

One hour later, Aldric was in the empty lecture hall alone. 

While it didn't take long to answer the questions, the interaction opened the discussion to the wider group. 

After asking the forty of them to move to the front, a more personal atmosphere was created. Moving from a lecture to a small classroom.

Aldric opened the floor for anyone to speak. To bring up a point or disagree with something relating to the structure of the organisation and its practical purpose. 

The organisation began to form root.

Once the foundation had been laid out, everyone spoke about which roles they could fill. 

Ten of the awakened had been artisans in the Bright Castle and had chosen to be situated in both Bastion and Ravenheart. Splitting into two groups would help assert themselves in both of the capitals economies quickly.

With their aspects being utility-based, they wanted to rely on this newly formed organisation for backing and support without swearing allegiance to a clan. In return, offering supplies and services to the organisation. As well as any valuable information needed.

The remaining thirty were combatants. However, Aldric noticed a common theme between them.

They were the remnants of Gemma's hunters and some of the hunters in the outer settlement.

The hunters that lived in the outskirts were small in number but self-sufficient. What Nephis had offered them when she arrived in the settlement was not enough to win their allegiance. 

How could you offer a hunter meat from a nightmare creature and expect subservience?

This included people like Jude and other sleepers that Aldric regularly hunted with when he lived in the outer settlement.

Having formed a bond with Gemma's hunters during the time they spent clearing the Dark City after the civil war, it was easy to reconnect and discuss their goals. 

It seemed that the thrill of the hunt and the sense of accomplishment from it did not leave many of them. So joining Aldric was a better decision after the brutal strength and character he showed in the Dark City. 

It seemed that Aldric underestimated just how much influence he had.

While he would love to have Gemma join him, it was not possible. 

It was something they had discussed in the time they spent together hunting. 

Gemma wanted to quit fighting and retire. Planning to become an instructor or work in security when he returned to the waking world. 

He planned to build a life with Kido.

A family.

With how close he was to losing Kido in the civil war, Aldric could understand. 

'I guess he left me a gift in return.'

It seemed that Gemma's retirement was the final pull to tug the hunters to his organisation. 

The group of 30 were not all hunters; however, the rest blended in seamlessly, adopting the subtle theme. 

While Aldric was the leader, he was not here to micromanage. 

The group of 30 would split into smaller groups of three to five based on different factors. 

From where they planned to stay in the dream realm to their goals and desires. 

After all, this was not a dictatorship. Aldric would not tell them where to go or what to do all the time. Only in extreme situations would he use his role as a leader to get what he wanted. 

Like most things, it was about meeting people halfway. Who said that he couldn't get what he wanted while also fulfilling their needs? 

So rather than a legacy clan where the leader and elders ruled over the clan with a tight fist, it was more similar to a company. Where everyone had shares in the company and could influence the direction that it went equally.

Other roles in the organisation would be allocated based on ability and experience. However, this would naturally develop, and those that were competent would show themselves through action.

Things such as funding, a base, logistics, and communications had to be developed, though.

There was a lot to work on.

But that was not what was on his mind.

In his hand was a letter that he had received from an instructor in the academy. The contents of the letter and who sent it spoke of the apparent allegiance of the instructor. 

It was an offer of guardianship from the Song clan. 

So while it was beyond a typical offer of becoming a vassal, it was below adoptions and marriage contracts. 

However, what was in the contract was what shocked Aldric. 

Seven times the resources and money that he had negotiated from the government. 1 choice of a transcendent memory and 3 ascended. The offer to be tethered in any citadel within the Song domain and finally training by an ascended with a Saint being on the table based on adequate progression.

"Seishan must have really put in a good word for me."

Aldric remarked out loud.

"As tempting as it is, I'm not signing your slave contract."

Crumbling the piece of paper, he lobbed it to the small bin in the corner of the room. 

While the offer would look perfect to someone else, Aldric saw it for what it was. 

A life of servitude and loyalty. 

'The only way that you could leave their clan would be in a bodybag.'

He summarised. 

'I doubt Valor will be silent now.'

He thought.

A knock on the door interrupted his train of thought. 

While he was still in the lecture hall, he guessed that someone came back to ask him something.

Opening the door, a tall woman came into view.

With a slim face adorned in freckles and sharp features, she had straight brown hair that cropped down to her chin. With her eyes reaching his nose, she was around 5 feet 10 inches tall. With rich brown eyes, her eyes naturally gave off a feeling of confidence and cheekiness. As if there was a joke that the world was not privy to.

So it was a sudden shock when the woman did not act the way he would've expected her to based on her appearance.

With a finger twirling through her hair in nervousness, her eyes were darting around him but never reaching his eyes. 

She began to speak in an unsteady voice. 

"That Black knight that fought in the siege. Where is he?"

While her voice and body language were nervous, her face expressed admiration and a hint of something else at the thought of the elusive black knight. 

Aldric was baffled; a look of confusion spread on his face. Thoughts running through his head.

'What the hell did you do, Bael?'


Thanks for reading. 

Anyone got a name for the organisation?

The Rain reveal was mad. Her true name was cool as well. 

Till the next one.