
Chapter 1

My name is Macy and l'll be turning 20 in just a few days. My teenage life was not a teenage dream like that most people have. I kill everyday to live, well not everyday l mean one human can last me about two to three days. I go to school just like the other kids but no one knows who l really am.

They know l exist but they don't know who l am that's why they gave me the nickname "shadow vampire"

How did all this begin? Well l grew up a pretty normal life. I drank blood but l never knew it was blood, it tasted too good to be blood. My parents fed it to me, l never knew where they got it from.

Anyway , by the time l was fifteen l was obsessed with that drink my parents gave me and l couldn't control my hunger anymore, l needed to know what was in that drink and get more of it.

I took a sample of the blood at school to ask the teachers. When l asked them what it was, they laughed at me and told me it was obvious.

I was confused and decided to find out my self what it was. I did a little research, made a few tests and found out that it really was actual blood.

I felt so disgusted about my self and decided to never drink it again but l wasn't expecting my huge thirst for it

I asked my parents about it and they seemed shocked. They decided to tell me the whole truth about who l was.

"Sweetie, l don't know how to tell you this but l think you're old enough to know where u came from. Macy, you were....A….a..ADOPTED" my mom said

I felt my whole world crumble beneath my feet.

"What? Why? How ?" I asked

"I'm sorry but it's the truth" my dad said

"Your parents couldn't support you and decided to give you to a family who could" my mom said in tears

"Ok, but that doesn't explain why you made me drink blood" l said

"Oh Macy, you see we did that for your own good. All your life we had to buy blood from the hospital for you, if we didn't do that you would have turned into this monster and we just couldn't let that happen" my mom explained

"But still, why do l need blood?" l asked

"You see Macy , your mother was a vampire and your father was a werewolf. So u are half vampire and half werewolf" my father said

"I...l...l don't know what to say" l said in disbelief

"Sweetie l'm so.."my mom said but l cut her off

"Mom please l need some time to….some time to think" l said and ran back to my room.

I was so stressed and devastated. My one drink in which l loved was one of the many things l hated. While other teenagers were drinking milkshakes and and apple juice, l was busy drinking blood. "I'm a monster" l said to my self I cried out loud smashing and breaking everything in sight.

I turned my room in to a pigsty during my break down.

I finally calmed down on some music l still couldn't believe it.

My thirst got stronger so l went to my mom in tears and asked for it. She immediately got it for me and l drank it and without saying another word l went to bed

The next morning:

I woke up and went to shower my body. I didn't say a word to my mom and dad, l just asked for the blood and they gave it to me. I went to school feeling very low. My best friend ,Bridget, noticed. She tried to make me talk but l just pushed her away.

As l was walking through the hall way, l heard the mean girl call out my name.

"Hey Macy"she called

I looked at her and just kept walking.

"I'm calling you"she screamed

I had enough stress already and the last thing l needed was Tania making fun of me.

"Babe she's not coming over, go get her for me" she wined to her boyfriend like a six year old asking for candy.

Her boyfriend,Mark, came toward me and tried to pull me to Tania but l refused. Then he just picked me up with both hands.

Tania was totally jelly about it but l didn't care

"What do you want?" I asked

"I want you to do my homework" she said

"No thanks l already have my own homework to do so l can't sorry" l answered back.

She put her hand around my neck and squeezed tight

"You are gonna do what l tell you to do, may l remind you that my daddy is the principal here and you will be in big Trouble when l tell him that you tried to assault me"she said

"But l never did that"l said

She turned to Mark and asked him to punch her

Mark did as she commanded as if he was her slave, he punched her so hard that she broke a tooth and had a huge bruise on her left cheek

"You did now" she said while she turned to me

"So what's it gonna be?" She asked

"Fine l'll do it" l said

But right after school she went to the bathroom and l felt the urge to follow her.

I found her there fixing her makeup

"Come to collect my homework" she asked

"That's not all l came for" l said

"What do you mean"she said while slowly turning to me

She screamed out loud and l pounced on her. I bit her neck and blood splashed all around the place. The taste of fresh blood was better than the one my parents give me everyday. To be honest l didn't feel sorry at all.

I harvested the left over blood from her body and cleaned my self up. I didn't take the school bus that day.l just waited beside the corpse until it was dark.

I wandered in the streets at night all the way back home. I opened the door to find my mom crying. She looked at me with horror and shock for l was covered in blood.

I just ran to the shower and washed it off. I then looked in the mirror and saw why Tania was screaming, my eyes were completely red and l had huge long fangs sticking out of my mouth. Was l a monster?

To be continued….