
Shadow of loyalty

Shadows of Loyalty" is a gripping thriller that explores the blurred lines between friendship, duty, and betrayal. Set in the dark underbelly of a crime-ridden Gotham City, the story follows Otto, a vigilante known as Nightfall, who has saved Batman's life on numerous occasions. However, when Otto realizes that Batman takes his loyalty for granted and never appreciates his sacrifices, he decides to part ways. As Otto tries to escape the clutches of Batman and his relentless pursuit, he becomes embroiled in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game with a sinister criminal organization. With the help of his loyal friend Cale and his beloved cat Kenji, Otto must uncover the secrets behind the criminal organization, all while evading Batman's relentless attempts to bring him back into the fold. The story delves into themes of loyalty, friendship, and the consequences of one's actions, as Otto's choices send shockwaves through Gotham City and challenge the dynamics between heroes and those who walk in the shadows.

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7 Chs

The Beginning of My Story

Me: It's time to go, Batman. The reactor is about to explode. 10, 9, 8...

Batman: We have to find the Joker. He's locked up; he must go to prison. He can't die here.

Me: It's either us or him. Will you sacrifice me for the Joker, Batman? Reactor 6, 5, 4...

Batman: Leave, don't interfere with me.

Me: *Knocks Batman unconscious and drags him outside.* Reactor 3, 2, 1. Loud explosions. Boom, boom. Batman wakes up.

Batman: What did you do? I would've caught him.

Me: He wasn't there; it was a trap. Why are you so dense when it comes to the Joker? I saved your life; be grateful.

Batman: I didn't ask you to save me. *Walks away.*

Me: Fine, whatever. I'm leaving. Don't contact me. *Walks away in the opposite direction.*