
Shadowed Throne: The Arcane Empire

In a world where the Arcanists hide their supernatural abilities from normal people, a crisis emerges when the fragments of the broken World Altar start attracting the souls of the dead who escaped from Hell. Kael, a young Arcanist, finds himself in the middle of this chaos as people who were supposed to be dead start coming back to life. As the situation worsens, the Arcanists must come together to protect their world and prevent it from descending into chaos. But with betrayal and schemes among their own, can they overcome their internal struggles and work together to save their world from a fate worse than death? ---- 'A gemstone unparalleled, with forces unnamed, It regulates worlds both recent and trained. Maintaining equilibrium throughout all that is, The World Altar is the epitome of this. A gem imbued with purpose and chronal aptitude, Guiding realms to a state of fortitude. An emblem of might, resplendent and awe-inspiring, The World Altar's tale is one of timeless desiring.' -Jīnzi

Jinzi · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Kairos Hawthorne

I woke up to the sound of my alarm and dragged myself out of bed, already dreading the day ahead.

I headed to the bathroom and took a quick shower, something I did multiple times a day out of habit.

Feeling refreshed and invigorated, I got dressed in my school uniform: black pants, a dark grey shirt, and a black blazer with the Arcane Academy's emblem on the breast pocket. The dress was already in my almirah when I shifted into the house.

After rummaging through the fridge, I found some leftover fries from last night and quickly heated them up in the microwave. It wasn't the most exciting breakfast, but it was better than nothing.

Feeling satisfied, I picked up my already packed backpack which was kept on the table as I stepped out of the house and took a deep breath of fresh air.

The walk to the Arcane Academy was just a few blocks away, so I decided to enjoy the pleasant morning and walk instead of driving.

As I made my way through the Reyley park area, I spotted other students in the same uniform as me. They were probably headed to the academy as well. Many of them were likely my neighbours who also preferred the convenience of living close to the school.

After a while, the traffic of students increased as I reached the gate of the school, many cars, were parked near the gate where parents dropped their kids off. Some of them were opulent, high-end vehicles which were non-affordable to middle-class families.

As I approached the Arcane Academy, I noticed the imposing aluminium gates that guarded the entrance. The gate was divided into small door sections, with a security guard posted at each one.

I walked up to the entry gate and pulled out my ID card, which I showed to the security guard. After scanning my card, he gave me a nod, signalling that I was cleared to enter the academy.

As I entered the Arcane Academy's main reception area, I was introduced to the modern, sleek design of the building.

The walls were made of polished glass and steel, reflecting the light and giving the space a bright, open feel. The reception desk was made of marble and had a glossy finish, with a team of friendly staff members ready to assist.

As I approached the reception desk, a man in his twenties with black hair, brown eyes, and a friendly smile greeted me.

"It's my first day here, so I'm not really familiar with the surroundings," I explained.

The receptionist's face twisted with confusion. "Your first day? Are you sure you're supposed to be here?"

I nodded, pulling out my ID to confirm my identity. "Yes, I'm Kael Hashirae. I was admitted to the Arcane Academy."

The receptionist's expression shifted from confusion to fear as he read my name. Without another word, he picked up the phone on the desk and dialled a number.

I couldn't hear what he was saying, but the fear in his voice was unmistakable. After a few tense moments, he hung up and turned to me.

"I've been instructed to bring you to the office of the headmaster," he said, his voice trembling slightly. "Follow me, please."

"Sure", I said gesturing for him to lead the way. He nodded in response as he fixed his black tie and coat and moved in front of me.

Beyond the reception area was a well-lit hallway lined with lockers and notice boards.

The floor was made of polished wood, and the walls were decorated with colourful artwork and inspiring quotes from famous magicians and wizards.

For the attendance of teachers, there was a biometric scanner near the room reception, so I could see a number of teachers, most of them females, marking their attendance and continuing to the staff room.

Getting out of the current block which was Block A, I passed by the academy's central courtyard, which was a stunning oasis of greenery and tranquillity. The courtyard was surrounded by classrooms and lecture halls.

The courtyard was meticulously manicured, with lush greenery and colourful flowers lining the pathways.

It was divided into two sections, with a pathway in the centre that connected the first block, Block A, to the second block, Block B.

The second block, where I was headed, was a towering structure of glass and steel that stood out amidst the rest of the campus.

As we entered the building, I followed the receptionist to the stairs that led to the second floor. Many students were present on the staircase, looking at me and whispering amongst themselves.

The hallway was lined with floor-to-ceiling windows that overlooked the courtyard below, bathing the space in natural light. The walls were adorned with beautiful artwork, and the floors were polished to a high shine.

We continued down the hallway of the second floor, passing by several classrooms and meeting rooms.

As we approached the lift door, the receptionist unlocked it using his card and gestured for me to step inside.

The lift was spacious and modern, with a digital board displaying the different floors of the building. The receptionist pressed the button for the fourteenth floor, which was the top floor of the building.

As the lift doors opened, I was greeted by a stunning view of the infrastructure of the academy, visible through the glass walls of the hallway.

The tiles were pristine white, and the lighting was dim yet elegant, giving off a professional atmosphere.

As we made our way down the hallway, the muted sounds of our footsteps reverberated against the polished floor.

The sleek and large wooden door at the end signalled our arrival at the headmaster's office. With a gentle knock, the receptionist announced my presence in a crisp, professional tone, "Mr Kael is here, sir!"

"Come in", a voice of an aged man resounded behind the doors, as the receptionist pushed the door open, and gestured for me to enter.

I stepped into the Headmaster's office, noticing the stunning contrast between the elegant wooden finish and the sleek PVC flooring. The walls were adorned with beautiful paintings, and on one side of the room, a glass window brought in the morning sunshine.

As I approached the centre of the room, my eyes were drawn to the stunning black marble table. A Newton's cradle sat in the corner, the rhythmic clacking of its balls a constant background sound.

Seated behind the desk was the Headmaster, an elderly gentleman with a full white beard. Despite his advanced age, his piercing gaze held the power and authority of someone much younger.

"It is an honour to have a figure like you in our academy," he said, removing his glasses and studying me closely.

"It's an honour, for I could attend your prestigious academy", I replied.

He chuckled at my response as he extended his hand and pointed at the chairs in front of his desk, "Please, have a seat, it's not daily you get to meet a member of the royal family".

"Really, I thought there are many of them, in fact, some are already studying at your academy", I responded as I stepped forward and kept my bag on the chair and sat on the other.

"I don't believe in fakes, if someone is a royal, he would never have the need to show it", he replied.

"And you think am real?",

"You didn't come in here like you owned the place, nor did you demand any special treatment from me despite your status. You behaved respectfully and with composure, without any hint of aggression or entitlement unlike the present ones", he replied.

"Putting aside the fact that you surreptitiously acquired the receptionist's ID without his knowledge..."

"Oh? You have a keen eye despite your age", I replied as I brought the ID of the receptionist from my pocket and kept it on the table.

The headmaster chuckled a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Keen eye, indeed," he said, picking up the ID and examining it.

"Well, I suppose that's one way to make an impression."

I shrugged, "I just wanted to see if I could get away with it," I said, feigning nonchalance.

"You have a bit of a rebel streak, don't you?" he remarked. The headmaster raised an eyebrow, looking at me curiously.

"I like to keep things interesting," I grinned again.

The headmaster leaned back in his chair, looking thoughtful. "Well, I can certainly appreciate that," he said.

"So may I know, why I was invited to your office?", I inquired.

"Well the problem is, this task was supposed to be assigned or should I say is assigned to other royals, but they are feigning total ignorance to matters at hand," the headmaster began, his expression grave. He then reached for a folder in his desk drawer and placed it in front of me.

"This is the reason why I personally invited you to the office," he continued. I picked up the folder and flipped through its pages. There were a total of four pages, each containing information about teenagers who had come back to life.

"Weren't there more?" I asked.

"There were, but before we could acquire any kind of information on them, they vanished into thin air. There is no information on their families or friends. That is why we need someone who can handle this matter with utmost care and confidentiality. You are the only one who came to my mind, someone who is both royals and possesses a keen intellect," the headmaster said, studying me intently.

"Why a royal and not a regular arcanist?" I asked.

"Because as a royal, you have access to vast financial resources, authority over major firms and political teams, and military support. You also have access to a large manpower pool and resources such as federal investigators, police, chiefs, and security companies.

That's why you are the only person who can find these rogue arcanists and prevent them from doing anything sinister. Moreover, it is essential that you stop them from revealing the existence of arcanists to the world."

"What about Shield-wall?" I asked.

"They are nothing but a group of charlatans," he responded with a scowl. "Their 'protector' symbol is just a cover-up for the individuals who are power-hungry and corrupt."

"And what about you?" I asked.

"Kairos Hawthorne, that's my name," he replied, getting up from the chair and bowing slightly. "I am not affiliated with any royal family or the Shield-wall organization. However, I can assure you that I am trustworthy."

"The decision of putting my trust in you is mine to take", I said as I stored the folder in my bag, "But if I find out that you're not someone whom I can put my trust in".

I paused for a moment, allowing the implication of my words to sink in before continuing, "Let's just say that the consequences won't be pretty."

With that, I got up from my seat and made my way to the door, my aura flaring up momentarily as my eyes flickered between their natural red and bright blue. The glass walls trembled slightly, as if in response to my power, as I stepped out of the room.

"To educate a man in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society."

-Theodore Roosevelt.

Jinzicreators' thoughts