the viper's nest – an underground complex, through the elevators, pulse thudding.

Down a dim hallway, muffled cries echoed from behind a steel door. Vixen's blood turned to ice—imprisoned men awaited inside! Jaw clenched, she continued on, driven to unveil this vile operation.

Up ahead, she glimpsed the blonde barking orders to armed women, confirming her identity as Serena. "The buyer expects those new girls at the docks tomorrow night! Fail me, you fail this big united family!"

Just then Vixen noticed the cargoes being unloaded off the truck and made a break for it, scrambling desperately under the van, an escape opportunity.

Dropping halfway out of The Syndicates, coated in grime, she tumbled out the other side, battling through, avoiding rear mirrors.

Yet high above, in the Syndicate's heights, Serena watched – a chessmaster, her gaze calculating.

Something tells her, their paths were destined to cross again soon.


The dying rays of sunlight filtered through the dense forest canopy, casting long shadows across the path as Vixen approached the hidden bunker. Her boots crunched on gravel, muscles coiled with determination. Slipping inside, she made her way to the computer bay, fingers flying across keyboards to pull up city maps.

"Where are you hiding?" she muttered, scanning for any trace of the Syndicate's headquarters. But their location was a phantom - no hint of it anywhere. Frustration mounting, Vixen leaned back, running a hand through her fiery auburn locks. How does an entire criminal HQ just vanish? Her curiosity burned to uncover their secrets.

Then it hit her like a freight train - today was Monday. She recalled the Syndicate women mentioning "Tuesday" and "Don't let the Don know." A chill ran down Vixen's spine. Something major was happening tomorrow night, she just knew it. The clues were there, she just had to put them together.


Beneath the water waves, the inky blackness of the ocean concealed the Syndicate agents as they waited in ambush. Their elite underwater unit was specially trained for missions like this - striking unseen against enemy ships to further the Syndicate's goals.

Tonight, their target was a cargo vessel suspected of trafficking kidnapped girls. The agents intended to put a stop to its voyage...permanently.

As the ship's lights came into view, the agents skillfully attached disruptor devices to its hull using magnetic clamps. The technology went to work immediately, sending out subtle vibrations to sabotage the engines. The unsuspecting crew had no idea their night was about to take a dangerous turn.

On the bridge, the captain frowned at the console, tapping it impatiently as the engines sputtered. "Dang faulty equipment," he muttered. Swallowing his pride, he radioed the trailing vessel, "Hey fellas, we've got some weird mechanical stuff going on here. Any chance you could come alongside and help check it out?"

"Sure thing, buddy," came the tinny reply. "We'll pull up and see what's what."

As the "helper" ship maneuvered closer, blinding spotlights suddenly flipped on, revealing heavily armed Syndicate agents storming aboard with grappling hooks and ropes. Before the stunned crews could react, they found themselves rounded up at gunpoint on the main deck.

In a chillingly distorted voice, the Syndicate techs broadcasted over the ship's comms: "Your voyage is over, scumbags. No more joyrides for you." With a few swift keystrokes, they disabled the engines and navigation system, seizing total control of the vessel. It wasn't going anywhere without their say-so.

Frogmarching the sweating captain to the radio room, the lead agent jammed a pistol against his back. "Call your shoreside contacts," she ordered. "Tell them you've had minor repairs but won't reach port tonight now."

Hands trembling, the captain relayed the message. The man on the other end asked: "How long until tomorrow are we talking here?"

Eyes fixed on the agent with pleading eyes, the agent scrawled a bleak message on a pad: "Tomorrow night." She nodded for the captain to repeat it verbatim into the radio.

The ship was now fully in Syndicate hands. Their stealth ambush had gone off without a hitch.

At his lavish waterfront villa, Vito Moretti slammed the phone down furiously after getting the delayed arrival call. He'd eagerly awaited the fresh shipment of girls destined for his perverse appetites.

"Porca miseria!" he raged, face purple. "Now I gotta sit around with my thumb up my backside!"

Storming to the bar, he poured three fingers of fine Scotch and knocked it back. Then inspiration struck. Snatching up the phone, Vito barked, "Send over Carmela, the redhead with the face like an angel. I ain't sleeping frustrated tonight, capisce?"

Meanwhile, in the dank cargo hold, the agents uncovered row after row of young bound and gagged women - obviously kidnapped for trafficking. They gently helped the shaking victims topside into the fresh sea air.

"We got here just in time," the lead agent said, anger flashing in her eyes as the girls clung together for comfort. "If we'd been any later...who knows how many could have been raped to death before reaching port." She shook her head, jaw tight. "No more."

A haunted-eyed girl touched her arm hesitantly. "You saved us from a nightmare we can't imagine," she whispered. "We'll be forever grateful, signora."

The agent gave her a reassuring squeeze. "Let's find you ladies a new start."


Still cracking encrypted channels, Vixen discovered three deals going down at the docks Tuesday night. But which one interested the Syndicate? She had to figure it out. Just then, a port alert flashed - a cargo ship delayed arrival until tomorrow night. Vixen's instincts buzzed - if the Syndicate forced that delay, it must be connected!

Pacing the hideout as dusk settled, Vixen's mind spun scenarios. The Syndicate planned to hit that cargo ship when it docked tomorrow. She had no doubts.

Looking out through the gaps of the small carved windows, realization dawned on her, it was night already.

Scribbling a quick note for Nico, she detailed her hunch, signing off playfully, "Ciao handsome, gone on a little adventure! Don't miss me too much! xoxo Vixen." A wistful smile played on her lips as she lifted herself off the weary seat to get ready for the upcoming showdown.

Big shout out to Adebayo_Omolola_5366 for the Power Stone. I appreciate you! Thank you for being a devoted reader and a contributor...❤️

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