
Shadow Monarch: Ruler of Darkness

Daniel, a man who lost the love of his life to disease along with his parents was very devastated and felt like the world fell apart on him, in the end he died and thought that he would finally meet his love. But found something bigger and found that his love was still alive in another world so he decided to go that world to find her. Follow his journey that will he filled with adventures and dangers yet very exciting, I guess.

TheSlothfulKing · Anime und Comics
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38 Chs

Chapter 7

The Shadow Monarch was standing while holding the sleeping Akeno while listening to the melody of screams that her uncle was making with a satisfied smile on his face.

Shuri was indeed doing good for him to look like that as she was torturing him by peeling his skin slowly using her power.

The man screamed so loud but there was no one to help him or save him, he was all alone in the hands of a sadistic woman who smiling at him while peeling his skin making blood flow out. His screams were unbearable for normal people to listen to and even could make them feel unhappy and uncomfortable to look or hear.

But to Shuri, she was smiling while doing her thing.

A common knowledge that all know, the main sensitive part of the human body not the internal organs or anything but the skin, all the sensitivity centers exist in the skin after all, so you will only feel pain when your skin get cut but not something inside of you.

So, the process of peeling the skin is the most painful and slowest torment a person could have.

Feeling your skin being peeled slowly could make you lose your mind from pain.

And that was what was happening with the poor man on the ground amidst the pool of red blood with disfigured bodies surrounding him.

His mind was being broken completely due to the pain and the consequences of his actions. This is what you wanted and this is what you get.

You wanted to kill her and you were now the one being killed.

A fair judgement.

Time passed quickly and now Shuri was standing in front of the unrecognizable body of the man who wanted to kill her and tried to kill her daughter.

She had a very satisfied smile on her face while her clothes and face were stained in blood from the earlier process that she used every second and minute of it enjoy it along with the screams that made her want to do more.

The man was now unrecognizable and not breathing at all, after she did more than just peeling some skin.

After his whole skin was peeled, she pulled out his eyes balls and crushed them with her hands, then removed all of his nails in another painful process, then cut off his manhood completely even his balls were not spared as they were crushed with her feet.

Then broke his fingers and arms along with his legs and his spine. She did all of that until he died in her hands in the end. And now she was having a very satisfied smile while sighing.

Slowly, the dark in her eyes began disappearing and returned to her usual golden brown eyes that exuded gentleness and care.

Looking down at what she did, she didn't have any kind of horror expression or something, just an indifferent face before she turned and looked back at the man who helped her by saving her daughter and giving her the final push to get ride of all her problems from the beginning.

'Clearly in the anime that man didn't die as he killed Shuri while her daughter escaped until she met the girl from the Gremory house and helped her.'

'But, all the heroins in this anime were brainless and could only depend on someone who were shouting Oppai with pride to get stronger. I bet the author had some brain issues or something to write something like this.

Like, he made a great world background with strong characters, but the main and supporting characters are brainless and don't learn from their mistakes to get stronger, just depending on someone to save them and protect them.

This is just....dumb.'

The Monarch had a talk with himself while looking at the woman who looked at him gently and a little bit of fear.

'But the now Shuri became a completely different person, she killed her enemy with her own hands and that is just the starting line for her to be independent and strong woman and I will make sure she will be like that.'

Shuri although she was thankful for the man for what he had done so far, but she was still afraid of him a little as his power was unknown to her, she didn't see anything like that at all.

A complete darkness that could make you lose your mind if you just glanced at it.

Not just that, in his shadow, a whole army of beings were hidden waiting for their Liege's order to wreck havock in the world.

She bet that if he wants to wage a war on the word, nothing can stop him.

Then looking at her daughter who was still sleeping in that man's arms, Shuri was worried that he would do something to her which was something he noticed.

"Don't worry, I'm planning on doing nothing to her, you can come and take her." He said with calm voice so to make her relax which was effective as she calmed down and relaxed before walking toward the man with steady steps until she reached him.

He gave her little Akeno who she took in her arms and looked at her with a loving smile.

"Thank you sir, thank you so much for what you did. If you hadn't come, my daughter would have been.." Shuri couldn't say it as she didn't want to something like that happen to her daughter at all.

"No need, I was just passing by and noticed some disturbance so I came to know what was happening. That's it."

Shuri didn't believe it of course and just smiled. After all she didn't see that man anywhere around.

It was just a feeling that this wasn't the truth and that feeling was true most of the time, anyway, she didn't care as long as her daughter was safe and sound.

The man looked at the women and nodded before turning his gaze at the pool of blood and disfigured bodies and organs that could make the one vomit, then suddenly, his eyes glowed and purple fire coated everything reducing it to ashes and steam.

Shuri was surprised by the show of power but didn't say anything so to not interrupt and just watched.

The fire are everything leaving nothing behind.

After that, he called Beru back to his shadow which caught Shuri's attention, then turned to her.

"Now, with everything settled. Will you continue living here?"

"If I didn't have a husband I would leave here, but I have to stay to wait him."

"Although he didn't come to rescue you, even if he was watching everything from the beginning?"

"What?! What do you mean?"

"Like I said, he has been watching you since the beginning,"

"But, how did you know?"

"Let me show you."

He extended his hand and made a grabbed motion before pulling.

Suddenly from the bushes, a tall man with black hair and violet eyes along with ten black wings from his back was thrown out on the ground.

"Ugh, that hurts little you know." The man said while rubbing his ass to ease the pain.

Shuri looked at the man with shocked face, several emotions swirling inside her.

Her heart raced and the shock intensified.

This man in front of her was her husband, the man she said she was waiting for.

Baraqiel, one of the leaders of the fallen angels faction, the Grigori.

She couldn't believe it.

"Baraqiel," She said but her voice was shaking a little.

The man in question stood up and looked at his wife with apologetic look.

"Shuri, l-I missed you honey, h-how were you doing."

Hearing this, Shuri felt great pain in her heart. Her husband was watching everything from the beginning and didn't come to even protect his daughter who was about to be killed!


"Just why didn't you come and save us. Your daughter was about to die!" Her voice was shaky and loud while looking at him waiting to answer.

Baraqiel who heard this had a wary expression and was thinking of a way to answer. He began sweating at his wife's gaze that was more dangerous than usual.

He felt a sense of fear from that gaze.

"I-I was about to come and save you but that man over there came first and did what I wanted to do." He said while remembering the scene of his wife torturing the man with worst ways possible that made him shudder.

But did what he said was true?

Of course it was a lie, a big lie that no one even a child couldn't believe.

And of course Shuri knew it was a lie and didn't believe every word came out of his filthy mouth.


Very disappointed.

She couldn't believe that her husband was lying to her, at least tell a believable lie, but no, like s dumb told such a lie.

'You even didn't come and save your daughter who was about to die, if you had been here from the beginning, you could have got ride of them and prevented them from doing anything. You unfaithful bastard!'

Her body shuddered from anger and her eyes turned dark like two black holes that showed an intensity of killing intent that could kill a normal human being.

Baraqiel who felt this became serious and looked at his wife.

"Shuri what happened to you? Isn't your daughter in a good condition and is saved by that young man right there. Then why are emitting such a heavy killing intent toward me?"

"You bastard, do you think that I will believe all your lies? You piece of shit! Did you think that I don't know about your affairs with other women?!"

"YOU UNFAITHFUL BASTARD!" Her aura flared to dangerous levels.

But then, the Shadow Monarch appeared beside her and touched her shoulder, making her suddenly calm down.

"At this rate, your daughter will be hurt, so give her to me while you deal with him the way you like." He said making her nod and give her daughter to him.

She was still sleeping because of his soothing aura that made her feel comfortable and continue sleeping.

But secretly, the Monarch glanced at Baraqiel and his eyes glowed slightly before glow diminished.

Then walked away, leaving the two to deal with each other.

Baraqiel didn't realize that his power was sealed and can't use it.

Shuri who looked at Baraqiel became so angry and wanted to rip him apart.

"Shuri are you out of your mind finally? What are you talking about?" He said.

"Do you think that I didn't know that you were fucking around with women without me knowing? Beside your earlier lie that was so obvious. You are so terrible Baraqiel and a fucking big bastard!" She shouted as her aura flared again.

Baraqiel felt a huge pressure falling down on him making him kneel with his knees breaking the ground.

He felt confused as that shouldn't happen to him.

'What the fuck? How she became so strong? Or I'm the one who became weak?' He thought before trying to use his power to stand up, but then he was shocked.

'HOW? I can't feel my power!'


He didn't have time to think about why he couldn't use his powers as Shuri slapped him in the face sending him flying to the ground.

Then Shuri came closer and looked down on him before coating her hand with power before started to slap him.




She continued slapping while Baraqiel couldn't do anything, he was like a helpless child.

After some time slapping, Shuri had enough and looked at the disfigured face of Baraqiel before kicking him in the stomach making him groan in pain then she felt toward the Shadow Monarch.

"Still want to stay?"

She looked at him in the eye and said "No!"

"Very well." He said before pulling her to him by the waist which made her blush and looked look like s little girl.

Then he wrapped him and her with his shadow before they sank in the ground and disappeared from the place, leaving beaten up Baraqiel alone who was sobbing like a lonely child.

His powers aren't back yet tho.