
Shadow of a Hero's Past

[Step into a world where magic exists, a mystical continent known as Arcadia. There, a young boy named Liam, living a commoner's life with his loving family, aspires to explore the world and make his name go down in history. Armed with his intellect and skills in magic, he manages to secure a scholarship to study at the magic academy, where he soon discovers the secrets of his true origins and a grand destiny awaiting him. Join Liam on his epic journey to find his place in the world and uncover the hidden secrets of Arcadia.]

Lynete · Fantasie
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6 Chs

A Window to The Soul

He felt even more anxious and insecure. He couldn't help but wonder why everyone was so fascinated with his pupil shape; he just didn't see what the big deal was.

"These are the eyes you wanted to see, aren't they?" Cyrus asked, looking at the woman with a smirk. She nodded, still in shock, and Liam couldn't help but notice her curious gaze lingering on his eyes.

Cyrus stepped forward and gently nudged Liam towards the woman behind the desk. "Please introduce yourself, Liam. And don't be too modest."

Liam took a deep breath and looked up at the woman, unsure of how to respond. He was already feeling nervous and overwhelmed by Cyrus' constant prying, and the unexpected attention from the woman only made things worse. He tried to calm himself down and speak with confidence, but he couldn't help but wonder why everyone was so interested in his pupil shape.

"I'm Liam, nice to meet you," he said, trying to sound as calm as possible. The woman nodded in response, still gazing intently at his pupil shape. A wave of apprehension washed over Liam, and he couldn't help but feel like an oddity.

Liam looked over at Cyrus, who was looking at him with a slight smile on his face. Liam felt confused and frustrated; he didn't understand why everyone was making such a fuss over his pupil shape. He wished he could just relax and not worry so much about how others perceived him.

Cyrus cleared his throat and spoke up, seeming a bit annoyed.

"You can stop staring at his eyes now, Emma."

Emma quickly nodded and turned her eyes away, still looking curious. Liam breathed a sigh of relief, thankful for Cyrus' interruption. He looked up at Emma and noticed that she was now looking at him with a warm, friendly expression. She began to speak, her tone gentle and reassuring.

"You must be Liam. It's lovely to meet you. My name is Emma, the Director of Admissions at the academy."

Emma smiles warmly and continues, "Your pupils are indeed unique. In the entire history of this academy, we have never seen anything like this." She pauses for a moment, looking at Liam with curious eyes. "I assume you know what your pupil shape means, right?"

Liam looks back at Emma, still feeling a bit uneasy. He doesn't really understand what all the fuss is about. He's always been different than other people, so maybe this is just another quirk of his physiology that makes him stand out. He looks at Emma with a slightly puzzled expression, wondering what she means by her question.

Emma smiles and continues, "The shape and pattern of your pupils aren't random or accidental. They're a deliberate and purposeful design, created by no man or creature, but by nature itself in a grand, mystical act of creation. It is proof that you are more than just a person - you're a part of the very fabric of the universe."

Liam stares back at Emma in amazement, his heart racing with shock. He'd never imagined that his pupil shape had such a profound meaning and significance, or that it could even be tied to something as mystical as the universe itself.

As Emma talks, Liam's heart races even faster, his mind struggling to process the weight of her words. He feels a rush of excitement and a sense of purpose, like he is truly meant for something greater in this world.

"You see, your eyes are a gift, a unique mark of destiny and fate. Your existence is part of the very fabric of the universe, the embodiment of life and magic itself," Emma says, her voice full of wonder and excitement.

Liam can hardly believe what he's hearing. He looks around, overwhelmed by the implications.

"You are destined for great things in this world, things only someone with your unique mark can achieve," Emma continues, her eyes glowing with appreciation and excitement as she talks. "You are the chosen one, the one destined to save the world from darkness and evil."

Liam stands there in shock as Emma's words sink in. He never thought much of his pupil shape, but now it all makes sense. He is not just some ordinary person, with a normal life and goals; he is meant for something greater, something only he can achieve. He feels both anxious and honored to be the chosen one.

Emma's words hang in the air as Liam processes their full significance. His heart is racing and his mind is reeling with the weight of this new reality. He can hardly believe that he, Liam, is the chosen one and that he has a destiny that no one else can fulfill.

Emma's eyes are still glowing, and she gives Liam a warm nod before continuing. "Now, enough of this talk. We don't have much time. You need to be prepared for what lies ahead." She opens a drawer and pulls out an envelope, which she hands to Liam.

"Everything you need to know and prepare for your journey is inside," Emma says as she stands up and begins to walk towards the door. Liam looks down at the envelope and opens it. It contains a map, along with a note with instructions on where to meet and what to do. He looks up at Emma with a grateful nod. She smiles in response, and Liam exits the room with determination and purpose. He finally understands why his pupil shape is so important and what he's meant to do. He won't let the world down, and he will fulfill his destiny.

As Liam walks out of the office, the excitement of Emma's words still ringing in his ears, he realizes that he needs to learn more about his pupil shape. He's heard rumors that it's a mark of destiny and that it's connected with magic, but he never understood much. He decides to do some research, hoping to find out more about the significance of his pupil shape and how it might help him in his role as the chosen one.

Liam heads to the library, hoping to find some answers.

As soon as he enters the library, Liam approaches the librarian, who is busy shelving books. She gives Liam a warm smile, and he explains that he's looking for information about pupil shapes and magical destiny.

The librarian nods knowingly and leads Liam to a nearby shelf containing several books on the subject. She pulls out a dusty tome, the cover covered in ornate symbols, and opens it to a passage describing the significance of a person's pupil shape in regards to their destiny. Liam quickly begins to read, eager to learn more about his own pupil shape and its connection to magic.

To his surprise there are hardly enough information about his own pupils. Just when Liam is about to leave the library he spots a dusty old grimoire, this caught his attention and opens the book.

The first statement in the book says "The eye is considered to be the window of the soul as it shows the innermost thoughts, emotions and feelings".

Liam's mind races as he reads the statement. He knows that the eye is seen as a window to the soul, but he never thought much of his pupil shape in that context. As the meaning of the passage sinks in, an idea surfaces in Liam's mind. Maybe his pupil shape is not simply a physical condition, but a manifestation of something deeper. Maybe the design of his pupil is not random, but a reflection of his own thoughts, emotions, and feelings.

Liam quickly searches the rest of the book, hoping to find more information about the connection between the eye and the soul.

Liam's eyes scan the pages of the dusty old grimoire, disappointment gradually settling in as he realizes that most of the pages are torn out. He feels a sense of frustration and disappointment.

Not knowing where to turn for answers. The connection between his pupil shape and his inner thoughts and feelings had intrigued him, but the lack of information left him wanting more.

As Liam's mind races with possibilities and ideas, he can't help but wonder why the book was treated with such disregard. Was there a reason why its contents were hidden or forbidden?

Liam closes the book and places it back on the shelf, still feeling disappointed and frustrated. He knows that there is more to his pupil shape than what he understands, and he's determined to find out what it is. As he leaves the library, a sudden thought crosses his mind.

Perhaps the librarian has some answers. Liam quickly heads back inside and approaches the librarian, who is shelving more books on the shelves. She looks up at Liam with a warm smile, noticing that he seems to be searching for something.

"Hello, librarian," Liam says politely as he approaches her. "I was wondering if you could help me with something."

The librarian looks up from her shelf and smiles at Liam. "Certainly, how can I assist you?"

Liam looks at her sheepishly, feeling a bit embarrassed to ask for help. "Earlier, I was reading a few books on pupil shapes and their relation to magic and destiny. But unfortunately, they didn't really have much information on my specific pupil shape."

The librarian sighs sympathetically, sensing Liam's frustration. "Yes, unfortunately not all books are complete or have all the answers you might be looking for."

Liam looks down, feeling disappointed at the lack of available information.

"However," the librarian continues, "there are certain people in this school who have gained great knowledge and wisdom over many years. They may be able to help you."

Liam looks back up with interest, his curiosity piqued by the librarian's offer. "Who are they?" he asks excitedly.

"We call them the Masters," the librarian explains, "They are wise and knowledgeable scholars who have been studying the secrets of magic and destiny for many years. They have accumulated vast collections of valuable knowledge and resources, passed down from generation to generation."

Liam's eyes brighten with excitement, his mind racing with imagination and possibilities. "Could you take me to one of them?" he asks, eager to meet with one of the Masters and gain the knowledge he's been searching for.

"Of course," the librarian says with a smile. "Come with me, I can introduce you to one of the Masters."

Liam follows the librarian, his heart racing and his mind filled with questions and wonder. He's been waiting for this moment for a long time, and now it's finally happening. He can hardly believe that he's going to meet with one of the Master scholars, who will no doubt be able to help him learn more about his pupil shape and its significance.

The librarian leads Liam through the halls of the academy, passing by other scholars and students who stare curiously at him and his unique pupil shape. Liam can feel his heart racing as they approach the door of the Master's study.

The librarian opens the door and gestures for Liam to enter the room. Liam takes a deep breath and steps inside, his heart beating quickly and his mind racing with excitement. He takes in his surroundings, noticing the richly decorated study. There are countless books, scrolls, and other valuable resources covering every available surface.

He also sees a desk in the center of the room, behind which sits a kindly-looking older man with a grey beard. This must be one of the Masters, and now it's time to learn what he has come to find out.

Liam steps forward with determination, stepping up to the man behind the desk. "Hello, Master," he says politely, feeling a bit nervous but determined to get the answers he's been searching for. The man looks up from his work, and his friendly gaze meets Liam's pupil shape. His eyes widen with surprise and curiosity, as if he's never seen anything like it before.

"How can I help you, dear boy?" he asks warmly. "Do you require guidance or a lesson?" Liam looks back at him with appreciation, grateful for the chance to finally learn more about his pupil shape.

"Sir, I was hoping you could tell me more about my pupil shape," Liam says seriously. "I've heard rumors that it's a mark of destiny or a sign of something great, but I don't know what to make of it." The old man smiles faintly and nods, clearly understanding the significance of Liam's pupil shape.

"Your pupil shape is a unique and powerful marker, my boy," the Master explains, his voice steady and reassuring. "It was given to you by the gods as a sign that you have been chosen for a greater purpose in this world."

Liam is stunned by the Master's words, his heart beating quickly with excitement and anticipation. "Chosen by the gods?" he asks, his voice quivering with amazement. "What do you mean, sir? What have I been chosen for?"

The Master chuckles and pats Liam on the shoulder warmly. "That, my boy, is for you to find out. The gods do not reveal the details of their plans to mortals, they simply leave it to us to discover for ourselves." The Master smiles at Liam encouragingly. "Now, what else would you like to know?"

Liam looks at the Master intently, his mind racing with questions. "If I've been chosen by the gods, does that mean I have a destiny that only I can fulfill?" he asks excitedly. The Master nods and smiles warmly at him, confirming Liam's suspicions. "Then what is my destiny?" Liam asks, the curiosity and excitement getting the better of him.

The Master laughs gently and says, "Your destiny is something you must discover for yourself, my boy. The gods do not reveal the future to mortals, they simply leave us to pursue and achieve it on our own."

"I understand, sir," Liam replies politely, feeling somewhat frustrated by the Master's answer. But he knows that he has much to think about and understand, and he knows that he's been given a great responsibility. As the Master dismisses him, Liam exits his study and heads back towards his dorm.

As he walks through the halls, the sun slowly begins to set, casting its warm, golden light over the academy. Liam looks up at it and smiles, grateful to have experienced such a wonderful day. As he continues towards his dorm, he can't help but feel excited about what the future might hold for him.

As Liam enters his dorm, he settles in for the night and reflects on the day's events. He can't help but wonder what his destiny will be, and what role the gods have planned for him in this world. His unique pupil shape has brought many unexpected changes to his life, but now he can't help but feel like there is something bigger waiting for him. All he can do now is wait and see, and work to fulfill his destiny in the best way he can.

After settling down in his dorm for the night, Liam can't help but notice the absence of his roommate, Cyrus. He takes a look around his room and even Cyrus' own room, but there's no sign of the other boy. Liam feels a twinge of worry, but he quickly tells himself that Cyrus must simply be somewhere else.

"Cyrus?" he calls out, hoping that he is nearby.

His call is met with silence, however. The empty dorm room seems to mock him. Liam feels uneasy, wondering where Cyrus could be. He approach the window near his bed and saw Cyrus training in the courtyard in the middle of the night.

Liam stares out the window in wonder, surprised to see Cyrus training in the courtyard. He wonders why Cyrus would be doing this in the middle of the night, but he's also intrigued. He decides to watch quietly from the window, not wanting to interfere or disturb Cyrus in his nighttime practice.

Cyrus moves about the courtyard with a calm and focused grace. His movements are fluid and precise, his expressions determined and unwavering. The soft moonlight illuminates his features, giving him a otherworldly appearance. Liam watches in fascination as Cyrus moves in coordination.

As Liam watches Cyrus train in the courtyard, he realizes that tomorrow will be the day when their abilities and magic power will be tested and graded. He feels a sense of anticipation and excitement, wondering how this test will determine his destiny and that of his classmates.

Liam looks back out the window, watching as Cyrus continues his training with determination and precision. The moonlight illuminates the courtyard, casting a soft glow over the scene. Liam feels drawn to it, as if something important is about to happen. He gazes at the moonlight and wonders what the future has in store for him and his classmates.

As the night presses on, the moon slowly moves across the darkened sky, its soft light filtering through the window and casting an otherworldly glow over the room. Liam lays in bed, his eyes growing heavy with fatigue and slumber. Suddenly, he feels a strange sensation, as if the moonlight is calling to him.

As Liam gazes out the window, he notices that his irises are beginning to glow softly, like a connection with the lunar light. His eyes glimmer with a starry sheen, drawing him towards the window and the moonlight beyond. But Liam doesn't notice the wonder in his eyes as he quietly falls asleep.

The morning sun rays broke through the clouds, painting the campus in a glittering glow. Liam and his classmates arrived at the academy's courtyard, nervous and excited in anticipation of today's exams. Emma, the director of admissions, stood at the front, holding a mysterious device that shimmered with its own light.

"The first test will gauge your mana," she explained, "using this device. Your mana levels will be analyzed in order to better comprehend your capabilities." Her voice was soft and gentle, yet full of determination and confidence.

Emma then called the students one by one, with each placing their hand on the device that registered their mana level. As the results were shown, a few reactions around the room were noticeable, with whispers of surprise and speculation at some students' high mana levels, while others' scores seemed more average. Some students also seemed to be sizing up their competition, while the overall atmosphere remained tense with nerves and anticipation.

Finally, Emma called out Liam's name and he stepped forward, placing his hand on the device. As the final result showed a mana score of 234, a few reactions were seen among his classmates.

Cyrus was the next student called, stepping forward and placing his hand on the device. After a moment, a score of 247 mana registered, beating Liam by a slight margin. This sparked some surprised reactions in the room, as Cyrus now led with the highest mana score. Cyrus, feeling confident and competitive, also glared at Liam, sizing him up as his rival and seeing him as a threat.

Some students whispered around the room, excited at the competition between the two students for the coveted top one to the magic academy.

As the results and reactions continued around the room, an atmosphere of competition and rivalry filled the room, with students sizing one another up based on their mana test scores. It was an exciting and anticipated moment, with many nervous and anxious students waiting for their turn on the device and hoping to do well. Cyrus and Liam sat and waited for themselves, their competition and rivalry only intensifying after Cyrus' score.

Finally, the device showed the last result to be revealed, and the students grew silent and still, waiting to see who would ultimately gain the highest score.

But the anticipation was cut short with a sudden interruption. Just as it seemed the highest mana scorer would be crowned, a loud shout came from the campus gate, the voice of a student who was not taking his exam today. With curiosity and excitement, various students stood up to investigate. Liam followed suit, his interest piqued as he and his classmates rushed to see what the commotion was.

Cyrus remained seated, his eyes burning with frustration and a competitive fire at not being able to see who had won. Emma, the Director of Admissions remained seated, looking concerned. What could be causing such a disturbance?

As the shouting continued, those who rushed outside soon returned with excitement and urgency, telling Emma and the other students about the strange sight they had seen. With their words, the Director and the students had all become curious, their questions about what they had seen only intensifying.

Liam and the other students looked toward each other with excitement and anticipation, their interest building and curiosity peaking. What could this disturbance be and what was causing it? Liam wondered, wondering what would happen next.

Emma, who appeared more and more concerned, decided to investigate for herself. She rose from her seat and stepped towards the gate, a few other students following close behind. Liam and Cyrus were among the first to arrive at the gate, waiting for Emma to uncover the mystery.

What was causing this disturbance? What strange sight had they seen? Finally, Emma returned to the courtyard, her face pale with fear and her eyes wide and startled. What could have caused this reaction? Liam and Cyrus looked to her for an answer, but Emma was too stunned to speak.

As the strange dark cloud covered the sky, Emma's fear only grew, and she remained silent, seeming in awe of the sight. Liam and Cyrus traded glances once more, their expressions growing tense with fear and anticipation.

What could be causing Emma to react with such fear? What was behind the strange dark cloud that had suddenly appeared? They looked toward the direction of the cloud, trying to see what was causing it, but the strange darkness made it impossible to see what lay beyond. Emma remained silent, her face paler than ever.

With nothing but the ominous darkness creeping over the horizon, Cyrus felt a mounting sense of panic. A fearful and tense atmosphere grew in the courtyard, as other students began to take notice of the strange dark cloud and Emma's reaction to it. Liam could feel the tension in the air, as everyone looked to one another in bewilderment and anticipation. Something strange was happening, but no one knew what it was. And whatever it was, it had Emma feeling afraid.

From out of nowhere, a colossal claw slashed through the dark sky, tearing through it like paper and causing a cacophonous rattle. All those in the courtyard were frozen in fear and wonder at the unusual sight.

The claw appeared seemingly with malicious intent, as if seeking to destroy the heavens themselves. The chaos of the sudden and violent event left the students and faculty members stunned and speechless, overwhelmed with amazement and disbelief at the sight before them.

[Some explanation for all of you, Dormitories are devided into 2 divisions, 1 is the boys and the 2 is for the girls. 1 dorm room = 2 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 bathroom and 1 storage area. Liam and Cyrus are in 1 dorm room and have their own bedrooms]

Lynetecreators' thoughts