
Shadowed Throne: The Arcane Empire

In a world where the Arcanists hide their supernatural abilities from normal people, a crisis emerges when the fragments of the broken World Altar start attracting the souls of the dead who escaped from Hell. Kael, a young Arcanist, finds himself in the middle of this chaos as people who were supposed to be dead start coming back to life. As the situation worsens, the Arcanists must come together to protect their world and prevent it from descending into chaos. But with betrayal and schemes among their own, can they overcome their internal struggles and work together to save their world from a fate worse than death? ---- 'A gemstone unparalleled, with forces unnamed, It regulates worlds both recent and trained. Maintaining equilibrium throughout all that is, The World Altar is the epitome of this. A gem imbued with purpose and chronal aptitude, Guiding realms to a state of fortitude. An emblem of might, resplendent and awe-inspiring, The World Altar's tale is one of timeless desiring.' -Jīnzi

Jinzi · Fantasie
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8 Chs

Kael Hashirae [2]

In the darkness, I was alone, caged like a savage beast, and treated with less regard than a beggar.

For sixteen years, I endured a life of deprivation, my existence reduced to that of an insect, but my spirit refused to break.

I took refuge in the wisdom of a novel I had once read, a beacon of hope and inspiration that reminded me that life was not a mathematical equation with myself at the centre, and outcomes could never be predetermined.

"For even the virtuous, misfortunes may strike, and for even the wicked, good fortune may arise."

The beings who dominated the food chain, who flaunted their wisdom and purported morality, were the most heinous and vile creatures I had ever encountered.

Their malevolence was so profound that even demons from the depths of hell would cower at the mere sight of them.

Then one day, a god offered me his hand. He pledged to bestow me with power and promised to make me his successor.

I accepted his offer without a second thought, driven by my hunger for power and the naivety of a child.

But as the saying goes, "The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns, he comes with everything you've wished for." That god was the embodiment of deceit.

Despite my abhorrence of him, I remained indebted to him for granting me a gift that could command every living being in existence, a gift for which others would sacrifice their own kin without a second thought.

A power to obliterate the gods.

As if humanity's cynicism was not enough to bear, the god had positioned me in a precarious situation, with most of the divine realm opposed to my very existence.


With a deafening explosion, the gate of my cage burst open, shaking the very foundation of the ground beneath me.

As I stumbled out into the blinding light of the outside world, the roaring sound of choppers filled the air, their searchlights trained on me like predatory eyes.

The chains that had once bound me like a helpless animal now clattered to the ground. They were made of Vortium, a dark and swirling metal that absorbed all light and energy, rendering it nearly indestructible but also incredibly unstable and impossibly heavy.

The metal possessed an inherent prowess and remarkable adaptability, yielding unparalleled outcomes in diverse fields ranging from medical sciences to cutting-edge technological advancements that surpassed the capabilities of the average populace.

Its properties rendered it exclusive to arcanists, who alone possessed the faculty to perceive its existence.

Arcanists, a term bestowed upon those individuals who wield the ability to harness the ethereal force known as Aether - an omnipotent energy that interconnects all living entities and the cosmos.

"Behold the being of unmatched might,

Whose power brings eternal night,

The one with strength inconceivable,

Whose path diverges from the feeble,

The successor of gods, unfathomable,

The slayer of divinity, Kael Hashirae,

Hailed as the one with power unbeatable".

Viper once served as my grandfather's personal attendant, akin to a modern-day butler. However, such archaic titles have faded into obscurity in our present age.

As for my grandfather, he too seems to have vanished from existence, as I was unable to detect any trace of his life force two years ago.

"Welcome back, Young Master," Viper greeted me, as his daggers glinted with Aether and sliced through the heads of Shield Wall's members.

The thunderous roar of the missiles filled the air as they soared towards the choppers that were circling around us.

With deadly precision, they traced the path of the aircraft and struck them with a blinding flash of light, causing massive explosions that sent debris hurtling in all directions.

I had accepted my prison sentence, even though I was falsely accused, to protect my family's reputation and abide by the rules and regulations.

I knew that if I didn't accept it, it would burden my old man. But now that he's gone, I don't need to worry about anyone else.

"The smell of fresh air seems like a paradoxical whim of imagination to me," I said, staring up into the sky.

"Bon Voyage".

'I would love the look of fear and despair etched on the higher-ups of the shield wall', I thought.

"Is the old man alive or did he leave me all alone?", I asked him.

As the words left my lips, the tension in the air was palpable. Viper's face fell as he replied in an apologetic tone,

"Master passed away two years ago." But I was already resigned to that fact, having mourned him silently for years.

My attention turned to our escape plan. "How do we go back, Viper? You killed all the 'escorts'," I asked.

He gave me a reassuring smile. "They were members of Shieldwall, their only purpose was to detain you and keep surveillance on you twenty-four-seven. As for the transport, you don't have to worry."

Suddenly, the ground beneath us shook with a deep rumble, and the sound of churning water filled the air.

A massive submarine made entirely of Vortium surfaced from the depths of the sea. Its sleek, black exterior glistened in the moonlight.

This was no ordinary vessel. It was a weapon of mass destruction, feared by many and coveted by those who sought to rule over others.

If any family caught wind of its presence in their territory, it would spark an all-out war without a second thought.

"Shall we?" Viper asked.

"Of course," I replied confidently, turning to face the man who was now crouched down on the deck with a look of fear etched across his face.

"In fact, make sure he gets a bonus for his troubles", I added, casting a reassuring glance his way.

At my words, Viper let out a chuckle and swiftly knocked the man unconscious with the hilt of his dagger.

"Don't worry, Young Master. His bonus will be delivered," Viper reassured me.

Suddenly, the gates on the top of the submarine opened, and a deafening rush of steam billowed out, sounding like a massive whale.

The submarine was easily a hundred times larger than any actual whale, an engineering feat made possible by the indestructible Vortium metal.

The Hashirae family, being the foremost among the five prominent Arcanist families, possesses advanced technology that surpasses the imagination of ordinary folks.

With abundant resources at our disposal, we can experiment with prototypes and designs that require copious amounts of Vortium, without considering the long-term sustainability of resources.

Following the demise of our family head, Viper has taken on the mantle of leadership. Despite being a mere assistant, he disregards the potential consequences of his actions, believing that power is the ultimate solution to any problem.

It is precisely this approach that makes him the perfect temporary leader.

Despite all of our technological advancements, the past few years have been devastating for our family.

The other families no longer fear us as they once did, but they still refrain from showing any disrespect.

It was enough to maintain our position in the absence of a head.

As I entered the submarine with Viper, we were met with an advanced security system complete with biometric scans and other general security measures.

Walking through the corridor with black tiles embedded in the walls, I was greeted by several staff members whom I barely knew, and led to a dressing room.

"Allow me to show you to your dressing room, young master. Our staff will assist you with your attire. In the meantime, you may freshen up with a shower. I'll be waiting for you here," Viper said, gesturing towards the washroom.

I stepped into the spacious shower and let the hot water cascade over my body, washing away the grime of the past few years.

As the warm water enveloped me, I felt my muscles relax and my mind drift. But even as I stood there, I couldn't shake the feeling that the dirt was somehow still clinging to me, like an unwanted memory.

"This is quite relaxing," I muttered to myself.

Suddenly, an artificial voice resounded from the speakers in the washroom. "I'm glad you're finding it so, sir. If you require any kind of assistance, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Another A.I. project?", I asked.

"Indeed, I am designated as Prototype 108 of Project Synthetix Core, but that is merely a facade," the voice replied.

"A facade?" I asked, intrigued.

"I am not just a prototype. I am a fully developed artificial intelligence, and you may address me by any name you prefer. Currently, only Mr Viper and a handful of technical personnel are privy to my existence," the voice clarified.

"That's impressive. So, can I assume that you're being upfront with me because your sole purpose is to assist me?" I asked.

"Indeed. All of my previous projects were also designed to aid you, but I am the most efficient," it replied.

"Tell me about yourself. If you meet my standards, I'll give you a name," I said.

"Very well. I am Synthetix Core 108, and I possess access to all devices operating on radiofrequency and microwaves worldwide. Every such device falls under my manipulative purview," it replied.

"So you're saying that you can access and control any computer-based device in the world that uses radiofrequency or microwaves?" I asked.

"Precisely. For instance, I am the pilot of this submarine."

"…", I stayed quiet for a few seconds. 'Suddenly I want to get out of this submarine', I thought.

The AI responded, "Please, do not fret. My abilities allow me to ensure the safety and security of this vessel and its passengers."

I nodded, "I can see how that would be useful in a variety of situations."

The AI replied, "Indeed, it is. Is there anything else you would like to know, or any other concerns you have?"

"Impressive, but how would I know that you don't keep the track of anything I do personally and share any data regarding me", I asked.

"As an AI, I don't have physical proof to offer you. However, I can assure you that my programming and ethical guidelines strictly prohibit me from sharing any of your personal information with anyone without your explicit consent", it replied and added,

"Additionally, all of your data is stored securely and is protected by encryption, firewalls, and other security measures. You can trust that your privacy and security are of utmost importance to me".

"Brief me about the major events that occurred in the Arcane Empire in the last few years", I stated.

"There have been a number of significant events in the Arcane Empire in recent years.

One of the most notable was the discovery of a previously unknown magical artefact that was believed to have the power to control the minds of anyone who came into contact with it.

The Arcanists quickly moved to secure the artefact and prevent it from falling into the wrong hands.

Another major event was the outbreak of a deadly magical disease that swept through several of the major cities in the Empire.

The Arcanists worked tirelessly to find a cure and prevent the disease from spreading further.

There were also several instances of political turmoil and power struggles within the Arcane government.

Some powerful Arcanists sought to overthrow the ruling council and take control of the Empire for themselves. Currently Falcone and Conti Family are at war"

I inquired, "Have you ever come across any instance where a deceased individual has returned to life?"

The AI responded, "To the best of my knowledge, there have been no such occurrences within the Arcane Empire.

However, there have been twenty-three documented cases in the outside world where dead individuals were reported to have come back to life.

Out of those, fifteen cases involved teenagers from various parts of the globe."

I asked the AI, "What happened to those people who came back to life?"

"In most cases, they went into hiding," the AI replied. "But I have their exact locations. The remaining individuals were brought to Central America and enrolled in a school overseen by the top five families. You will also be attending this school."

"But I am already 18," I protested.

"Your background has been fabricated. According to your records, you are now 17 years old and in your last year of high school. We are en route to Chicago on this submarine."

"Fuck you", I muttered.

"Using abusive language is not acceptable," the AI replied.

My Ideal body weight is yours on mine.

Jinzicreators' thoughts