
Shadow Slave | Sleepless Dreamer

Set in the Shadow Slave world...a time before Sunny was born...this story follows a simple soldier who must survive in a dystopian, apocalyptic landscape where magic and gun warfare collide. In a far-off Quadrant known as North America, a young soldier named Hope is 16 years old when he gets infected by the Nightmare Spell. He passed! But...he feels a bit scammed...? A flaw that makes him fade from people's memories... A cursed attribute that makes him remember everything endlessly in eternal wakefulness... It's as if the Spell is twisting his future and existence into an almost improbable one. All he has ever known his purpose to be was to serve as a simple soldier. Not too powerful. But not so weak either. And maybe, just maybe like some others, become an Awakened. Although he never dreamt of being one. Now that his whole life is compromised after his First Nightmare, his first objective is to survive on his own. But as he tries to escape his fate, his actions seem to lead him further from his goal. He struggles against obstacles that slowly grow bigger and out of proportion. Maybe the Dream Realm and the Real World aren't so different than one may think. Hope's journey involves uncovering secrets and gaining knowledge about his true nature and his new role in the world. Is he fit to be a hero? Could he redefine it? *** Please read the READER DISCLAIMER in Volume 0. This is my spin-off novel of "Shadow Slave" by Guiltythree. But please don't expect the same writing style, setting, and characters, especially the main character. This story reveals more about how people/cities/governments operate after the Spell’s arrival. I always find it interesting how maybe one country handles it fairly, but how others handle it with desperation to the point that you question humanity. There will be easter eggs pointing to the original novel either intentional for the plot or unrelated to it, but all for fun. I am a new author so props to all who bear with me and helps me improve my writing. If it is not for you, please don't leave outright hate comments. Eat wassabi instead if you want pain. Critique and advice would be great too. Cover Art: @ellieaedon I will be posting on RoyalRoad.com and on AO3 for some people's preferences.

MonoSilence · Buch&Literatur
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79 Chs

Unforeseen Alliances (2)

"What did you say…?"

Hope stared between the two.

There. He set the hook. Suspense. Although Hope remembered there being one final member of Master Leda's cohort, he wasn't going to pry about it. But they now undeniably want something from him as he did from them.

Such as.

"First. Why aren't you both sticking with the kids?"

Wasn't heroism their thing?

It'd be a shame if Hope helped them out only for it to be wasted. Hope was sure the Awakened would've stayed or something along those lines.

Minho eyed first at Prince.

"Tch. Fine. I heard you over his comm and came straight over to see what the hell was going on."

Hope and Prince blinked.

Then looked down at Prince's tech gauntlet where a button flashed green.



'So that's what it is.'

"Besides, those kids wanted me gone. At least after taking all of my food."

Hope tilted his head. "I don't see you carrying a bag."

"Tch…" The man summoned a pouch out of thin air before it dropped into his palm. "Here. See?"

Hope observed the item.

What a useful Memory to have.

But still.

"You lost all your food to a group of kids?"


Some time earlier after Prince left.

"What the…"

The Awakened frowned as he listened to the intercom piece.


Status hissed before a voice scratched through the noise.

"...c..an…you just…..let–"

Beep. Beep. Beep.



'Why is Prince pressing the emergency button?!'

A high-pitched beep sounded in his ear like an alarm clock.

Whatever that golden boy needed to call for some quick backup, he'd press the button. Although, he was stubborn to use it most of the time as if any problem he tackled could be solved by one person swinging a sword.

But who was on the other side of the intercom?!

'That bloody idiot! What did he get into now–'

"Hey, sir."

"Huh? What?"

He looked down and saw the little girl standing in front of him again. She glared, any shred of gratitude was replaced with him being the most suspicious thing in her presence.

She was the walking voice of reason around her with all the adults dead. What was it…nine bodies?

Surely these children weren't capable of doing that…surely…

'And there's a fat guy tied up to a tree.'

Whose limbs were all broken in angles like frayed wires, and yet some unspoken sleep held over him.

He thought outskirt children were of a different breed in abandoned cities. But with this scene? They probably didn't need any of the Awakened's help.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

'I should head over quick–'

"I…don't want you staying here long." 


'Wow. Ok. So direct.'

He forced a smile anyway. "Y'know you kids shouldn't be–"

She crossed her arms. "Give us all your food and you can go."

"This cheeky…And how are you so certain I'm carrying food?"

"You've got magic."

"Well yeah…?"

She narrowed her eyes. "We don't need you staying here any longer."

Her younger brother tugged behind. "Oh, sis, come on…We finally have a superhero on our side."

"No. They only attract more trouble."


"No buts. Besides. He can't even keep one friend on his side."

"Now wait a minute!"


Awkward silence filled the room after the Awakened finished his story.

Hope's eyebrow twitched as a whole other problem circulated his mind.

'So…how does my Flaw fucking work?'

Did this Awakened just have to pour all his attention on Hope's existence to maintain memory of him?

'Clarification would be helpful.' Hope thought to the Spell. If it was even listening.

"And…" Hope restrained a big sigh. "How…did you get inside?"

The man frowned. "Through the window."

"Under the banner?"

"How did you get inside?"



Did that girl lie to him about the window so that he could take a more difficult route?


Hope tapped his fingers on his arm.

Oddly enough, her actions…didn't annoy Hope. She still had spite. Still had strength in her after that whole ordeal and choked up sobs. What was there to scold from his position?

'Well. That kid's got future.'



The man pointed the gun again, interrupting Hope from his thoughts.

"Now spit it out. How are we sure you're really a part of that group? You could've been stalking us from afar for all we know. Or what? You're going to label it as a coincidence?"

"I was just passing through."

"Passing through?" He repeated. Clearly unconvinced. "In this deathtrap of a city? You've got some nerve, stray."

Prince's hands suddenly whipped up and gestured something quick to his partner—hands closing and waving in deliberate movements. His partner translated it with a scowl. "He says…we should hear you out…"

Hope blinked as he stared at Prince.

'Didn't seem like you wanted to five minutes ago with a sword to my head.'

Prince's shoulders tensed as if sensing his gaze.

'Whatever then.'

Tap. Tap.

It would be useless to continue saying it was a coincidence. Hope could deny that he was stalking them. Deny and say that this was all by some annoying universal fate, but that notion seemed like child's play. Even if his mother believed in that sort of thing, this was just–

'Everything happens for a reason, darl–'

'No. Nope. Quiet.'

Hope didn't want to be part of anyone's reason.


Tap. Tap–

Hope's finger stopped tapping as another thought probed his mind.

If he was going to be honest, then he had to stretch that level of honesty. There was no use in defending himself when they only wanted a confession. And usually, honesty towards another reciprocated honesty in return. Even if mixed with a white lie.

And so what if he confessed the whole thing?

If Hope stepped out of sight—who knew how soon that would be—then they wouldn't remember afterwards.

At least, that was how he figured his Flaw to work. To some extent.

Hope closed his eyes and spoke:

"Operation 114 was what were tasked with. We got attacked by a Category-Two gate before entering Mirror City. Four vehicle. Three cargos. Three leading soldiers taking up role. And their names are…"

Hope paused.

Both Awakened watched in anticipation. Their faces stiffened once more as he poured out the information without falter. Although there was still a hint of skepticism in their gaze, Hope said something else unexpected.

"I suppose we should introduce ourselves first."

"What?! You can't just stop there–"


"You bastard–"

"Interesting name."

"No– No! Tch. The name's Minho." He lowered his rifle. "And this here is Prince. Though why anyone thought giving him a fancy name like that is a mystery."

Prince gave a nervous smile as he awkwardly waved.


Hope nonchalantly looked away. Memories murmured in his ear of all of his introductions that held all similar reactions. And these two Awakened waited expectadely for it.

"It's Hope." He finally said.



'Yeah. Yeah. I know…'

"Pfft! Ha! Wha. Really? Hope?" Minho chuckled. "Man. And I thought Prince had it hard."


Minho shook his head as he breathed out his last snorted laughs.

"Hahahah…Alright. Hope. Got proof for a service number?"



"Army Reserve Force."

"Pfft. A Reservist? Guess you are the real deal if you're casually admitting to partaking in the Operation."

Reserve Force. Part-time soldiers trained and equipped the same. Yet often made up of outskirts recruits who looked for status or citizenship. Also to earn more credits. The sight of a desperate part-time soldier taking up this transfer job, in which they were smuggling citizens instead, seemed like they were scammed. Chosen for any loose ends if things went haywire.

No. The situation was not in Hope's favor in front of regarded Special Force soldiers.

But Hope simply stared back.

The atmosphere was taking a bit of a turn. And that without taking to account the torn walls, creaking floors, and darkness growing all around with each second.

Minho narrowed his eyes.

"You know what you were also transporting, right?"

'We paid for our ticket! We shouldn't be here!'

'Take me to the ship…'

'I'll pay you nything. Anything!'

The voices immediately vibrated against Hope's mind, filling his thoughts as if they too were in uproar at Hope's actions. It was one thing for Hope triggering his own memories but with another person added to the equation?

Inconvenient by all means.

'Not this again…'

Hope didn't have an inkling desire for taking such unannounced responsibility. So what if he was to blame? Was there a judge out there numbering his faults? Was he even in a position to compensate for those deeds?


Hope closed his eyes and rubbed his temples, the voices aggravatingly taking its time to digress. "What a crowded company."

Prince flinched.

"Crowded?" Minho sneered. "It's just the three of us."

"Yeah. And it's already too many."

"You son of a…Wait! Why…Why are you walking towards the ledge?!"


"Prince, don't let him go!"

'Dammit. Why are you the one holding me back?'


Hope blinked against the cold breeze as minutes, an hour he supposed, passed after their…conversation.

'At least I made us make progress.'

Step. Step. Step.

It was deep in the cold wintry night as they finally approached the stairs in one of the leaned tower buildings. They had taken the route the little girl mentioned to Hope: An outgrown nature building, a tunnel-like hall that led to its side resting at the feet of giant skyscrapers. But in replace of the family that was supposed to help him, throughout the way Minho held onto pieces of paper with written instructions on them.

"Oi. We have business with him too, ok? That's all I'm saying." He said when he pulled them out of his pouch. "From the man himself."


Since the family was dead, Minho was a guide.

Master Leda didn't hint at this type of relationship with the tech Awakened. However, she did mention he smelled like a cat.

And that Dreamer Kurt guy also mentioned the cohort crossing him by chance. Whatever happened in between was unknown to Hope. And he wasn't curious enough to ask since it didn't concern him.

Why add more problems to his plate?


They finally reached the tilted 50th floor. Shrinking below was the slumbering ruined world as they ascended with each step. The night loomed before them. Greenery continued to infest even up this height, but in the darkness they looked like black feathers and long fingers nesting along the cracks.

Hope at last finally reached his destination.

But the position he was in was…

'How uncomfortable.'

Hope stared plainly ahead as Prince hugged one of his arms, holding him as if he were a stubborn runaway child.


Hope internally sighed as he side-eyed his hand.

He hadn't let go once, dammit.

Hope wasn't going to jump off the ledge per se. Well. Maybe he was. Just not to his death. But he wanted to get going on the route to the Awakened's location.

But also to force them to act.

Because as one would say, 'actions are louder than words.' Although, Hope wasn't sure if he was applying that line right.

Hope had an encroaching feeling that he might have to repeat himself when they meet this ominous tech Awakened. He'd rather say it once than twice. Who would want to explain themselves over and over again? Just have the whole audience at hand instead.

Hope blinked as he noticed Minho fidgeting with the papers in front of the door.


"What are you waiting for?"

"...These instructions are nonsense." He lowly muttered.

Hope paused at his words.

Nonsense? Whatever it was, they were here now. What did it matter if it was nonsense?

"Just get on with it."

Minho glared back. And when he did, he was met with two different expressions watching him make an odd fool of himself.

"Hurry up."

Prince gave an innocent thumbs up.

"Tch…what a pain…Give me a minute…"

Hope was about to look away when Minho began glancing up, down, left, and right as if trying to spot something or someone. As if there were another set of hidden eyes observing their movements. If there was, Hope didn't necessarily feel a huge threat from it. But afterwards, Minho began…

…spinning around? Three times?


One. Two. Three.




'I'm…not going to question it.'

"...ahem.." Minho nervously cleared his throat before he knocked on the door. Also three times.

Not long after, footsteps were heard shuffling on the other side. The knob turned with caution. Finally, the door opened a tiny crack.

There, two sharp, mistrustful eyes peered at them from the darkness.

"Ahhh you're actually back…and an unfamiliar guest you've dragged along…?"

The two Awakened immediately tensed. The hand on Hope's arm twitched as if they'd regrettably triggered the host. 

Hope silently watched the exchange, wondering what the hell he got himself into this time.