
Shadow Of The Truth: Shu promised destiny

When a girl meets a mysterious end, her soul enters the body of another. But she refuses to accept the comfortable life granted to her, knowing that there is no rest coming Yet, who finds herself trapped between the darkness of her past and the light of her future. After being forced to make a tragic choice, she must make sense of a mysterious series of events and a forbidden love that seems to draw her further down into the shadows. Along her journey, she discovers the secret to her own identity, the meaning of forgiveness, and the true nature of the darkness that surrounds her. her search for the truth behind her death leads her on a journey through strange and unfamiliar lands, where she meets new faces who expose her to the meaning of love, life, sacrifice, hope, hate, and separation. As she crosses kingdoms and countries with her friend. she begins to unravel the secrets and mystique surrounding these mysterious lands, their inhabitants, and their deepest desires. With each step she takes, she takes us deeper into a mystical and captivating world, where mystery, magic, and passion mingle in perfect harmony. She faces challenges, trials, and heartbreak, yet her courage and determination never falter, as she is pulled along by an irresistible force that leads her to her destiny.

Tianmeng_ · Fantasie
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85 Chs

Under The Vio Tree I met u

(Back in the past several centuries)

[Dark City / how everything started] Storytelling

"Look, sir, I have defeated all your sons, now... How about giving me your magic fountain?"

"sir?" The clan ruler sighed in worry and tension, "No, girl. It is true that you are strong, but this is a historical relic. I cannot give you this."

"But you promised to give me something great."

The ruler smiled as if he had found something to give her, "Girl, are you from the city?"

The Shadow Lady laughed nervously, "Huh? Yes, of course I am. (Damn, I can't tell him that I'm the Princess of Heaven..) Of course, of course, but why?."

He laughed as he clapped his hands, "That's good, I have something you'll like, come with me."

They walked a long way until they reached a place that seemed deserted, full of shrubs and old buildings. It was located in a mountain, and the further you descended, the wider it became. At the very bottom, far away, Lady of Shadows noticed an open stage that seemed old, located far away. Around it were shrubs, and behind it the mountain and the sea appeared. When she looked, she found a woman wearing Beautiful purple hanfu dancing happily, a dazzling woman.

Her eyes widened, it looked like a beautiful sight she had never seen in her life. "Fairy?" she whispered.

The sun was beginning to set. The woman's hair was black, and every moment was a scene far from being forgotten. lady of Shadows said, "What is this place called? Will you give me this picturesque place?"

He said sarcastically, "You think this place is amazing? Then you can take it."

She said in amazement, "Hmm? Didn't we come for this place or what?"

He pointed in the direction of the woman who was dancing, "for this one."

She started to be surprised, so he spoke again, "This place is the Dark Forest Mountain, a deserted and ancient place, this woman, the Dark Phoenix, lives here, but to tell you the truth, she doesn't have any strong skill yet and also our people hate phoenixes, they think they are cursed, so I keep her here."

She smiled happily, "So she and this place are mine now?"

"Of course, now I have to leave. Take your time, no one can enter this forest except people who have the seal."

He was about to leave until she stood in front of him and extended her hands, "Where is your seal?" She smiled broadly.

"Haha, you are really very careful."

After he left, the sky was already colored violet. She looked at the phoenix and then at the sky, "She seems alone and trapped in her dream. Her dancing makes me feel nostalgic and pain..."

After several days, the lady of Shadows had made a house overlooking the sea and the mountain. The Phoenix was standing on the other side that separated the mountain, where there was a long river separating them. The lady of Shadows came out to her from behind her tree, located on her side, "Hello!" She said with a smile.

Phoenix took a few steps back cautiously, "Who are you?"

The Lady of Shadows took out her seal, "I am the new owner of this land from now on."

"Oh, then should I leave?"

"No, you can live comfortably here from now on. No one will bother you, but for us to live comfortably, I will create a magical boundary."

"boundary?" Phoenix asked.

The Lady of Shadows nodded, "Yes, every human being needs a home and a safe place for himself, but he needs a public space to get to know the people around him and live together! So I will divide the mountain between us, the public spaces will be the way out of the forest. The big stage is at the end of the big forest, Fruit forest, and all these river borders, you cannot cross them, but you can only stand on your own side."

Phoenix nodded, "You are indeed very generous, thank you."

"It's too early for happiness, don't trust me too much, I'm not very kind. We both have to sign our blood for the partition to be made, in exchange for giving you permission to live here, you have to do something in return."

Phoenix hesitated a little before speaking, "Do you want... my soul gem?"

"What??? Girl, you shouldn't say that to others (Damn it, don't she know that soul essence is only for phoenixes? Do she want to reveal it or what?) Do you understand?"

"Yes, I'm sorry.."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay, I wasn't afraid."

"Then let us write the contract, and let us seal this tree."

"But.. what is the condition?"

"Dance, every sunset."

Dance, every day, if it means dancing for your life, not for your death and misery. So dance until you are brave enough not to dance again.

"Dance? Just like that?"

" Yes. "

"What is your name? You can call me.. Shu!"

"I don't have a name."

"Oh? Really? So how about I give you a name? Did you know that this tree is called vio?"

"vio? No I didn't know, what does that mean?"

"Hmm vio is the moment when the sky turns purple when the sun sets. Since this is the tallest tree, you can clearly see the sunset, which is always purple in this area of the mountain."

"Wow, this is so beautiful."

"Right? It's the most beautiful sight my eyes have ever seen so far. So... your name will be Vio, what do you think?"

"Isn't the name too much for me? It's very beautiful." "It's very beautiful because it reminds me of you."

Vio smiled, and the two signed their names. Months passed, and Vio was dancing whenever the sky turned purple at sunset. In the morning, they would wash their faces in the river together, and then they would gather fruit, and take a nap in the garden with the birds. In the evening, Vio would cook and they would eat happily, and they would watch larvae when the sky becomes completely black. This is how they spent months and years, until the Lady of Shadows was forced to leave and continue her journey, without telling her friend of her origin, without telling her that she had been completely sold to her. She left and decided to search for other dragons and phoenixes to bring them together, not knowing how volatile her friend's feelings would be about this.

After many years of waiting had passed, vio, who had no one to yearn for or wait for except the Lady of the Shadows, she danced every sunset, and in her heart was the hope that her friend would return soon, the Lady of the Shadows finally returned, and told her friend that she was a princess from heaven, and that she wanted vio to visit her In her palace.

With feelings of hesitation and fear knowing her friend's whereabouts, Vio's fear and anxiety began to overpower her, but she finally agreed to go.

It was a world that she was not accustomed to or understood, and what was worse was that she heard the talk of dragons and phoenixes, about how the Lady of the Shadows had brought them together, and about their lives before her, so she felt betrayed and extremely sad for herself, and she forgot how much of her life the Lady of the Shadows had wasted together with Vio, even though she thought that all of this was nothing but A deception since she knew the truth of the vio, but her true intention was never revealed. She felt disturbed.

The Shadow Lady, who did not know the turmoil of her friend's feelings, proposed the dragon seal, as a promise and eternal friendship between them, after knowing them, experiences, and living together. The Shadow Lady, who had not felt these feelings before meeting them, wanted to live her life with them, and she thought that this dream might become true. She felt that her master... The shadows stayed with her and promised to be her friend because she was pathetic and had been abandoned by her father and her people, just like the others brought by the Lady of Shadows, who had no place to belong and then the Lady of Shadows changed and saved their lives.

Despite this misunderstanding, Vio felt distant between her and the lady of Shadows, so she did not say anything. She did not want this contract to bind her to the lady of Shadows, and she hoped for something different and in a different place, but because of her clinging and attachment, she was unable to say anything. The distance between them became deeper with the passage of time, until she felt She is really losing her friend now.

With her attachment, she began to grow closer to the Shadow Dragon, who shared her affection and love for the lady of Shadows. They became closer and the gap that made her feel lonely diminished, so he became her companion, but this did not last long until she noticed that his feelings towards the lady of Shadows were deep and different from hers. She felt jealous and in love. She felt her love for the dragon and her jealousy of her friend who had everything, and the sadness that she had given her life to Her friend.

Over time, her love and attachment to her friend turned into love and attachment to the Shadow Dragon, and her fears were confirmed when he confirmed his love for the Shadow Lady to Vio and his fear and hesitation. Vio tried to convince him to change his mind, and that his love would destroy him and shu, but no matter what she said, he was not convinced.

All of them tried to get her friend closer to her, but she was getting further away, and she decided to destroy her relationship with those around her, so she noticed the Lord of Death's love for Shu So she started to play on this point, in order to make her love him too, but her plan failed, so she tried to make him hate her instead, and this plan also failed, and it failed miserably because her friend noticed her actions.

So she moved away from her completely, and everything that united them became a thread of fate, and a seal.

After the Lady of Shadows and the Shadow Dragon loved each other, their lives were in danger. She knew that the Shadow Dragon would not be in danger because Shu would protect him, but it occurred to her that if he was threatened with death, Shu, who had decided to link her life and death with dragons, would certainly choose to destroy her heart before Death so that everyone can be free.

She was the one who knew where her friend might be. She told the guards of the Lady of the Shadows' father about her location, and she smashed the seal with all her might. She could not break it forever, but she did it enough for them to enter. Thus, she locked the seal when the Shadow Dragon fled to her side of the forest, so that they would not catch him. And so, just as she expected, her friend had died. Under a tree they had planted together in the past.

(Back to the present)

Shushin opens her eyes and finds herself in that mountain. On the other side of the river, stands vio.

Shushin looks at Vio in pain, then looks in front of her at the sea, "Why do you remember everything, when everyone has forgotten?"

Vio looked at the ground, "Because I was punished, not to forget while I live and lose everything every time, and to be a devil every time, because you sinned, but I also sinned. They said this..."

"But.. I heard about you, this was the first time I hear your name, so I thought it was nonsense, but it is really you, your fate has been manipulated, so our lives have become intertwined."

"So? Why did you do this to me? Why, once again, did you make me stab my heart?"

"I thought maybe I would atone for my sin against you, if I freed you. I bet you've met every dragon in every life and you shouldn't have met me, so I don't understand why you're here. I wanted to free you."

I raised my head to the sky, "Please, Lord, just end this dream."

Vio spoke, "I prayed to the Lord that you would forgive me for the monster I had become, and that I would atone for my sin, and my prayer was answered, that I would hate you for the rest of my life, so that I would suffer from my sin and suffer more, and the more I destroy the world, the more I would live in pain. and that is why I hate you more, because I suffer pain. It's terrible because of you and I still feel sorry, so please, whether you live or die, be the one to end my life this time."

The scene ends in black, when Tian Yang opens his eyes and finds himself and Xiao Yan outside the royal palace, "Xiao Yan?? Why are we here?"

Xiao Yan opened her eyes, "What??"

"I remember opening my eyes and not finding them two, but suddenly we are here?"

Xiao Yan cried, "I.. I checked her and she wasn't breathing..."

Tianyang turned around as he heard the sound of something falling to the ground. Lu Yuxi was standing with her sword on the ground, "No way, she won't die foolishly like this."

Xiao Yao shouted at them, "Are you saying she died? You didn't even bring a body!"

The entire sky of the capital turned red that day... mourning the death of their queen.


See you in part two!