
Soul of a Poet

Sunny smiled.

"Needless to say, it would be very beneficial for you to accumulate as much spirit essence as possible — the deeper your reserves of it are, the better. Not to mention that we don't know how saturating your soul with spirit essence will benefit the eventual transformation of your soul core. It might very well be a boon during your Ascension."

Then, his smile dimmed, replaced by a serious expression. 

"Do note one thing, though. This bond between your soul and the world is a connection that goes both ways. So while you are able to absorb spirit essence from the world, you can also… leak it, I guess. In fact, a little bit of it seems to be seeping out all the time, more so when you are in the throes of strong emotions. So, get a grip and don't go around irrigating the world with your soul essence, causing random storm clouds to gather… or clear, especially here in Godgrave."

Rain stared at him incredulously.